The Family Is the Smallest Unit that Connects the Past, the Present and the Future

Cheon Seong Gyeong 271

    How can I declare the coming of True Parents? The democratic world and the communist world are brothers, Abel and Cain. The two worlds are like two sons and yet they are fighting. But since I have reconciled the two fighting sons and stood in the position where I could be welcomed, I was finally able to return to Korea with the special authority of the Parents and I declared the coming of the True Parents throughout the nation.
    This news is spreading throughout the whole world. The CIA in America is supposed to make a daily report on my whereabouts. It is the same in the Soviet Union. So, they surely know about me!
    The fact that True Parents have been declared in this way places me in a global position. Everything that has been prepared in the world is waiting to be engrafted onto Korea.
    What is the problem? We must quickly achieve “the unification of my nation.” The people of Korea are waiting to be engrafted onto the unified foundation. This is precisely how it is. (204-187, 1990.7.8)

Richard:  Read more about True Parents here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1051

I try to warmly treat those who come, even if we were to starve. If they have reached a certain level of spirituality, say one hundred, we will be struck and judged if we treat them any less. In those situations, you should treat such people two, three, five, even ten times greater than their level. You will not go to ruin by doing so. God will be deeply impressed saying, “This fellow is better than Heaven!” (56-38, 1972.5.10)


The Basic Form of Life

3. A Complete Family Has a Spherical Form

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

To exist in the spatial dimension, human beings need to stand in relation to what is above and below, right and left, front and back… Centering on the individual, in the family there are parents and children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters. Similarly, in the nation, centering on the leader, families should embrace all the civilizations of East and West and all the civilizations of North and South. Then they can embrace all people of the world as brothers and sisters. Ultimately we will form a global family at every level.
    Thus, the core concept of the universe is the concept of the family. Heaven represents parents. Earth represents children. East symbolizes man, West symbolizes woman. That is why, when a woman gets married, she usually follows wherever her husband goes. Nevertheless, they have equal value—when the west reflects the sunlight, it has the same value as the east. The relationship of brothers is the same. When the older brother works on some task, the younger brothers naturally help him.
    Therefore, human beings should exist within relationships of parents and children, husband and wife, and elder and younger siblings. And these three relationships meet at one central point. There can be only one center. Above and below, right and left, and front and back should not have different centers. If the central point is different, then the balance of the relationships between above and below, right and left, and front and back will be broken. Eventually, above, below, right, left, front, back and the central point all together comprise seven positions. In a harmonious and unified family these seven form a perfect sphere; they constitute a God-centered family with all elements united in perfect true love. (True Family and World Peace, June 16, 1997)

An ideal family is one whose family members are united as one centered on their parents and in attendance to God.
    Conjugal love is a horizontal relationship; therefore a husband and wife should align their love on the vertical axis of God’s love. God is the owner of parental love, children’s love, husband’s love and wife’s love. God’s love is the ideal love. Since God is the subject of love, if we become one with God, we can always embody God’s love. Then we can create an ideal family that will never break apart for eternity. It is logical.
    Parental love is focused on children and children’s love is connected to parents. A husband’s love is connected to his wife, and a wife’s love is connected to her husband. These different types of love cannot become one by themselves. The subjective force that can unify them is God’s love. Once the Subject dwells in them, they all automatically become one. Conversely, without God, human love is self-centered and cannot bring unity.
    Although the family members have diverse relationships with each other, when they are united in love, they are equally close to one another. Hence there is equality among them. Why? They participate in a unified entity with a spherical form. The cause and result become one; and the vertical and the horizontal become one; God and the family members become one. In the world that runs on the power of love, there is nothing but love. Whatever they do, there is nothing but love. Such is the ideal world. When families on earth reach that state, they create the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. This is the ideal of God.
    Based on this principle, I teach you to respect your parents as God. Husbands should respect their wives as God, and wives should regard their husbands as God. Parents should value their children as God. Likewise, you should experience God as your Parent, your Wife, your Husband, and your Child. This is the path to the Kingdom of God. (89:154-55, November 7, 1976)

Why does a wife weep when her husband dies? Why are people sorrowful if they have no sons or daughters? The fundamental principle of the universe is that we have to possess all the directions of the compass.
    Ideal relationships generate the very power that enables the universe to exist. Therefore, everything engages in give and take. The North Pole and the South Pole engage in give and take; the stars have give and take with each other. In sum, everything exists in relationship to a counterpart.
    The ideal for any existing being is to engage in complete give and take, and thereby gain the support of the universe. We say that it has the support of ‘heavenly fortune.’ This is the universe’s supporting power that surrounds the existing being and maintains its existence forever. All existence cooperates with it.
    Therefore, it will not do if a family has no children. These days in the West, many people think that children are unnecessary. But just let them wait until they go to the spirit world; then they will see whether what I say is true. Wherever a person stands, there is always an above (parents) and a below (children). Everyone needs to pass through the number 3, that is, through these three stages, (70:76-77, February 8, 1974)

The family is the smallest unit that connects the past, the present and the future. A family is like a microcosm of the world. Within it the past, the present and the future are linked together—this refers to the interdependence of grandfather, father and son. When a son has children and becomes a father, at the same moment the father becomes a grandfather. These three generations—representing the past, the present and the future—should be united as one. Such a family can establish a base for lasting happiness. It has the power to repulse Satan’s attacks, regardless of the turmoil in the world. (28:162, January 11, 1970)


I Will Keep Up the Lineage and Tradition of My Family

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2416

    What does it mean to say that the Last Days have come? It means that the day when the human race can find its original homeland has come closer. It means that the time is near when people who can live in the original homeland can establish their historic fatherland.
    Because of that, Jesus, who came with the ideal of founding something, was given the title of King of kings. That is rather strange isn’t it? Why was such a title given to him? This is not a lie; it is the truth. Without a motive, no result can come. If you investigate a result closely, you will absolutely find that there is a motive. However, that motive is something human beings cannot know. God is moving everything. (155-32, 1964.10.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1354

Since all of you participated in my Seven-Year Course, I took responsibility to bless everyone up to the 430 Couples. All Blessed Couples are a part of me; every one of them is great because they contributed to my course of world restoration. (22-68, 1969.1.21)


The Basic Form of Life

3. A Complete Family Has a Spherical Form

Thus I have heard, the Buddha was once staying near Rajagaha in the Bamboo Wood at the Squirrels’ Feeding Ground. Now at this time young Sigala, a householder’s son, rising betimes, went forth from Rajagaha, and with wet hair and wet garments and clasped hands uplifted, paid worship to the several quarters of the earth and sky: to the east, south, west, and north, to the nadir and the zenith.
    And the Exalted One early that morning dressed himself, took bowl and robe and entered Rajagaha seeking alms. Now he saw young Sigala worshipping and spoke to him thus,
    “Why, young householder, do you worship the several quarters of earth and sky?”
    “Sir, my father, when he was dying, said to me: ‘Dear son, you should worship the quarters of the earth and sky.’ So I, sir, honoring my father’s word, rise and worship in this way.” “
    But in the religion of an educated man, the six quarters should not be worshipped thus.”
    “How then, sir, in the religion of an educated man, should the six quarters be worshipped? It would be an excellent thing if the Exalted One would so teach me the correct way…”
    “How, O young householder, does the educated man serve the six quarters? The following should be looked upon as the six quarters: parents as the east, teachers as the south, wife and children as the west, friends and companions as the north, servants as the nadir, and religious leaders as the zenith.
    “In five ways should a child minister to his parents as the eastern quarter: ‘Once supported by them, I will now be their support; I will perform duties incumbent on them; I will keep up the lineage and tradition of my family; I will make myself worthy of my heritage.’ Continue reading “I Will Keep Up the Lineage and Tradition of My Family”

The Family Is the Textbook for Attaining the Kingdom of Heaven

Listen to Dr. Kelly Kohls, founder of the National School Boards Leadership Council, speaking at the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum:
#109-Dr. Kelly Kohls: How to Fix Boards of Education

Cheon Seong Gyeong 266

    The path we are walking has not ended. You will receive the Blessing through the gratitude you show before Heaven. You should be grateful individually and you should also never forget the value of having received the Blessing representing your tribe, your clan, such as the Kim or the Pak clan, and, moreover representing the thirty million people of Korea and all the people of the world.
    Furthermore, you should know that you have inherited the responsibility that True Parents are to carry out on earth. Why do the Blessed Families have to inherit this? If the Blessed Families are going through the course to restore a people, True Parents should be going through a course to restore the world. In other words, they should be going one step ahead. Yet without establishing the victorious standard of having restored a people, True Parents cannot walk the course of worldwide restoration. That is why you must inherit the responsibility to restore a people to ensure that True Parents can walk the worldwide course. Until your death and until the sorrow of this people is removed, you must shoulder the responsibility to restore a people. (13-293, 1964.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242

If you have the opportunity to attend a Blessing Ceremony, you should not go thinking you are just a man or a woman and there is nothing else to it. When you attend the ceremony, you are there representing men and women who have come and gone in the world over the past six thousand years. You must understand that you have been invited as such. You should experience this reality deep in your heart. (30-169, 1970. 3.22)


The Basic Form of Life

2. The Family as the School of Love and Virtue

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The family is the most important school in human life, for it is the school of love. (271:80, August 22, 1995)

The family is the training ground of the heart. You are trained in brotherly and sisterly love, so treat your classmates in school with that same heart and your fellow citizens in the nation with that same heart. Hence, the education your parents give you to be loving brothers and sisters is for the sake of the school, the community and the nation.
    Parents should bequeath their heart and sensibility to their children and descendants. As parents you are role models, but this involves more than teaching by example. By your love you are laying the emotional foundation for your children, so that they are able to live for the family, the community and the nation. (180:131, August 22, 1988) Continue reading “The Family Is the Textbook for Attaining the Kingdom of Heaven”

When the Family Declines, Ancient Traditions Are Destroyed

Listen to Dr. Kelly Kohls, founder of the National School Boards Leadership Council, speaking at the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum:
#109-Dr. Kelly Kohls: How to Fix Boards of Education

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1231

In the course of the restoration of Canaan, you must follow me. When wild geese fly across the ocean, they absolutely follow their leader. There are no objections. When he says, “Fly!” all the geese fly. They must follow the leader, no matter how difficult it is, even to the point of death. Until now, you have been doing something similar. However, now that you have arrived at our destination and started giving birth to children, you must care for each other and love each other; you must create one tribe and be proud of it. Such a time must come. I have said that is what we must do now. Until now, it has been a time to move toward the blessed land of Canaan, and now we have come to a settlement age. (115-107, 1981.11.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1186

What happened due to the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages? The right of Right of the parent can be liberated and achieved. Because this time is coming, then, from the position of Parents, I am raising all of you into a position where you can be tribal messiahs. This is to liberate Jesus and Adam’s family from their grief. Through your tribes, you can obliterate the foundation created by the mistake of false parents; in this way, for the first time, hometowns where people were born can be transformed into the hometowns of the heavenly kingdom. (193-214, 1989.10.4)


The Basic Form of Life

2. The Family as the School of Love and Virtue

Lord, give us joy in our wives and children, and make us models for the God-fearing.
    Qur’an 25.74

The moral life of man may be likened to traveling to a distant place: one must start from the s stage. It may also be likened to ascending a height [of public responsibility]: one must begin from the lowest step [one’s family].
    Doctrine of the Mean 15.2 (Confucianism)

If a man does not know how to manage his own household, how can he care for God’s church? 1 Timothy 3.5 Continue reading “When the Family Declines, Ancient Traditions Are Destroyed”

A Family Should Have Both a Father and a Mother

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2084

You must set the condition of having loved your enemies even if the world persecutes you and even if you stand facing a global enemy. God and the people of all religions who are trying to be God’s children are caught up in this one line. The teaching, “Love your enemy,” is the great truth. Although the content is simple, no one has known that this would become the dividing line between God and Satan. (The Way of Unification – 595)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1434

The three goals of restoration through indemnity are the change of lineage, change of the right of ownership, and change of the realm of heart. You have heard this before, haven’t you? Since the lineage was defiled, unless it is changed back to its original state, you cannot be connected to the Kingdom of God and be registered in it. The original owner of the lineage is God. Through the fallen lineage, everything was stolen from God and His right of ownership was subverted. This situation can only be rectified by connecting to God’s lineage through His love. That is why the lineage must be changed. The lineage was perverted through the fallen relationship of love. Since the lineage was turned in the wrong direction, there will be no path for humanity to return to God unless the lineage is transformed. (258-287, 1994.3.20)


The Basic Form of Life
  1. The Family Ideal

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Human beings have a basic need to feel and connect with each other. For this, we need wives and husbands; we need young people and old people. This is why, regardless of the world’s opinion, we have worked to establish the family as a universal form. (21:120, November 17, 1968)

A family should have both a father and a mother, and both sons and daughters. Only then can it be the complete foundation for happiness… when all the varieties of heart are present in the family. (32:197, July 15, 1970) Continue reading “A Family Should Have Both a Father and a Mother”