Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190
There are seven horizontal stages you have to pass through from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and heaven and earth, before reaching the final position of God. There are also eight vertical levels beginning with the servant of servant’s position. On the foundation of restoring the rights of the firstborn son in the course of seven of these eight levels, you must attain the position of the original, unfallen firstborn son. Adam and Eve were the first son and the first daughter. The first son and daughter have to pass through the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle. Then, they must be connected to the realm of direct dominion based on love and possess the right of the firstborn son. Such connection is impossible with the love of the younger child. They are not connected with the love of the second child. Therefore, you must return to this position and restore the right of the firstborn son going up stage by stage. This is the battle to be fought. (138-134, 1986.1.19)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1458
Adam and Eve lost the standard through which they could practice absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. They entered unprincipled marriage, thereby defiling the lineage, completely overturning the right of ownership, and bringing into ruin their whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute restoration of the lineage must take place. In other words, you need to protect the pure lineage of True Parents so that it can be passed down to your descendants eternally. Adam and Eve failed to do so and entered a fallen relationship. Therefore, you need to maintain purity and be blessed in marriage. You can then restore the absolute lineage, the absolute right of ownership, and the absolute realm of heart. This should be our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94, 1995.4.8)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 4
True Father’s Insights on God
Section 2. God’s Grief and Shock at Losing His Son and Daughter
2.2. God has been miserable throughout history
How enraged God is when He looks down on us on earth! All human beings should have had His lineage, but Satan pushes them into a miserable state and scornfully jeers at God saying, “Your descendants are miserable.” When Satan asks God, “How will You, with all Your omniscience and omnipotence, redeem this difficult situation?” God can only be silent. He has to pretend to be deaf though He can hear, pretend not to smell though He can smell, and pretend not to feel though He can feel. Have you ever thought about the misery of God throughout history? (183-19, 1988.10.29) Continue reading “How Miserable is God’s Inner Heart”