To Rule Over People, One Must Humble Oneself Before Them

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2076

    We started in 1978, so this is now the fourteenth year. This work has been going on for fourteen years. If all of you had only done this work with a desperate heart! How great it would have been! If that had happened, then everything would be connected through the tong ban breakthrough activities, centering on the Unification Church. Centering on the Unification Church foundation, we organized everything down to the village, so that we could breakthrough at the tong ban level. Centering on the men, we held conferences in the dong (districts), tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods). We passed out Divine Principle books and a book called “The Hope of the World” in my name, to all the 120,000 neighborhood leaders. Maybe even some of you that are here today also received these books. Despite the fact that all this was done, the men still all failed their responsibility. They were relaxed and thought this was just some kind of game. Therefore, because the men failed their responsibility, the women must accomplish it. Whatever happens, they must do this.
    The women must not just be worried about the livelihood of their own homes. Please notice that I’ve mobilized women centering on the Women’s Federation. Is this mobilization due to the power of human beings? In the beginning, when I first said that I would have an initiation conference for the Asian Women’s Federation of World Peace (AWFWP), everyone’s eyes went like this, and our own Unification Church members put up opposition saying women can’t do anything and that AWFWP women can’t do anything. But then True Mother stepped forward and the opposition subsided. Seeing the atmosphere, the members couldn’t oppose it any further. Therefore, I declared the arrival of the era of women. I made this declaration because the time was ripe to do so. Wait and see if the age of women comes now or not. (233-111, 1992.7.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1502

What was God’s ideal for the first human ancestors? It was for man and woman to come together in union to form an ideal family. The center of an ideal family would be neither the man nor the woman. A family is a unit connected to each other by the bond of parent to child and the bond of a husband and wife, all centered on God’s love. Therefore, we can conclude that God’s will is to perfect a family centering on His love. (Blessed Family – 301)


Government for the People


THE WELFARE OF ITS CITIZENS SHOULD BE THE CHIEF CONCERN of government. The scriptures affirm that a ruler should put the people’s needs ahead of his own. This is signified by his titles: the prophets of Israel called their rulers “shepherds,” Jesus called rulers of the Kingdom “servants,” and Chinese tradition regarded the emperor as “the father and mother of the people.”
A leader can show consideration to his followers by personal kindness, forgiving their mistakes, and believing the best about them even when he knows they are likely to fall short. He can demonstrate solidarity with their difficulties by forgoing the pomp and ostentation of high office and living simply as one of the people. Moreover, scriptures encourage benevolent government policies, including reducing taxes in times of economic recession, investing in the people to create jobs, empowering them to have ownership over their work, and providing for the welfare of the poor and destitute. (See also Chapter 20: Economic Justice)
The precepts of governance that make for a benevolent rule are universal, which is why scriptures written in ancient times, when all governments were monarchies, remain relevant today. Nevertheless, this section also includes some texts on democracy, because in modern times a government “of the people and by the people” has proven to be the surest way to have a government “for the people.” Yet democracy has also produced its share of monstrosities; the French Revolution is but one example. More than just free elections and a representative government, the animating spirit behind democracy can make all the difference between the blessings of liberty and totalitarian terror. Hence in the Western experience, democracies built upon Christian values have done better than those based on materialism. Yet even American democracy with its emphasis on individual freedom is deficient in many ways, according to Father Moon. A better underpinning for democracy, he declares, is the spirit of true love.

1. Servant Leadership

In the happiness of his subjects lies a king’s happiness; in their welfare his welfare; whatever pleases him he shall not consider as good, but whatever pleases his subjects he shall consider as good.
    Kautilya, Artha-shastra 1.19 (Hinduism) Continue reading “To Rule Over People, One Must Humble Oneself Before Them”

The Biggest Obstacle to Good Government Is Politics

Cheon Seong Gyeong 299

From God’s position, these ancestors will support the process of bringing blessings to their descendants. That effort must be made. When the spirit world comes to help, would you like your beloved relatives to come and help or would you rather some old man from a neighboring village came? When an old man comes down and helps, you must offer him a portion of what you receive. Thus, now is the time when we should run all night lest someone should come and usurp the results of your effort. When you explain this, everyone will want to have a picture of True Parents.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 962

True Parents are giving the Blessing in the physical world, going beyond racial and religious boundaries. By connecting to this, the domain of liberation for the individual, family, tribe, people and nation can be established on the earth. That liberated domain is not created in the spirit world. Since the basis to connect to the world of heaven’s love and cosmic love exists on earth, the spiritual and physical worlds can become unified around True Parents. This will eliminate all indebtedness and perfect the Blessing of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world and even the Blessing of the cosmos.

Leadership and Government

Righteous Leadership

2. A Leader Acts on Principle and at the Sacrifice of Himself

Who is a man of character? He is a man who can stand in the central position in society. When there is a man of character in the village, he plays the central role in the material and spiritual lives of the village people. For this reason he is an object of respect. A nation likewise centers on a man of character; he is its representative. Society forms as the people make mutual relationships centering on him. Likewise, the world also requires a man of character as the center. (29:125, February 26, 1970) Continue reading “The Biggest Obstacle to Good Government Is Politics”

True Leadership is Unselfish and Principled

The Richard Urban Show
#117 – An Analysis of President Biden’s Soul of the Nation Speech

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2134

    What we must bear in mind on this meaningful day is that we must all become completely one with God’s heart, and moreover, accomplish His will. As a result of the Fall, human beings fell into spiritual ignorance. This meant humanity was fundamentally ignorant regarding God’s existence, the meaning of life, and the entire universe.
    Accordingly, people did not know how they should live their earthly lives, that there is a spirit world after death, and that the former should properly prepare them for the latter.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1690

4.1.3. Theory of evolution refuted by the logic of love

We need to resolve the issue of evolutionary theory. It is a problem because the concepts of evolution and realism have been used as tools by communism. What is invisible is truly precious. Can you see God, conscience or love? These three invisible and invaluable things are most precious for human beings. Everyone knows they have a conscience, right? Is there anyone who does not have one? Is there anyone who does not have love? However, both of these are invisible to the eye. What happens as a result of being invisible? They can enter anywhere and become one with anything. Could they enter so easily if they were visible? Since they cannot be seen, they can even enter human cells. There is no place they cannot pass through. Such logic will stand. No one can control love. True love cannot be controlled or obstructed even by the universe. (239-68, 1992.11.23)

Leadership and Government

Righteous Leadership

2. A Leader Acts on Principle and at the Sacrifice of Himself

Confucius said: Those rulers whose measures are dictated by mere expediency will arouse continual discontent.
    Analects 4.12 (Confucianism) Continue reading “True Leadership is Unselfish and Principled”

The Path of a Person Who Upholds Goodness Is Not Smooth

The Richard Urban Show
#117 – An Analysis of President Biden’s Soul of the Nation Speech

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2134

Knowing God’s will and heart, I have worked with single-minded determination in devoting my entire heart and energy to accomplish His will without regard to the time of day, changes in the seasons, or my circumstances. Looking back on the eighty years of my life, I realize I would not be here with you today were it not for His help during that time, notwithstanding my hardships and persecution. I have spoken publicly on some 10,000 occasions in many places around the world. These speeches have been published in a series of more than 300 volumes.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 918

You should love and serve your ancestors. It is not a sin to do so. Even in the satanic world, people serve their ancestors. But in the case of Christianity, don’t they tell you not to serve your ancestors? In the future, though, you will have to serve the ancestors of the heavenly world continuously. That is why the Unification Church approves of ancestral rites. Christians make a fuss about it saying, “Oh, that’s an idol,” don’t they? But Blessed families who live in the fallen world have the responsibility to keep this tradition and pass it on to their descendants. (241-127, 1992.12.20)

Leadership and Government

Righteous Leadership

1. A Passion for Justice and a Fierce Love for the People

What kind of person is a true leader? He is able to deal with every difficult situation. Misery and hunger do not dissuade him. Though he encounters tragedy and weeps bitter tears, he never thinks of turning back. Even in the face of death, he continues to push forward. He does not mind suffering losses in the present as long as his actions will benefit future generations and advance the purpose of God. (118:41, May 2, 1982) Continue reading “The Path of a Person Who Upholds Goodness Is Not Smooth”

Jesus Drove Out the Moneychangers

The Richard Urban Show
#117 – An Analysis of President Biden’s Soul of the Nation Speech

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2047

Section 3. The Tong-ban Movement Is the Strategy to Unite North and South Korea.

    We are in the position to unite the world centering on Korea. What has to happen here in Korea? We need to restore the birthright of the eldest son. The Korean people are saying, “Let’s go forward and unite Korea centering on Rev. Moon.” That’s the kind of image we have. Even the President should cooperate and not oppose us. Seen from the viewpoint of the Cain and Abel relationship, from now on my words should be listened to.
    Additionally, because three positions are being formed, on the day we breakthrough and get firm control of the tong and ban (community and local neighborhood), people will grab our heels while we daydream, and entreat us saying, “Oh Lord, please save me.” Am I not the king of wisdom? The question is how we can live in such a good way that we can accomplish this and not collapse when we are cursed at. (199-87, 1990.2.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1621

    The citizens of heaven, the subjects of heaven’s nation and tribes, are branches of the royal family. In order to be reinstated to your original positions, you need to learn from the experience of the heart of the royal family based on the true love of heaven. Without that, you will not be able to enter heaven. God has been anguished that these things have not come to pass. Not having His prince and princess to love has caused Him great pain. Without His princes and princess He was also unable to have His grandchildren as royal heirs.
    In the process of growing up, Adam and Eve failed to love from the position that they could maintain the pure lineage of the King as His prince and princess. They fell into a position midway between God and Satan while still in the realm of God’s indirect dominion, based on accomplishments through the Principle. Consequently, they had no foundation in God’s love to directly consult God about the development of original history based on the great undertaking of the creation of heaven and earth. (220-47, 1991.10.14)

Leadership and Government

Righteous Leadership

AMONG THE REQUISITE QUALITIES OF A LEADER is righteousness. Righteousness is defined as dedication to the public welfare regardless of the cost to oneself. A righteous leader does not shrink from facing difficult problems. He is committed to public justice and fights to establish it, overcoming any obstacles along the way. Moreover, he knows that a great task requires sacrifice, not only from himself, but also from his subordinates. He never takes their suffering for granted and has the greatest solicitude for the hardships they must endure, yet he perseveres despite these difficulties. He keeps to the task for the sake of future generations.
On the personal level, a righteous leader has integrity. He does not seek to profit from his office, and he never misuses public funds for his own benefit. Any corruption is toxic, to be avoided at all costs.

1. A Passion for Justice and a Fierce Love for the People

I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
    Thomas Jefferson Continue reading “Jesus Drove Out the Moneychangers”