God Will Be the Judge; Satan Will be the Prosecutor

All WV Elections 2020 Candidate Interviews

John Doyle-Democratic Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 67
Steve Cox-Independent Candidate for Jefferson County WV Sheriff
Wayne Clark-Republican Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 65

Editorial: Vote Against the Jefferson County School Excess Levy Mega Property Tax

Cheon Seong Gyeong 325

What is the difference between true
love and authority? In true love, you
give love and then forget that you have
given it. What is the line between good
and evil? Evil is where something is giv-
en with the intention of receiving all
the benefit for oneself, and goodness is
where, even though you give, you forget
that you have done so. Even in a house-
hold, those who serve others more stand
on the good side, and the one who lives for
others most becomes the master of that
family in the end. Let us say there are ten
friends. Which would be the best among
them? The one who cares for all the oth-
ers. Then the ten friends would make the
one who was taking care of them the cen-
tral figure and serve him. This is how the
universe is inherited. (141-252, 1986.2.26)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1078

You must be exemplary in every-
thing. Eating good food, living the good
life in affluence can never be exemplary.
You should know that an exemplary life
lies in moderation and spending only
what is absolutely necessary.
     On Sundays I am forced to wear a
suit, but at other times I go without a
necktie as much as possible. When I
am at home I do not wear a jacket but
instead wear simple things like sweaters.
Think about how much neckties cost in
Western society. If you include neck-
tie pins, how much do they cost in all?
Consider two men: one thinks about the
world and lives his entire life without a
necktie and the other lives his life wear-
ing a necktie without thinking about the
world. Which one do you think will be
closer to God when they go to the spirit

The Judgement

3. The Court of Judgment

Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect?
It is God who justifies; who is to condemn? Is it
Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised from
the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who
indeed intercedes for us? Who shall separate us
from the love of Christ?
Romans 8.33-35

When I die my death will be a mercy and a
blessing for you: After death, your deeds will
be sent to me and I will look at them: If you
worked righteousness, I will praise God for this.
If you worked evil, I will ask God that you be
Hadith of Ibn Sa’d (Islam)

They that are born are destined to die; and the
dead to be brought to life again; and the living
to be judged, to know, to make known, and to be
made conscious that He is God, He the Maker,
He the Creator, He the Discerner, He the Judge,
He the Witness, He the Complainant; He it is
that will in future judge, blessed be He, with
whom there is no unrighteousness, nor forgetful-
ness, nor respect of persons, nor taking of bribes.
Know also that everything is according to reck-
oning; and let not your imagination give you
hope that the grave will be a place of refuge
for you. For perforce you were formed, and per-
force you were born, and perforce you live, and
perforce you will die, and perforce you will in
the future have to give account and reckoning
before the King of kings, the Holy One, blessed
be He.
Mishnah, Avot 4.29 (Judaism)

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Jesus is working as an attorney in the spirit world. He would say to God, “This person did such and such good deeds with faith in my name. Isn’t it true, based upon the agreement fixed between you and the Devil, that the Devil cannot take a person who strived to be good and who observed public righteousness?” Then, God has to agree with him. (149:98, November 17, 1986)

God brings each individual into judgment based on the degree to which he or she lived centered on the mind or centered on the body. An individual is completely restored when he or she becomes the very incarnation of the scriptures, established in truth and guiltless of every law in the book of judgment. Now, on the foundation of individual perfection, it is time to establish a family that can pass through the judgment. All the family’s records will be presented as evidence… God takes position of the judge, Satan will be the prosecutor, and Jesus will be our defense attorney. Therefore, we should establish a pure family that Satan cannot accuse of any wrong. (13:211, March 15, 1964)

Do you love Cain? Cain is in the position of Satan’s son. Satan, who is spiritual, challenges us through people who take the role of Cain. They are grinding their teeth, hating us even though we never did them any wrong. If Satan is not to hook you, you should subjugate Cain; that is, win him over. This will require you to love Cain all the way to the end; otherwise, you cannot save him.
     For this reason, in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, you need to obtain a certificate from Satan. What is Satan’s certificate? For a convicted criminal to be released he should first go through an attorney, then a prosecutor, and finally he can be released by the judge. Satan is in the position of the prosecutor, God is the judge, and Jesus is the attorney.
     If Satan accuses a defendant with convincing evidence, God cannot do anything about it. Then Jesus, the attorney, says, “Heavenly Father, since this person is accused of such and such counts, let him be given an indemnity condition proportionate to his offenses, and then liberate him.” For this reason [proving he has fulfilled the indemnity condition], he needs to procure a certificate from Satan. (48:316-17, September 26, 1971)

How Is it Determined Whether we Shall Go to Heaven or Hell?

WV Elections 2020 Candidate Interviews
John Doyle-Democratic Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 67
Steve Cox-Independent-Jefferson County WV Sheriff
Wayne Clark-Republican Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 65

Vote Against the Jefferson County School Excess Levy Mega Property Tax

Hebrews 13

11 After the high priest offers the blood of animals as a sin offering, the bodies of those animals are burned outside the camp. 12 Jesus himself suffered outside the city gate, so that his blood would make people holy. 13 That’s why we should go outside the camp to Jesus and share in his disgrace. 14 On this earth we don’t have a city that lasts forever, but we are waiting for such a city.

15 Our sacrifice is to keep offering praise to God in the name of Jesus. 16 But don’t forget to help others and to share your possessions with them. This too is like offering a sacrifice that pleases God.

Psalm 20

20 I pray that the Lord
will listen
when you
    are in trouble,
    and that the God of Jacob
    will keep you safe.
May the Lord send help
    from his temple
    and come to your rescue
    from Mount Zion.
May he remember your gifts
    and be pleased
    with what you bring.

May God do what you want most
    and let all go well for you.
Then you will win victories,
    and we will celebrate,
    while raising our banners
    in the name of our God.
May the Lord answer
    all of your prayers!

The Judgement

2. The Sorting, for Heaven or Hell

Teachings of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon

How is it determined whether we shall go to heaven or hell? It doesn’t matter how religious we are. The answer is simple: if we lived mainly for ourselves, we shall go to hell. On the other hand, if on the balance, even by just one percent, our life was mainly dedicated for a public purpose, we shall overcome hell and arrive in heaven. (75:330, January 16, 1975)

Is the standard of a person’s conscience able to receive the heart of Heaven one hundred percent? No, it is not that way at all. In fact, the conscience of a fallen person is oppressed by so many restrictions. Nevertheless, at the entrance to heaven, our hoped-for destination, stands a gate of judgment. (4:269, August 8, 1958)
It is a gate that only those who lived for the sake of others can pass through. There are guards at the gate. Please understand well that whatever I ask of you is to enable you to pass through that gate. (203:193, June 24, 1990)
Heaven is a vast world, and it consists of three levels. Who will go to the highest level? It is those who most lived for others. It is the law there. If you lived for others, then wherever you go, people will welcome you.
     However, for those who lived for themselves, the opposite scene will unfold. No matter where a self-centered person goes, the people will drive him out, saying “Huh! We don’t like your kind of people.” Everyone will reject a person who lived for himself, and everyone will welcome someone who lived for others. That is for sure.
     You should know clearly whether you are on the path to heaven or to hell. This is not my casual viewpoint. I know the spirit world. People lead all manner of lives on earth, but no one can avoid death. Those who lived for themselves will go to hell, and those who lived for others will go to heaven. At death people are sorted into these two worlds. (203:100-01, June 17, 1990

There Are Two Halves Enclosed in a Single Shell

WV Elections 2020 Candidate Interviews
Wayne Clark-Republican Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 65

Vote Against the Jefferson County School Excess Levy Mega Property Tax

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1635

Adam is the ancestor of all males and
Eve the ancestress of all females. In oth-
er words, they are the seeds of man and
woman. They are two halves. Everything
is made up of two halves enclosed in a
single shell, symbolizing God and the
universe. Within the unified God are
dual characteristics, and within them
the embryo, seed and nucleus. (253-249,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 629

What is the center of the spirit world?
It is a world structured and centered on
the One Absolute God, the originator of
the universe from the beginning. There
is nothing He has not created. Since all
things belong to Him, they feel as He
feels and exist in relationship to Him.
For example, the human body consists
of one hundred trillion cells. When any
of the cells at any part of the body feels
something, it directly relays it to the
brain. It is the same for all creatures that
have been connected to their Creator
since the universe was created.
What is more, we are born and live
with consciousness, pursuing goodness
and higher value as well as experiencing
the grief of others? All these attributes
did not originate from human beings
but from the origin of humankind. We
can say that human life is a process of
going towards the resultant world which
leads us to the origin. (140-121, 1986.2.9)

The Judgement

2. The Sorting, for Heaven or Hell

The hour is coming when all who are in the
tombs will hear his voice and come forth, those
who have done good, to the resurrection of life,
and those who have done evil, to the resurrec-
tion of judgment.
John 5.28-29

Towards the wicked man and the righteous one
And him in whom right and wrong meet
Shall the Judge act in upright manner,
According to the laws of the present existence.
Avesta, Yasna 33.1 (Zoroastrianism)

He, having effected an activity of body that
is harmful, effected an activity of speech that
is harmful, effected an activity of mind that
is harmful, arises in a world that is harmful.
Because he has uprisen in a world that is harm-
ful, harmful sensory impingements assail him.
He, being assailed by harmful sensory impinge-
ments, experiences a harmful feeling, without
exception painful, even as do creatures in Niraya
Hell. In this way, there is the uprising of a being
from what he has come to be; he uprises accord-
ing to what he does; when he has uprisen sen-
sory impingements assail him. So I speak thus:
Creatures are heir to deeds.
Majjhima Nikaya 1.389-90, Kukkuravatikasutta

For the Son of man is to come with his angels
in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay
every man for what he has done.
Matthew 16.27

Naturally every Hopi wants to join the spirits
of his loved ones who have passed beyond. To
that end he keeps his heart pure and is kind and
generous to other people.
     When a bad person, one who is known
as “not-Hopi,” dies, his fate is very different.
Witches called the “Two Hearts” take him by
the hand as soon as the breath is out of his body,
and they lead him away to their own country.
The country of the Two Hearts is as bad as they
are themselves.
Hopi Tradition (Native American Religions)

The Trumpet will be sounded, and whoever is in
heaven and whoever is on earth will be stunned,
except for someone God may wish. Then another
[blast] will be blown and behold, they will stand
there watching! The earth will shine through
its Lord’s light and the Book will be laid open.
Prophets and witnesses will be brought in, and
judgment will be pronounced among them for-
mally, and they will not be harmed. Every soul
will be repaid for whatever it has done; He is
quite aware of what they are doing.
     The ones who disbelieve will be driven
along to hell in throngs until, just as they come
up to it, its gates will swing open and its keepers
will say to them, “Did not messengers come to
you from among yourselves reciting your Lord’s
verses to you and warning you about meeting
[Him] on this day of yours?” They will say, “Of
course!” But the Sentence about torment has
still come due for disbelievers. Someone else will
say, “Enter hell’s gates to remain there. What an
awful lodging will it be for the overbearing!”
     The ones who have heeded their Lord will be
driven along to the Garden in throngs until just
as they come up to it, its gates will swing open
and its keepers will tell them, “Peace be upon
you! You have been good, so enter it to remain
there.” They will say, “Praise be to God who has
held true to His promise for us and let us inherit
the earth! We shall settle down anywhere we
wish to in the Garden. How favored are such
workers’ wages!”
Qur’an 39.68-74

At the gates of the land of the dead
You will pass before a searching Judge.
His justice is true and He will examine your
He will know how to find every stain,
Whether visible or hidden under the skin;
If you have fallen on the way He will know.
If the Judge finds no stains on your feet
Open your belly to joy, for you have overcome
And your belly is clean.
Fon Song (African Traditional Religions)

For Nothing is Covered that Will Not be Revealed

WV Elections 2020 Candidate Interviews

Vote Against the Jefferson County School Excess Levy Mega Property Tax

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2128

All North Korean citizens are
equipped with Kim Il-sung’s Juche ide-
ology. We must equip ourselves with the
ideology of true love that is capable of
assimilating them. North Korea is a part
of northern civilization which has been
influenced by the cold winds of soviet
civilization. We must work to naturally
melt them with our temperate zone civi-
lization. Otherwise, both our countries
will come to ruin. Thus, we must thor-
oughly equip ourselves with the ideol-
ogy of true love. This ideology must not
be one that seeks the fulfillment of indi-
vidual desires, but must rather seek the
salvation of all humanity. It must not
be self-centered, but instead serve the
greater good. Communists have the idea
that everyone should work for the sake
of a few top party leaders. This is why
they eliminate any person who stands
out as a potential rival. We are not that
way. Our idea is to unite with the cor-
responding environment in order to
establish a higher reciprocal standard,
that is, for Cain and Abel to unite so
as to receive their parents who are on
a higher level. In other words, we must
become able to impress them with how
we live. We must be able to amaze those
people equipped with communist ideol-
ogy in terms of our view of life and our
standard of character.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1242

If you have the opportunity to attend
a Blessing Ceremony, you should not go
thinking you are just a man or a wom-
an and there is nothing else to it. When
you attend the ceremony, you are there
representing men and women who have
come and gone in the world over the past
six thousand years. You must under-
stand that you have been invited as such.
You should experience this reality deep
in your heart. (30-169, 1970. 3.22)
Richard: Learn more about the Blessing. (opens in new tab)

The Judgement

After the initial passage into the afterlife, there is another, less comfortable event. each individual undergoes a judgment where he must review his life with unsparing honesty. there is a ledger recording every deed, and its consequences on the people it affected. now that book is opened and read. the movie that re-corded the person’s life is projected onto the screen of his mind. everything comes to light.
     The main criterion of judgment seems to be the deeds. Did the person live more to benefit others, or did he use others to benefit himself? scriptures describe a trial scene, with God as judge, Jesus or Muhammad as defense attorney, and sometimes the devil as prosecutor. God is bound to pass sentence based upon the evi-dence. on this point, Father Moon offers a unique insight: to overcome satan’s accusation at the judgment, we should win over the person or persons who most hate and accuse us on earth. he calls it loving ‘Cain.’
     Scriptures describe a gate that only the righteous may enter, a “bridge of the separator” that only the righteous may cross, and a fire that burns up all falsehood and leaves only what is genuine. the spirit world has various abodes, heavens and hells, welcoming the soul according to its condition. spirits are sorted out, and each goes to its appropriate place. no guards are required to keep out the unworthy; no policemen to direct traffic, for each person naturally goes to the place most fitting to his or her character and past life.

  1. The Life Review

For God will bring every deed into judgment,
with every secret thing, whether good or evil.
Ecclesiastes 12.14

For nothing is covered that will not be revealed,
or hidden that will not be known.
Matthew 10.26

Then I saw a great white throne and Him who
sat upon it; from His presence earth and sky
fled away, and no place was found for them.
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing
before the throne, and books were opened. Also
another book was opened, which is the book
of life. And the dead were judged by what was
written in the books, by what they had done.
Revelation 20.11-12

When the earth is shaken with her earthquake
And the earth yields up her burdens,
And man says, “What ails her?”
That day she will relate her chronicles
Because your Lord inspires her.
That day mankind will issue forth in scattered
groups to be shown their deeds.
And whoever has done good, an atom’s weight
will see it then,
And whoever has done ill, an atom’s weight
will see it then.
Qur’an 99

And every man’s augury have We fastened to
his own neck, and We shall bring forth for him
on the Day of Resurrection a book which he will
find wide open. “Read your book! Your soul suf-
fices as a reckoner against you this day.”
Qur’an 17.13-14

After you depart this life, God shall demand a
reckoning of your deeds
That in His ledger are recorded.
Those that are rebellious, shall be summoned.
Azrael, the angel of death, will hover over
And trapped in a blind alley they will know not
any escape.
Saith Nanak, Falsehood must be destroyed;
Truth in the end shall prevail.
Adi Granth, Ramkali-ki-Var 13, M.1, p. 953 (Sikhism)

On the day when man’s time arrives to depart
from the world, when the body is broken and
the soul seeks to leave it, on that day man is
privileged to see things that he was not permit-
ted to see before, when the body was in full vigor.
Three messengers stand over him and take an
account of his life and of all that he has done
in this world, and he admits all with his mouth
and signs the account with his hand… as it is
written, “that every man should acknowledge
his works.” (Job 37:7)
Zohar 1.79a (Judaism)

Teach Liberation of God and Sacrificial Love for Mankind

John 4

34 Jesus said:

My food is to do what God wants! He is the one who sent me, and I must finish the work that he gave me to do. 35 You may say that there are still four months until harvest time. But I tell you to look, and you will see that the fields are ripe and ready to harvest.

36 Even now the harvest workers are receiving their reward by gathering a harvest that brings eternal life. Then everyone who planted the seed and everyone who harvests the crop will celebrate together. 37 So the saying proves true, “Some plant the seed, and others harvest the crop.” 38 I am sending you to harvest crops in fields where others have done all the hard work.

Richard: As we witness to God and Christ we should realize that many have been involved in preparing the harvest. I remember hearing a sermon where the pastor stated that an average of eight people witness to someone before they come to Christ.

Matthew 11

20 In the towns where Jesus had worked most of his miracles, the people refused to turn to God. So Jesus was upset with them and said:

21 You people of Chorazin are in for trouble! You people of Bethsaida are in for trouble too! If the miracles that took place in your towns had happened in Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have turned to God long ago. They would have dressed in sackcloth and put ashes on their heads.[e] 22 I tell you that on the day of judgment the people of Tyre and Sidon will get off easier than you will.

23 People of Capernaum, do you think you will be honored in heaven? You will go down to hell! If the miracles that took place in your town had happened in Sodom, that town would still be standing. 24 So I tell you that on the day of judgment the people of Sodom will get off easier than you.

Richard: Invitations to learn about God and His Kingdom are important. We should be aware of the messengers of God, lest we fall in judgement.

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 12 – 13

Become People’s parents

Home church will not make you merely a
messiah to your people. but also their true parent.
That is God’s goal. ( 1/14/79)

Act, think and feel like a parent to your 360
homes. Think. I am holding these 360 homes;
because of me, they cannot leave God; because of
me, they will receive the blessing. This is parental
heart. (4/14/79)

With a parental heart. you should pray for your
home church people, loving them as your children
who are struggling in hell. Your heart as a parent
must be grieved and filled with longing to save
them. If you do not have this real love, push
yourself until you do. No one has to teach a parent
to love his children. If you feel like a parent to
your home church, then your love will have that
quality; without anyone having to teach you, you
will then know how to give it. (4/15/79)

You have to supply your home church with the
essential elements for their particular stage of
growth. just as though they were in their mother’s
womb. Those who are already born spiritually have
to be given much love. You have to be exemplary in
showing this life to those who follow and have
confidence that if they follow you, then one day
they will go to the bosom of God’s love. You have to
be confident that you are doing as God does,
supplying all the elements they need. ( 1/20/80)

At first, home church people will not welcome
you, but soon they will say that unless you come to
visit them, they cannot sleep well. Eventually. they
will think, This Moonie loves me more than God
and Jesus do. He is like my parent; I could have no
better parent than he. ( 1/1/79)

If your home church members are really
grateful and willing to sacrifice for kingdom-
building. then expansion to the home country is
possible. Through home church, you shall be
superior to any past saint, servant of God or
patriot of history. ( 1/14/79)

Educate the people
Why do you go to home church? First, you want
to educate the people. This education has the goal
to awaken the people and bring them to the
heavenly side. This education will give them birth.
Once they see the vision of the truth and the
ideal, they will no longer live in darkness.
The home church mission is accomplished by
people who take up the divine position as educa-
tors of mankind, teaching people how to love God
and liberate the rest of mankind. We are going to
teach the world these things: liberation of God
and sacrificial love for mankind. We will sacri-
fice ourselves to educate the people and love them.
If you do that, then without question God w111
dwell with you and will lead your home church,
working with you day after day. ( 1/1/79)