A Heart-Based Principle of Life and the World Must Emerge

Cheon Seong Gyeong 592

    You enter the spirit world without money. Take care of Satan’s children. Each of you is to look after more than 120 people. The Kingdom of Heaven lost all its citizens. By engrafting them, we establish a condition for them not to be lost.
    In order to go through the twelve pearly gates in the spirit world, you must, while on earth, recover the citizens of heaven from Satan. To do so, you must shed tears, sweat and blood. With the heart of true love for re-creation, invest your heart more than that of the fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, and sons and daughters of the satanic world, and bring about that transitional process by shedding your tears, sweat and blood. Without doing so, you cannot claim any heavenly citizens as your own. In proportion to this number, the conditions for your position of glory and your proximity to God in the other world will be established. (211-352, 1991.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1269

    Even if your faith was reaffirmed through the providence of God, you need to be engrafted to be restored as His children. (Blessed Family – 509)

    If you are inferior to Adam and Eve you cannot be reborn, and restoration on the fundamental level cannot be carried out. In being reborn, not only the individual, but also the family, people, nation and world need to be reborn. Christians today do not know this. (58-42, 1972.6.6)

Richard:  The Blessing is the process of engrafting to the true olive tree.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 3

The Spirit World

Section 3. The Content and Situation of the Spirit World

3.9. The spirit world – the world of heart

    What kind of place is the spirit world? Because some people say that those who speak about the spirit world are lunatics, I hesitate to talk about it. What kind of world is the spirit world? It is a world where anything is possible if you have a heart at the same level as God’s. (106-227, 1979.12.30) Continue reading “A Heart-Based Principle of Life and the World Must Emerge”

Parents Should Know How Much God Has Loved Them, By Loving Their Children

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Let’s work together to protect our children.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required:

Register Now
Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1519

    When we say Heavenly Father, we are saying that God is a Parent. If Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have become the king and queen of the heavenly nation, as well as the parents. They would have been the king and queen of God’s Kingdom and the universe. That’s why it is said that devoted, filial children and loyal subjects can enter heaven.
    When a woman serves her husband as God, lord and king, and leads a life of true love, she can enter heaven. In this way, it becomes logical that you cannot be welcome in heaven unless you love your parents, nation and world. (Blessed Family – 954)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1623

    There is a great difference between God’s joy before the Creation, and the great stimulation of love He felt when harmonizing with His partners in love thereafter. Even if He were to dance and dance for a thousand or tens of thousands of years, that joy would not come to an end. But could God dance alone? Would He want to sing alone? We were born because of love and we live to become the objects of the Lord of love who will unite the universe and have dominion over it. Then we too would be able to be lords of love. Seen in light of God’s intense hopes at the time of Creation, God’s beloved object partners are superior to Him, are to stand in a position above Him.
    Consequently, when we call out, “Heavenly Father” He comes to us, and when we tell Him, “Come on,” He follows in our wake and never complains. Even when He is made to follow us for thousands of miles, He will gladly continue to walk behind us. Words cannot express the joy felt by parents following their children. When heaven and earth harmonize with and welcome their children even more than themselves, the parents will be so pleased that even their cells will burst forth in peals of laughter. (215-109, 1991.2.6)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 6. Human Beings Seek the Center of Love


Human beings are born through love, grow up in parental love,
and mature while broadening love horizontally. Horizontal love
reaches the completion of the first stage when man and woman
meet and grow together to the state where they can represent the
love of heaven and earth and bear children as the fruit of that love.
Children are born from the heart’s core as a result of love.

The child who is born from a man and woman who share love
based on heart creates a path to the center of love. This center will
lead them directly to God. By having children as a fruit of love,
human beings come to deeply experience the love with which God
created all things and human beings. By loving their children, they
deeply experience the love they received from their parents and
the parental heart. The love parents have been pouring into their
children is not a materialistic love but an intrinsic love.

The love that parents give their children does not change even if
heaven and earth change and historical ages change. By becoming
a parent and loving your children, you will understand and deeply
experience how God has been loving human beings. By becoming
a parent and loving your children, you will feel and realize how
much your parents have loved you.

This is why we revere our aged parents even more and fulfill the
duties of filial piety with love. If you do not fulfill these
responsibilities, you are unqualified to be parents and your love
towards your children can only be considered hypocritical.

Human beings should feel and realize how much God has loved
them by becoming parents themselves and loving their children.
Furthermore, they will love God even more sincerely. A person
should love their aged parents more than they love their children
and love God more than they love their parents, knowing that this
is the order and law of love.

Because heaven and earth has a spherical shape, they share
horizontal love and rotate, forming a circle on the first level.
When they take a partner of the opposite sex and share love, they
have children as the fruit and become parents. When they love
each other and rotate, vertical love is realized following the
horizontal love. This forms the spherical world and establishes the
center of love at the same time.

The center of love that emerges through the movement created by
these love relationships is also the core of existence of the entire
world of creation. The earth exists because it is also moving
continuously around this center of love. The center of love is
where infinite force is gathered that enables continuous
movement. The center that appears through the sphere of love in
this manner is also a place where God dwells. Therefore, all
creation existing in the world is born and exists through God’s
love and moves in search for the center of God’s love. God is a
furnace of love. (126-245, 1983.4.24)

Parents’ Loving Heart towards their Children is an Eternal Standard

Happy Birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr!

Book Review: Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country by Rebecca Friedrichs

Cheon Seon Gyeong 2063

We should do Tong-ban breakthrough activities, do you understand? In your village, if you think about the people according to each clan, and you have one hundred homes, how many ban(home neighborhoods) does that make? Only by going down to the ban will you move a Mr. Lee of the Lee clan, or a Mr. Pak of the Pak clan. In this way you can move everyone in the area. Since it was in the family that the seeds were sown incorrectly which led to its ruin, it is in the family that you must harvest the results and make a heavenly family that can prosper. Your destiny rests in fulfilling this. Let’s bring this matter to a closing point. (210-291, 1990.12.25

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189

As God carried out the dispensation for restoration, His grief lay in the fact that the firstborn son was on Satan’s side. That is why human history is diseased. What kind of disease does it suffer from? It has a love related disease. The first son was born after humankind went astray due to the disease of love. If we are not aware of this fact, we won’t reach the time when we are able to ascend to the individual position where we can again achieve harmony, even if we spend billions of years in search of the principled standard. (136-126, 1985.12.22)

Richard: We have to understand The Fall of Man and we have to receive the Blessing.

A Good Heart

2. A Loving Heart and Its Roots in God’s Heart

Gentleness and goodness are the roots of humanity.
    Book of Ritual 38.18 (Confucianism)

To love is to know Me,
My innermost nature,
the truth that I am.
    Bhagavad-Gita 18.55 (Hinduism)

All men have this heart that, when they see another man suffer, they suffer, too… Take an example: a man looks out and sees a child about to fall into a well. No matter who the man is, his heart will flip, flop, and he will feel the child’s predicament; and not because he expects to get something out of it from the child’s parents, or because he wants praise from his neighbors, associates, or friends, or because he is afraid of a bad name, or anything like that.
    Mencius II.A.6 (Confucianism)

The Dwelling of the Tathagata is the great compassionate heart within all the living. The Robe of the Tathagata is the gentle and forbearing heart.
    Lotus Sutra 10 (Buddhism)

As a mother protects her only child at the risk of her own life, let him cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings.
    Khuddaka Patha, Metta Sutta (Buddhism)

Allah is kind and loves whoever is kind;
Allah is clean and loves whoever is clean;
Allah is generous and loves whoever is generous.
    Hadith of Muslim 913.2 (Islam)

What sort of religion can it be without compassion?
You need to show compassion to all living beings.
Compassion is the root of all religious faiths.
    Basavanna, Vacana 247 (Hinduism)

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Because God is love, let us center our lives on heart (shimjung), the essence of love. We advance on the path by developing a character that springs from the heart. (84:123, February 22, 1976)
In the heart of love, everything becomes one. It is all-inclusive, not discriminating. Being all-inclusive, it is also embracing. Inclusiveness is the inner core that manifests outwardly as tolerance. Inner and outer engage in circular motion; thus tolerance promotes inclusiveness and inclusiveness pro-motes tolerance.
    Beyond that, love is mutually responsive. “Mutually responsive” means the grandfather is not always absolute. Nor are the grandchildren always absolute. At times, the grandfather may become a grandchild, and the grandchild may become the grandfather. This is what is meant by “mutually responsive.” Therefore, anywhere that loving hearts and a loving atmosphere prevail, there is no opposition; everyone welcomes it. Neither knowledge nor power can create such a tolerant and embracing environment; only love can do it.
    When a hungry child is embraced in its mother’s bosom, it can forget its hunger and go to sleep. What else could be as precious as love? Diamonds? Suppose your wife or child was ill and on the verge of dying. Would you refuse to take a diamond out of your jewelry box and sell it to cover the medical costs? Would that be love? Genuine love has the power to move anything. (139:196-97, January 31, 1986)
Due to the human fall, nothing about the human realm of heart entitles us to stand before God except for one condition that remains unchanged: parents’ loving heart for their children. Children’s love toward their parents cannot be the standard, because in the beginning we betrayed God from the position of children. Hence we lost the emotional basis to relate to God as His children. On the other hand, God loved Adam and Eve even at the moment of their Fall. That original nature remains in our hearts. It remains the basis for parents to act according to their original mind in loving their children. Therefore, among people living in the fallen realm, only parents’ love toward their children remains as an original, prelapsarian standard of love. It shall remain as an eternal standard. (23:206, May 25, 1969)
If parents have a child with a handicap or birth defect, they are heart-broken yet make special efforts to take care of that child. The love of even worldly parents unmistakably reflects God’s heart. That is why restoration is possible when you are filial toward your parents. (99:127-28, September 10, 1978)
Right now what we need most is the glow of love. God’s love is like the guide rope of a net. That love should set its anchor in me. Where should we set the center of our character? Not in the truth, but rather in the heart (shimjung). (33:68, August 8, 1970)

Make a Habit of Liking People

Cheon Seong Gyeong 395

An ideal family is where the parents, children, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters all desire to unite through true love. In this situation, they are all eternally on an equal footing; from there, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth begins and the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven is automatically established. (Hero of the Future – 172)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 874

    The sun rotates on its axis just like the earth. The sun, whose mass is 1.3. million times greater than the earth, is constantly moving. There are vast galaxies in the universe whose mass is 200 billion times greater than the solar system. These galaxies are called microcosms. There are countless nebulae like these galaxies in the universe. Considered together we call this the macrocosm. We should broaden our minds and look at the world of this vast and boundless universe.
    God, who created this enormous universe whose radius spans hundreds of millions of light years, has moved this great universe along for millions and billions of years in accordance with an unchanging law. God is moving all these celestial bodies with a power that goes far beyond our imagination and senses.
    The more we think about God, who created this universe, the more naturally we come to bow our heads before His grandeur and greatness. We should broaden our minds to consider the fact that the Creator of this great universe is our Father, who looks after us, our God who protects us, and the great living Master. (5-342, 1959.3.8)

Richard:  Yes!  God is our loving Father.  When we seek first the Kingdom, it may seem that we are losing, but, God in His love cares for us so much.  That  means that we are winning!

A Good Heart

Loving kindness and compassion spring naturally from a good heart. Hence, cultivating a good heart ought to be a priority in life. A number of passages praise a loving heart as superior to faith, knowledge, dedication to the truth, and all other virtues.
A loving heart is rooted in God—what Father Moon call’s God’s heart (Korean: shimjung). Shimjung is God’s irrepressible impulse to love—the very motivation for his creation. (see chapter 1: Divine Love and Compassion) in human terms, it is closest to the heart of a mother, who cannot help but love her child. A good heart is impartial and all embracing, able to digest evil and unpleasant people as well as kind and virtuous people. Therefore, it is indispensable to reconciling opponents and resolving conflicts

1. Loving-Kindness
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
    Ephesians 4.32
May I look on all beings with the eye of friend!
May we look on one another with the eye of friend!
    Yajur Veda 36.18 (Hinduism)
He who can find no room for others lacks fellow feeling, and to him who lacks fellow feeling, all men are strangers.
    Chuang Tzu 23 (Taoism)
Treat people in such a way and live amongst them in such a manner that if you die they will weep over you; alive they crave for your company.
    Nahjul Balagha, Saying 9 (Shiite Islam)
Gentle character it is which enables the rope of life to stay unbroken in one’s hand.
    Yoruba Proverb (African Traditional Religions)
Monks, whatsoever grounds there be for good works undertaken with a view to [favorable] rebirth, all of them are not worth one-sixteenth part of that goodwill which is the heart’s release; goodwill alone, which is the heart’s release, shines and burns and flashes forth in surpassing them.
    Itivuttaka 19 (Buddhism)

Continue reading “Make a Habit of Liking People”

The World of the Heart is not Restrained in any Way

Watch the latest episode in an eight part series about forced vaccination: The Vaccine Industry is Fraught with Conflicts of Interest: https://youtu.be/vXFFafKdQIU.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 2295

We need to return to God the right of
ownership, the realm of heart, and the
realm of substance. The family, nation
and world together need to be returned
to Him. We need to give them back to
Him as an offering through the True
Parents and clear all our debts.
On that basis, the horizontal founda-
tion of the right of ownership of parents,
children, and your family and all things
is connected through the True Parents.
Where that takes place becomes God’s
Book 15 • The Life of an Owner of Cheon Il Guk 2296
Kingdom on earth. From the un-fallen
position, the right of ownership must be
connected to earth, but due to the Fall
this connection must be made through
the path of indemnity. Once established,
we will usher in the era of the sovereignty
of absolute love and the right of owner-
ship of the Kingdom of Heaven. In order
to welcome such a liberated realm, we
declare in Family Pledge number eight,
that we will perfect the realm of liber-
ation in God’s Kingdom on earth and
achieve that goal. (295-243, 1998.8.28)

Family Pledge: http://visionroot.org/resources/the-eight-books-of-holy-scripture/family-pledge/ .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1174

If you look at a person whose life was
tough, his feet and hands are big, but if
you look at my hands and feet, you would
say that I was not meant for suffering.
You would say that a person who was
born with such a precious body should
not suffer. You would find it ironic that
a person, who shouldn’t have suffered,
has actually suffered so much. That is
because you don’t know about restora-
tion through indemnity. (140-186, 1986.2.9)

I Am Relating with Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Romans 7: 15-25

Although we have minds, we are unclear about their direction. We are surrounded by the confusing ideas of our environment and have been lost, not knowing where we should go. Our minds have been degraded to the point where they move based on whim. Therefore, we do not know what is true and right. Although the direction of our minds sets out from a single point, it divides in the end. This is how it is. Although the beginning is normal, it divides in the end. To divide is to be destroyed. We have been living our lives in this way.

Although democracy and communism are in conflict today, these ideologies cannot solve the problems of our world. Just as we cannot confirm the direction of our minds, the same is true for the physical world of today. This is the trend of thought. Isn’t this true?

When do you decide the direction of your mind? It is the moment you form a relationship with which your mind can rejoice eternally through the heavenly heart. Why did God give people minds? It is for God and people to become one in heart and rejoice. God created human beings for this purpose. On the foundation of our minds, which are unclear in their direction, we now need the joy which undeniably enters our minds. Only when undeniable joy is fulfilled in our minds will the world experience joy.

The body has an end. However, there is no limit or end to the mind. For this reason in the world of the mind there are no concepts. There is no such thing as a worldview. Greater than the mind is the world of the heart. The world of heart is not restrained in any way. The world of the mind does have some restraints. Based on the conditions of reciprocity, the mind is restrained. Yet nothing can restrain the world of the heart. What can ever restrain parents’ love toward their children? Even a barrier as daunting as a huge mountain cannot block the way. The world of the mind is like the object partner while the world of the heart is the subject partner. Because the mind has four directions, it can be restrained. However, this is not true for the world of the heart.

What might the hope of Heaven be? When Jesus comes in the Last Days, he will say, “The Kingdom of Heaven is in your mind, and the Kingdom of Heaven begins from your heart.” Is this statement adequate? The conclusion which must be arrived at is, “It is realized in your heart.”

Why do you experience misfortune? It is because you cannot harmonize with the center of the mind. No matter how great the external difficulties, if one can rejoice in harmony with the mind, one is a happy person. Why does one feel misfortune, then? It is because one does not have an unchanging center of heart which can move one’s mind. That is the reason.