There Has Never Been 100% Committment

Happy Day of All True Things!
This is also the 67th Anniversary of the founding of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (1954) by Reverend Sun Myung Moon.
Today we have a special reading for the Holy Day.

The Day of All True Things 1986

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

How long have I been gone? When you are waiting for something or someone, the days seem long. Have the days been longer during True Parents, absence? Coming here and seeing your happy, bright and exuberant faces makes me feel good.

If there were no True Parents, we could not have such a gathering, in which people are assembled from every continent in the world to celebrate this historic day. I would like you to fully realize that tremendous suffering and historical preparation were necessary to allow this celebration to happen. Many special saints-from the earliest days of Judaism and Christianity-have lived and died for the sake of a day of such historical significance. It is because of their preparations that we could gather like this.

You need to remember that each of you is the fruit of your ancestral tree. In order for just one fruit to be harvested at this time and in order for each one of you to be here in this room, hundreds of thousands of years of effort have been made. Those sacrificial people of the past could not be here today but you can, so you must be deeply grateful for all their effort.

Today, then, is the day of harvest of the fruit of history- yourselves. This fruit represents the hope for mankind, the hope of the True Parents and the hope of God. When the seeds from your fruit are planted, they will be the hope of the world. That is the meaning of this gathering today. Truly the blessing of God has been given abundantly to each one of you. Amen!

Today is the 24th Day of All Things. Are people included within all things or are they in a separate category? Only the Unification Church celebrates these special holidays, including God’s Day, Children’s Day, Parents, Day, and Day of All Things. In our observance of these holidays, we are setting a new tradition for history. If there were no God, there could be no such celebrations. God is the Creator and we and all things make up His creation. So the Creator and the creation represent two levels.

Why did the Creator create human beings and all things? Do you think the purpose of creation was to fulfill God’s need, the needs of all things, or the needs of people? In other words, for whose purpose did God create-Himself, human beings, or all things? We have the understanding that God created out of His own need, but why does God need all the things of creation, if He is almighty and omnipresent? He can fulfill His wishes and desires at any moment and He must not be lacking anything. Do you think it was absolutely necessary for God to create men and women?

When we talk about human beings, we talk about the two elements-men and women. For men, what is most important? For woman, what is most important? Is it money? Knowledge and power-that must be it. We know that money, power and knowledge are not absolutely important, but there is one thing which is. For men, it is women; for women, it is men. They need each other, absolutely.

From a fundamental viewpoint, why were women born? You were born for the sake of men, period. And we can say the same thing for men-you were born for the sake of women. There can be no completion or perfection of humankind unless there is true harmony and unity between men and women. How can men and women become one? It is only by love. What kind of love? True love. True love means original love. God is the origin of love, so when we speak about original love, we are talking about the love of God.

The value of men and women is the same in that respect: You are not living for yourself but for the sake of each other. A woman lives for a man and a man lives for a woman. By living that way and loving each other, the true value of a man and a woman comes into being.

Who created this idea and these ideals? They do not spring from men and women but from God. The purpose of existence for men and women comes from God, just as the motivation for human beings springs from within God’s heart. God was motivated to create men and women, not as a manifestation of His power but as the result of His love and creativity. It doesn’t make you feel so good to think that you are merely the product of someone’s power, but being the product of love makes you feel very inspired.

Imagine if God created men and women as a commodity by which He could earn a lot of money. Then we wouldn’t feel good at all, would we? You laugh at such an idea-to think that God would create us for His fund raising product. You laugh because it is absurd to think that God needed people for earning money and fattening His bankbook. We are created out of far nobler motivations.

Our body, then, becomes one with our mind-not centered upon money, knowledge or power but centered upon true, original love. Your body has five senses and so does your spirit. These spiritual and physical senses are meant to harmonize into one, centered upon true love. Then there is no further need, no place higher or more fulfilling. That is the way mind and body are supposed to be, totally happy.

There is a physics experiment in which one of two metal bars is struck with a predetermined velocity. The resultant sound wave hits the second bar, which vibrates with a sound of the same wave length. Likewise, between mind and body there is meant to be one shared vibration; each of them is meant to vibrate on the same wave length. Our mind and body are waiting for the true love vibration, which does not come from within human beings. That love vibration must come from somewhere else and hit the mind, which then hits the body. Then they vibrate together with the same wave length.

Men and women, therefore, are like two standing, complementary sound bars. A man’s sound bar can only resound in response to the woman’s love, and vice versa. Each should initiate the vibration of the other. Thus we say that love doesn’t really belong to you; it doesn’t even come from you. It comes from the other side, your object.

The man has male sexual organs and the woman has female sexual organs and even those do not belong to themselves alone. You are the custodian of those organs and they exist for the sake of your mate, who has the true ownership. This is a rather new realization. So you have no freedom to abuse those parts. This is a major problem with American society today, particularly with the young people. They think their love instrument is theirs to use or abuse, according to their whims. All kinds of moral degradation have come about because of such thinking.

Today’s American young people are, in a way, the saddest, most tragic generation because of this lack of understanding. The self indulgence of the so called “Me” generation is leading young people to their own destruction. God did not create them for that purpose. They have no way to find their original, Principled satisfaction and no way to fulfill their lives, as long as they pursue that deviated way.

How many owners of your love should there be? Why only one? Some people cry, “The more the better!” Is that correct? Ultimately speaking, the ownership of love doesn’t belong to either men or women but to the original owner, God. When you speak of “God” you include the meaning of absolute. The absolute God created for absolute purposes. In love, therefore, that means only one, not dozens of extras. Something absolute doesn’t need a spare because it cannot go wrong.

One of the greatest truths taught in the Unification Church is that God has dual essentialities of sung sang and hyung sang. What is the creation? It is the place in which the invisible God planted His character and gave it visible form. The creatures God made are the evidence or manifestation of God’s nature. We have seen that two different kinds of people came from God’s planted seed-men and women. We say, therefore, that God cannot be represented through men or women alone; neither one fully completes God’s image.

What was God’s motivation in planting His character into the creation? It was love. God was seeking the fulfillment of love through give and take with His creation. God expressed Himself through the two beings of plus and minus, or men and women, and neither can find their completion alone. Without their completion of love, then even God cannot find the completion of His love.

Completion comes as men and women grow in love and come closer and closer together. Men and women grow in two ways-first, in their individual love for God. They realize that love comes from God and their desire for loving Him becomes stronger and stronger. In the meantime, as they mature, they also begin to desire love from each other-men from women and women from men. The body structures of men and women change as their capacity for love grows. An amazing thing is that there is a “homing device” within them that always draws them together; it never pushes them in the opposite direction.

Men and women are meant to be the temples of God, so when love grows within them, the dwelling of God comes closer and closer. In other words, the time when the love between men and women can be consummated is the same time when their love for God can be consummated and completed. When God centered men and women consummate their love, God also feels the fulfillment of His love.

The movement of God’s love is vertical. The universe has vertical and horizontal lines-all created beings move in vertical as well as horizontal lines. When you talk about the angle of horizontal lines, you automatically denote the vertical line.

When we say “She is a woman” we denote the existence of man. Likewise, when we say, “He is a man” we include the existence of woman. The two opposite positions must exist in relationship, never separately. These words then: “Men, women, and love” can be said only within a complementary context. We assume the existence of the others when we say any of those words.

The motion of love is always circular. Many times in movies we see two lovers running toward each other and embracing, turning around and around. Men and women are meant to turn together, but they must have an anchor, some center and discipline to their love. They cannot just revolve in every direction.

In the expression of love, each cell is almost ready to explode. Of course, that kind of explosion does not produce chaos; it is guided by a certain discipline. There is great flexibility and harmony in the expansion and contraction of love. When do you meet God? Men and women centered upon true love represent the total image of God. That is when the image of God becomes real.

The motion of love joins together with the vertical line coming down and gigantic circular movement is begun. In other words, the love of God along the vertical line is always circling. At the same time, men and women are also making circular motion in their love. This is another element of universal principle-there is no straight line or movement in God’s creation; it is always a circling movement. Everything comes to a certain point and then returns, then comes back, and so forth.

In the circling motion of family love there is the father’s position, the mother’s position, the children’s position, as well as God’s position. That is what we call the Heavenly four position foundation. God, on the vertical line, is connected with the children; the father and mother are connected on the horizontal line. When millions of these Heavenly four position foundations fill the earth, that will be what we call Heaven on earth.

Always the vertical line of true love must intersect the horizontal line at a ninety degree angle. Your horizontal line must cross the vertical line at a ninety degree angle. Then your small circling motion can expand to larger and larger levels. In order to cross with a perfect ninety degrees, there can be no deviation. You must have absolute love toward God. The woman must love her husband absolutely; the man must love his wife absolutely. The fathers and mother’s love toward the children must be absolute, without deviation. If any deviation is there, a ninety degree crossing cannot be possible.

In this Heavenly four position foundation, you can experience love of the children, love of the parents, love of husband, love of wife, and love of God. Learning these things qualifies you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven; without these you cannot dwell there, either here on earth on in the spirit world. What is the Kingdom of Heaven? It is like a storehouse of all these loves-of the parents, the children, husband and wife. It is where they can dwell after being harvested. That is what we call Heaven. That particular result can only come through living within a Heavenly four position foundation here on earth; by practicing these loves you will attain the proper qualification to enter Heaven in spirit world.

How does a tree naturally behave? What is the ideal for a tree? There are many different types of trees, such as the chestnut, fir, and olive, but each one’s goal is to create its most perfect fruit. That perfect fruit would be identical to the original chestnut, fir or olive. That is the goal of each tree; they don’t want to produce anything different from the seed which started them. That is the only way the same fruit can be multiplied, generation after generation. Later on, the seeds from each fruit can be planted in a larger space and multiplication can take place a hundred fold, a thousand fold and even a million fold, each with identical results. That is the way Heaven grows. Do you follow?

The love of God is like a weight which drops down on a string; the children are at the base, in the receiving position, where that weight falls. The line of that string is always absolutely vertical. The position of a woman, as the mother, is to live for the sake of the other three elements-first for God, then her husband and children. When she does that, she also engenders the man’s love toward God, toward the children and toward herself. You cannot engender the love of other people unless you live for their sake first. For that reason, anyone who lives only for his or her own sake will not bring forth good fruit, good result.

In the world today and particularly in the United States, so many people seem to be “me” centered. People think, “You must come to me and do what I want. I am the most important” The fall of man originally created this way of thinking. That is what brought “me” into center stage. Because of the fall, everything is reversed. Restoration, therefore, is the removal of “me” from the center; let “me” serve for the sake of others. By doing that, we engender give and take in the proper order.

Everyone has his proper position. The man takes the right side, the woman the left side; God is in the upper position and the children in the lower. These are the four positions, existing in complementary directions. There is only one power in the universe that can bring all these directions into harmony at the same time, all at one stroke. That power is called true love.

I emphasize true love simply because there are other kinds of love as well. There is selfish and perverted love, which exists in opposition to true love. True love always selects the center as its meeting place. God’s true love wants to go to the center, as does man’s and woman’s true love. In that love, one gives himself one hundred percent with no reservations. With that kind of commitment, there is virtually no consciousness of day and night. You don’t say, “Wait until tomorrow morning. This is a bad time” Any time, any moment is okay.

You can travel all the way to the ends of the world if you originated in the center and you will always come back to that center. God doesn’t have to go chasing around all over the place. He can sit and wait at the center, knowing that everyone will inevitably come back to Him.

When you are living with this 100% commitment of true love, you don’t have to worry or have ulcers. You can always have serenity and peace of mind, knowing that as you stay in the center, everything always comes back to you. You are the winner. This is the ideal realm of the heart of man – shim jung – heartle. When there is 100% commitment, there is 100% freedom. The tiny little child can climb all over his grandfather; he has that kind of total freedom. The big, muscular husband can lay his head on his wife’s lap. That is what we call the romantic, dramatic life of men and women, where you enjoy true freedom within true love.

Let’s say the wife is totally exhausted at night but as soon as she sees her husband’s face, she becomes renewed and revitalized. That is the power of love-to ignite and electrify. Love is like electricity. Suppose one parent is totally distraught because he thinks his child has been lost; then all of a sudden, that child comes back. When the parent sees that child again, he or she becomes instantly rejuvenated. Without knowing where such energy comes from, that mother or father becomes a new person.

This is the same as God. In a way, God is tired and fatigued, like the disheartened parent. But as soon as He sees the perfected Adam and Eve in the unity of true love, He can forget everything, including His tiredness and His dignity, and become electrified with true love. He could come down and find His dwelling among human beings.

When that union of true love occurs between people and God, there will be nothing but joy and celebration throughout the universe. There will be singing and dancing in Heaven, on earth and everywhere else in that celebration of love. Looking at the families of the world from this heavenly, ideal standpoint, we can see that they are very far from it. There has never been 100% commitment but always some reservation. Men and women want to claim their own rights, saying “This is mine. Don’t touch that” They want to claim their own territories and their own “personal secrets”

With such selfish reservations, a woman could never become a beautiful wife, for instance. Rather, she would be like a monster, ready to shoot out venom. Many American husbands tremble when they just think of their wives! That is one reason men pursue other men and women pursue other women. This perverted situation occurs because our society has fallen so far below the realm of God’s principles. This is the reality of American life.

Reverend Moon has come to ignite the reformation of love and inaugurate the new, harmonious family system. This is Heavenly principle. No matter what people may say about Reverend Moon now, history will vindicate us. Eventually, America will realize that it needs Reverend Moon to be saved. Amen!

Reverend Moon’s dream is to restore the world into a beautiful palace where the dignity and sovereignty of love can reign. There all men and women will live in families under the principle of true love. That is the ideal of the True Parents. Love bestows special privileges. First of all, it makes people equal: regardless of social differences, two people are on the same level when they are in love. Suppose a young man has a very small, homely wife whom he loves nonetheless. Imagine that that young man eventually becomes the President of the United States. No matter how small or ugly his wife may be, she will be elevated into the status of First Lady. Isn’t that true?

Another privilege of love is that of inheritance. The beloved gains the right to own the treasures of the loved one. What does this mean? This is a great truth. When you men and women create the perfectly loving couple, God’s dwelling place is within you. You are loving God and thus you are, in a sense, being elevated to the level of God. The children and God gain the same level. Furthermore, you have the right to inherit the Kingdom of God. Everything that belongs to Him belongs to His children as well.

Compare this concept with the way many American people approach their relationships. Many women want to have their own private bank accounts that their husbands cant touch, and vice­versa. How different that is from the

ideal. You can lose your separate bank account at any time, but you can never lose love. Even though the satanic world came into being after the fall of man, people still retained a taste of the original love. That is why we have hope, even in this world, for true love and restoration.

The universe has a built in defense system. Anybody who lives for the sake of original love will be welcomed by the universe and embraced. On the other hand, anybody who tries to turn away from true love will be rejected and punished by the universe. For that reason, all types of love other than true love will eventually be destroyed.

There are powers of both attraction and repulsion in the universe. The law of repulsion, however, exists in order to protect rightful give and take between subject and object. As you know, there are the two forces of plus and minus in electricity. Plus and minus pull each other in order to harmonize and unite. But plus and plus repel each other, as do minus and minus, in order to protect the cohesiveness of the plus and minus unity.

Why are we gathered together on this Day of All Things? I have been speaking all morning about true love. What does that have to do with all things of creation? All things exist for the sake of the expression of true love. Look at the beauty of the flowers and all their different colors; look at all the other beautiful things of nature. All these are meant to provide a better environment for men and women to experience and express true love.

When all things welcome you, including the trees, flowers, rocks, water and grasses, how do you want to respond to them? Would you give them an insipid greeting, or would you feel like shouting out your joy to see them? Rather than just shouting out “Mansei!” separately, wouldn’t it be better for husband and wife to be holding hands and jumping up together, whirling around and shouting “Mansei!” with all your might?

Look at the flowers and how they express love. Within one flower there is both the male and female aspect, the stamen and pistil. Plus and minus are contained within one; love is joined within each flower. Why did God create all things? It was in order to make an environment in which husband and wife could engender the best, most beautiful love. All things exist to augment that true love.

There are many different kinds of flowers, but no ugly ones; every flower has its own unique beauty. Likewise, all the animals express their uniqueness for the sake of human beings. The male and female birds sing love songs to the universe for the sake of men and women. All the creatures are there in their own special fashion to express the love of God toward us. To play music, you need a musical instrument. By the same token, to engender love you need some instruments. All things are those instruments of love.

If you could ask a flower, “What kind of place would you like to decorate with your beauty?” it would tell you, “I want to decorate the room where the true glory of God permeates, where true men and women are loving each other” That is the true wish of the flowers. They want to be placed where they can glorify God together with men. Therefore, even after all these thousands of years since the fall of man, the flowers have maintained their tradition, blossoming year after year, waiting for the one day when they can say, “Hallelujah! Finally we have seen true men and women on earth. The dwelling of God is with men. Now let us really, fully blossom. Amen!”

All things are waiting for that one day, the day of the appearance of true men and women, so they can finally fulfill their purpose of creation. Look at the lilies here on this table. You can imagine that they must be jubilant to be decorating the room where I am speaking about true love. These flowers never expected to be in such a place. It is their great joy and surprise! When you go about your daily life, you tend to become apathetic and not pay attention to the flowers and other forms of creation. In that case, they will never appreciate you; so from now on, you have to appreciate the character and personality of all things.

There are many great classics of literature written by the best writers of history. What is literature all about? It is largely the description of the things of the universe, such as the oceans, wind, rocks, and so forth. If you removed the descriptive words from books, you would have virtually nothing left. Writers always give the most realistic and meaningful descriptions of human beings by comparing them with things in nature. For example: “My lover’s smile is like the morning lily” “She blossoms like the springtime cherry tree” Without such comparisons, what do we have left? “My love has a round face” or “My love has a big nose and small eyes” Not much in the way of literature. When people who live in the desert describe love, it reflects the desert, since that is all they know.

I have expressed two important concepts today, namely that all things are the ornaments of love and also that they are like the bridge for love. That is why God created all things of creation-for the sake of men. I want you to know that nature is yearning to see the house of the true husband and wife. When you become such a couple, your home will become the place where the birds will want to sit and sing. The animals and even the insects will want to come into the loving circle of your home. With such welcome and support from all things of the universe, that couple will be bound to live a good life.

Much of the food we eat comes from grain, which is the seed of the plant. The seed is produced after the flowers blossom; then we men and women use that seed as our food. When you eat, you are really engaging in a universal natural process, so you must have a deep sense of appreciation: “God provided this to me, but I must become a center of true love or I won’t be worthy of it”

If someone wants to disregard other people and just love flowers, for instance, that is not pleasing to the flowers. The flowers don’t like to see bachelors particularly; they like to see the harmony of love between true husband and wife. When you observe birds, doesn’t it look more attractive for a pair to be flying together, rather than just one bird?

Perhaps there would be one assertive male bird who didn’t feel like flying with his little mate because she was smaller and weaker, and without her he could fly faster. If he thought that way, it would be against the law of the universe. Even though it may slow him down, the male bird has to fly with his mate. He might pull out ahead a little, then slow down to allow her to catch up with him. This is the beauty of nature. They might fly a long distance and then make a stop on a tree branch somewhere. The male might feel strong and fresh, while the female might be gasping for breath, so he would try to comfort and help her.

If you take love out of the universe, everything becomes a desert. Isn’t that true? Unification Church members are the happiest people because we have so much love within our hearts that we are anxious to share. We want to have give and take with other people and also with nature-flowers, trees, birds, fish and so forth. How can you ever be bored with such a life?

When you observe a small mountain stream flowing down and joining with a larger rivulet, the water splashes and crashes against rocks and sand. It may seem to be a difficult and even joyless battle for the water to find its way to the bottom of the valley, but that is not so. The water makes music and rhythm as it dances down the mountain, and as long as there is someone who can appreciate its song, that stream will be happy.

The important point is that nature is looking for its counterpart. Without men and women, all things would be terribly lonely. People must be here to appreciate the things of creation, as well as give glory to God-this is our duty. Even in New York City, where things are sometimes very desolate and dirty, we can appreciate the buildings and think, “They want to see me” You can go out each day and say, “Hello, New Yorker and the Empire State Building” As you greet these things, they respond to you! With such a heart of love toward all the things in the world, a person can never get bored or lonely. You will be filled with love all the time and ready to give love to others.

The Unification Church alone truly appreciates and celebrates this Day of All Things. We know that all things of creation have been grieving in their hearts, yearning for the appearance of the true sons and daughters of God who would appreciate them and take dominion over them. They have never had such proper dominion until the time of the True Parents. For that reason, the Day of All Things is crucially important. For the first time in history, we are giving true joy to all things.

In conclusion, I want to say to you that this is the day of the appearance of the true sons and daughters of God. Now for the first time, all things have seen men and women who interact centered upon the true love of God. Because of this, they feel they have found their true masters. The work and the desire of God for all these years has been to see the day of harmony between the creation and human beings. This is that day. Amen! Let us pray.

Human Beings Cannot Escape Hell by Their Efforts Alone

The Richard Urban Show
#81-Who Will Give the Faithful Report?

Petition Congress Rally-January 6th, 2021, Washington DC

Sample letters to Congressman about opposing election fraud on January 6th, 2021.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1650

What is the formula for re-creation? The universe is made up of plus and minus elements. If we look at the molecule it tells us as much with its positive and negative ions. Everything exists on a reciprocal basis. The atom contains protons and electrons. Everything is like that, for that is the basis upon which the universe was formed: stamen and pistil in plants, male and female in animals, and man and woman in the case of human beings. Everything functions reciprocally. As such, they must be brought into one principled order. Since God is the Subject, they must be brought under His control. Unless a unified realm of reciprocal relationships has been established within creation according to His will, there can be no joy for God through the creation. (247-183, 1993.5.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 729

Those who deny God are more pitiful than people who are starving to death. The latter will be granted a certain level in the other world according to the merits of their good faith, but atheists will have no foothold because they deny the spirit world. They drift about in the spirit world like a mass of clouds. They become wandering spirits. Just as clouds gather and produce rain, they congregate and exert an evil influence. They all go to hell and inflict pain there. Although I know this all too clearly, I must save them, and this is why I am doing this work.

Ignorance and Atheism

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Are any among you caught in the abyss of despair? You have no connection whatsoever to the ideal world. Are you in such darkness that you cannot distinguish front from back, left from right, up from down? Amidst your confused, turbulent and disorderly lives, you have forgotten the center and continue to violate Heaven’s laws and principles. As long as this is the case, you cannot make any connection with God’s ideal Garden. (2:246, June 9, 1957)

The world has become a wretched place, far from God’s presence. Yet humanity to this day lives in ignorance of this. People are deluded into believing that the lineage of the enemy is the lifeline upon which the world depends. This is the wretched truth about humanity descended from the Fall. That is why we refer to this world as hell on earth. God views humanity’s tragic situation with a heart full of pain. (September 12, 2005)

Most of the six billion people in the world are blind. Though they appear normal, they cannot see even an inch in front of themselves. But this does not keep people from acting as though they are philosophers and theologians who understand the truth of Heaven. It has been this way throughout history, and it has caused God much grief. (May 1, 2004)

With the Fall of the first human ancestors, human beings were cast into a hopeless hell from which they cannot escape by their efforts alone. They should have become true owners, true parents and true kings and queens, who communicate directly with God through their five spiritual senses and freely exercise dominion over all things through their five physical senses; thus they were to be God’s representatives to both the spirit world and the physical world. But due to the Fall their five spiritual senses became largely paralyzed. They fell into a state similar to that of a blind man whose sightless eyes appear normal to an observer. Forced to live mainly by their five physical senses, they became only half human. They could not see God, or see Him only dimly. They could barely hear His voice or feel His touch. So how could they experience His love as their own Parent or know His suffering heart? (January 27, 2004)

The greatest sorrows of humankind are:
our inability to form a relationship with Thy love,
the loss of our original conscience,
which could communicate with Thy heart,
and our inability to harmonize our minds and bodies,
which would enable us to live in accordance with our conscience and Thy heart.
Because of the Fall, the sensibility by which we could communicate with Thy heart left us, and the mind which could love all things through experiencing Thy heart is no longer with us.
(6:298-99, June 14, 1959)

They Are My People, and You Were Cruel to Them

The Richard Urban Show:
#68 The Family Rooted In Absolute Sexual Ethics-Part 6-with Jamal Johnson
#67: Who Can Be Trusted on Voting Integrity: President Trump or Joe Biden?

Leviticus 15

Any man with an infected penis is unclean, whether it is stopped up or keeps dripping. Anything that he rests on or sits on is also unclean, 5-7 and if you touch either these or him, you must wash your clothes and take a bath, but you still remain unclean until evening.

If you are spit on by the man, you must wash your clothes and take a bath, but you still remain unclean until evening. 9-10 Any saddle or seat on which the man sits is unclean. And if you touch or carry either of these, you must wash your clothes and take a bath, but you still remain unclean until evening. 11 If the man touches you without first washing his hands, you must wash your clothes and take a bath, but you still remain unclean until evening. 12 Any clay pot that he touches must be destroyed, and any wooden bowl that he touches must be washed.

13 Seven days after the man gets well, he will be considered clean, if he washes his clothes and takes a bath in spring water. 14 On the eighth day he must bring either two doves or two pigeons to the front of my sacred tent and give them to a priest. 15 The priest will offer one of the birds as a sacrifice for sin and the other as a sacrifice to please me, then I will consider the man completely clean.

Richard: This passage indicates the root of the problem we are now facing with our nation and the election.
    Those who allow this fraud and crime of stealing the election have deadened their conscience through killing it, effectively, by justifying how it is ok to have sexual relationships without considering the welfare of the children that are present, substantially though the sperm and egg, but also in the spirits of those engaging in the sexual act.  
    The end result of this is infanticide, where you extend the effective murder of your conscience to the actual murder of the unborn child.  
    Within this murderous culture, the conscience is deadened.  The door is opened to a culture of crime.  The crime in this particular case is the attempted stealing of the election.


12 Why did you celebrate
when such a dreadful disaster
    struck your relatives?
Why were you so pleased
when everyone in Judah
    was suffering?
13 They are my people,
    and you were cruel to them.
You went through their towns,
and stealing
    whatever was left.
14 In their time of torment,
    you ambushed refugees
and handed them over
    to their attackers.

15 The day is coming
when I, the Lord,
    will judge the nations.
And, Edom, you will pay in full
    for what you have done.

Richard:  Stacey got this exact same Rheama just four days ago. Obadiah is a book that is just 2 pages long. The chance of this being a coincidence is zero.
    God is very unhappy with the attempt of Joe Biden and the Democrats to steal the election. That attempt will not succeed. There will be grave consequences for those who are perpetrating this fraud. Those perpetrating this fraud are showing gross disrespect to those who have cast legitimate ballots. This is a blatant attempt to disenfranchise the hundreds of thousands of people who have cast their votes for Donald J Trump, only to have fraudulent ballots appear after the fact to cancel their votes.


1. The Identity and Mission of Angels

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

God created the angelic world prior to creating the physical universe. Then, with the help of the angels, God utilized the elements of creation to form human beings. (83:155, February 8, 1976)
Angels, like all beings, were created by God. God created them prior to any other creation. In the biblical account of the creation of heaven and earth, we find that God spoke in the plural: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” (Gen. 1.26) This is not because God was referring to Himself as the Holy Trinity, as many theologians have interpreted the passage. Rather, He was speaking to the angels, whom He had created before human beings.
    God created angels to be His retainers, who would assist Him in creating and sustaining the universe. In the Bible we find many instances of angels working for the Will of God. Angels conveyed to Abraham important words of God’s blessing (Gen. 18.10); an angel heralded the conception of Christ (Matt. 1.20); an angel unchained Peter and led him out of prison and into the city. (Acts 12.7-10) The angel who escorts John in the Book of Revelation calls himself “a servant” (Rev. 22.9), and in Hebrews angels are referred to as “ministering spirits.” (Heb. 1.14) The Bible often portrays angels honoring and praising God. (Rev. 5.11-12, 7.11-12)
    Let us investigate the relationship between human beings and angels from the perspective of the Principle of Creation. Because God created us as His children and gave us dominion over all creation (Gen. 1.28), we are meant to rule over the angels as well. It is written in the Bible that we have the authority to judge the angels. (1 Cor. 6.3) Many who communicate with the spirit world have witnessed hosts of angels escorting the saints in Paradise. These observations illustrate the fact that angels have the mission to minister to human beings. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Fall 2.2.1)
In front of God, the angels were supposed to fulfill the duties of servants and serve as a protective fence for Adam and Eve. They were supposed to create a glorious environment for them to live eternally in God’s Kingdom. Then they would have lived happily with Adam and Eve in God’s love. In short, God created the angels and archangels for the sake of Adam and Eve. God, in His parental love for Adam and Eve, created the angels for their sake. (15:238, October 17, 1965)
Good spirits who passed away after living on Earth belong to the realm of angels in terms of their mission. Why? God created angels before creating Adam. Therefore, before the perfection of [the new] Adam on earth, good people are assigned the role of angels by a certain procedure. (76:324, March 15, 1975)
Men are in the position of an archangel—not the archangel who caused the Fall but a restored arch-angel.28 The angels in the Garden of Eden were given the mission to protect and nurture Adam and Eve to fulfill the ideal of God’s family, and assist them to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. However, they failed to fulfill their mission, and instead they became gangsters, following the king of hell. (281:313, March 9, 1997)
For this reason, the angels should come down to the earth and work hard, sacrificing themselves for the citizens of the Kingdom to be established by the coming Messiah. Through shedding sweat in this way, they can be restored. The spirit world is the world of angels, and the physical world is Adam’s world. Since both worlds have fallen under the power of the Devil, angels in the spirit world and “substantial” angels in the physical world should work for their liberation. Liberation is not possible only through the activities of angels in the spirit world. We need to create a substantial world of [people fulfilling the mission of] angels. (62:247, September 25, 1972)

Make a Spiritual Condition Before Writing or Painting

The Richard Urban Show: Video and Podcast
Why Abstinence Matters: Interview with Sharon Owusu-Banahene

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1822

One cannot help liking the ocean.
We need to pioneer it. We cannot afford
to ignore the ocean: the area it cov-
ers is more than three times the size of
the land. Who do you think is going to
develop the oceanic resources that can
be found at the bottom of the ocean? We
can find oil – black gold – on land, but
the ocean is three times larger, so we can
expect to find perhaps three times more
oil from the sea.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1372

You must understand that the 30,000
Couples Blessing should be accept-
ed as one of the greatest and most his-
toric events ever. How great is the his-
toric background behind it? The event
involves the whole world. After conduct-
ing the 30,000 Couples Blessing, there
is no need for me to perform any more
Blessing ceremonies. (234-287, 1992.8.27)

Richard: Find out more about the Blessing of marriage here:

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 4

God’s Creation and Human Creativity

Creativity and Art

3. Inspiration

Not by wisdom do poets write poetry, but by
a sort of genius and inspiration; they are like
diviners or soothsayers who also say many fine
things, but do not understand the meaning of
Socrates, in Plato, Apology (Hellenism)

When in my most inspired moods, I have defi-
nite inspiring visions, involving a higher self-
hood. I feel at such moments that I am tapping
the source of infinite and eternal energy from
which you and I and all things proceed. Religion
calls it God.
Richard Strauss

I have very definite impressions while in that
trance-like condition, which is the prerequisite
of all true creative effort. I feel that I am one
with this vibrating Force, that is omniscient,
and that I can draw upon it to an extent that is
limited only by my own capacity to do so.
Richard Wagner

The most beautiful experience one can have is
the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion
that stands at the cradle of art and science.
Albert Einstein

The Lord has called by name Bezalel the son
of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; and he
has filled him with the Spirit of God, with abil-
ity, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with
all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to
work in gold and silver and bronze, in cutting
stones for setting, and in carving wood, for work
in every skilled craft.
Exodus 35.30-33

Woodworker Ch’ing carved a piece of wood and
made a bell stand, and when it was finished, every-
one who saw it marveled, for it seemed to be the
work of gods or spirits. When the Marquis of Lu
saw it, he asked, “What art is it you have?” Ch’ing
replied, “I am only a craftsman—how would I have
any art? There is one thing, however. When I am
going to make a bell stand, I never let it wear out
my energy. I always fast in order to still my mind.
When I have fasted for three days, I no longer
have any thought of congratulations or rewards,
of titles or stipends. When I have fasted for five
days, I no longer have any thought of praise or
blame, of skill or clumsiness. And when I have
fasted seven days, I am so still that I forget I have
four limbs and a form and body. By that time, the
ruler and his court no longer exist for me. My skill
is concentrated and all outside distractions fade
away. After that, I go into the mountain forest
and examine the Heavenly nature of the trees. If
I find one of superlative form, and I can see a bell
stand there, I put my hand to the job of carving;
if not, I let it go. This way I am simply matching
up ‘Heaven’ with ‘Heaven.’ That’s probably the
reason that people wonder if the results were not
made by spirits.”
Chuang Tzu

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

When your mind and body become united and you reach the point where you open the gate of love, your mind will resonate with the universe. Then you can become a writer or a poet. In that state, you open to relate to everything in all its dimensions. Then, even watching a fallen leaf tossed by the wind will bring you to laughter. (137:232, January 3, 1986)

World-famous scientists usually have deeply sensitive minds, by which they harmonize with the heart of nature. With that sensitivity they unexpectedly receive intuitions, inspirations and dreams. These phenomena occur especially when they are completely absorbed in their research. (6:341-42, June 28, 1959)

Before you write anything, first make a spiritual condition to enter a mystical state; then you can produce beautiful writing. When painting, do not just work alone in your room. Instead, make a spiritual condition and ask a great painter’s spirit to come and help you; then your work will gener-ate great admiration from people. Great scientists and artists inevitably have a spiritual connection; it exists because they made spiritual efforts. (100:123, October 9, 1978)

An artist should have a clear mind and spirit. Then with clear conscience he should invest every-thing. (77:319, April 30, 1975

God Totally Invested Himself in the Work of Creation

In 2020 in West Virginia we elect the Governor, one US Senator, the Commissioner of Agriculture and three of five Supreme Court of Appeals Justices. We will also elect School Board members, delegates, state senators, sheriffs and more. Especially in light of the many intrusions on constitutional rights now taking place, it will be important to choose wisely on June 9th, 2020 in the primary election and in November. Remember that the Supreme Court of Appeals, School Board members and Magistrates are chosen in the June election only. View the candidate interviews so that you can make informed choices.

Matthew 12

18 “Here is my chosen servant!
I love him,
    and he pleases me.
I will give him my Spirit,
and he will bring justice
    to the nations.
19 He won’t shout or yell
    or call out in the streets.
20 He won’t break off a bent reed
    or put out a dying flame,
but he will make sure
    that justice is done.
21 All nations will place
    their hope in him.”

Ezra 9

But for now, Lord God, you have shown great kindness to us. You made us truly happy by letting some of us settle in this sacred place and by helping us in our time of slavery. We are slaves, but you have never turned your back on us. You love us, and because of you, the kings of Persia have helped us. It’s as though you have given us new life! You let us rebuild your temple and live safely in Judah and Jerusalem.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Part 1
God and Creation

Chapter 1

The Creator

1. In the Beginning

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Christians today believe that the omnipotent God created by speaking words, saying “Let there be…” and the creation appeared as if it were a magic show. On the contrary, God totally invested His entire self into the work of creation. He invested, expressing His total love. Don’t we give our utmost sincerity and invest our flesh and blood for sake of the people we love? Likewise, in creating human beings, God invested His entire Being in us; we are the bone of His bones, the flesh of His flesh and the ideal of His ideals. Therefore, God can relate with us as His beloved object partners and His hope. (78:111-12, May 6, 1975)

When God created heaven and earth, after each day of creation, “God saw that it was good.” This means He felt joy. What is the experience of joy? It is the feeling of satisfaction we have when we accomplish a certain purpose. Because the created universe embodies God’s purposeful consciousness, God rejoiced at its creation. (9:169, May 8, 1960)

Every result begins from a motive or cause. Every existence begins from a motive and unfolds through a process before it materializes as a result. This is the case with all natural phenomena. Human beings did not make it so; rather, this is a basic principle and heavenly law, God’s law. For this reason, there is no such thing as the evolution of new species by random mutation. All things exist in order. The world was created by design, in which every existence, as an object-partner of God, arose through a principled process out of that motive [in the mind of God]. Consider successful people: could they succeed without a firm determination in their minds? Starting with a motive and plan in their mind, they prepare the ground and steadfastly push forward to reach their objective. Since this is necessary for an individual to succeed, would it not also be necessary for God, the Creator of this great universe, to attain His objectives? It is the same principle. (9:227, May 29, 1960)

The natural world contains such a wide diversity of creatures. What was the process by which each was created? They were created through the Creator’s heart of dedication and sincerity. Even the microscopic organisms were created through God’s heart of love and His cherished desire to exhibit His own splendor. (20:248, July 7, 1968)

God carried out His work of creation with the utmost sincerity, dedication and investment. He established the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and then invested absolutely. All created beings are God’s beloved object partners, whom He created by investing with utmost sincerity. (400:81, December 27, 2002)

Each of you wishes for your partner of love to be better than you in every way. By the same token, God is looking to create something and someone greater than Himself. Do you suppose God would expend only 90 percent of His energy in creating the universe, or would He give His full 100 percent? How about 100 percent a thousand times over? Indeed, He would invest and forget what He gave, and give again and again a thousand times over. Know that this is how our universe was created: God invested 100 percent of His energy, giving and forgetting what He gave, and repeating the process tens of thousands of times. (254:266, February 15, 1994)