Who Can Escape the Great Judgement?

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show: Vaccines Are Unavoidably Unsafe: https://youtu.be/ap-Y1ZDvLWU.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 663

The religious teachings of living
for the sake of others, being absolutely
obedient, sacrificing, and serving, do
not exist in the secular world. They are
perceived as games played by groups
of beggars who know nothing of this
world. Yet this was God’s secret strat-
egy against Satan so that people could
be blessed even if they were ignorant of
heaven’s laws. (46-40, 1971.7.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1122

When Adam fulfills his portion of
responsibility he stands in the posi-
tion of the first son. Then he can enter
the position of true parents. This is the
restoration of parenthood. It is the posi-
tion of the king, the king of heaven and
The difficulty in restoring the right
of the first son through True Parents’
battles with the satanic world cannot be
compared to anything in the history of
the world. Restoration of the right of the
parent is like a puzzle. The restoration
of the right of the king (kingship) has
also been fulfilled in this difficult time
in the democratic world. Think about
that. When was it ever possible to speak
of such things? Now, the atmosphere
is such that people say, “This is great
because Rev. Moon is saying it.” (217-45,

I Am Relating with Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Romans 7: 15-25

Because the world turns around us, the fight between the mind and the body continues in our life. In this fight between mind and body, those who cannot sing a song of victory centering on the mind can never become citizens of Heaven. Those who harbor the ambition to conquer the world will be judged together with this world. Those who try to move this earth centering on their own ideas will perish together with the earth. However, those who hold onto and ceaselessly seek the ideals of Heaven will survive.

Since the world of the mind is unchanging and unique, it can communicate with the world of infinity. Because only this mind can become the base upon which to communicate with the heart of Heaven, those who embrace it in their lives will escape the day of judgment.

Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is in our hearts. This Kingdom is infinite. If there are heavenly principles or the heart of Heaven, those who can invite this heart into their consciences and honor it as the motivating force in their lives, living in harmony with it, will become princes who can build the Kingdom of Heaven.

Heaven is waiting for the day of judgment. He is waiting for the day when the universe will be judged. You have to understand that historical judgment has been carried out, and each one of you are being judged in this hour.

Faithful people of the Last Days fear the day of the great judgment. Who can escape the great judgment? They are probably the people who have resolved conflicts within themselves and declared victory. Yet people today do not know that similar conflicts are taking place in families, among peoples and in the world.

What is the cause of these phenomena? It is because the time has come when the conflict between the heavenly mind and the evil mind will come to an end. This is the reason we have desired to possess the authority of the great judgment. We long to cast judgment on our enemies.

To become such people, we must be able to conquer our own selves. We must completely conquer our body under the leadership of our mind. We must eradicate all elements which may oppose the mind. Before prevailing over our bodies based on our faith, we cannot perform the act of judgment.

Those who are triumphant in the judgment of individuals are worthy to judge families. Those who are triumphant in the judgment of families are qualified to judge the society. Those who are victorious in judging the society will be able to judge the nation. Those who are victorious in judging the nation will be able to judge the world. Those who are victorious in judging the world will be able to judge the universe. They will have such authority.

When we examine ourselves, we find ourselves in the middle of two worlds. The Kingdom of Heaven dominates the higher realms of our mind. Hell dominates the lower realms of the mind. These two worlds have formed a parallel. In other words, on the upper side of the parallel in the spiritual world of the mind is Heaven. The lower side is hell.

Ladies and gentlemen, there are those who feel increasingly intense fear as they near the Last Days. In contrast there are those who are filled with joy. It is inevitable that such movements will emerge. You may have thought that there are only extremely evil people; yet there are extremely good people. Extreme evil cannot invade an extremely good person, and extreme goodness cannot relate with extreme evil. This society cannot hold onto God. There will come a time when no religious figure, no one gifted by Heaven, can bridge the gap.

When that time comes, those who live in an extremely evil world, those who have not built any relationship with Heaven, will certainly face the judgment. There will come a time when such a situation will unfold in your minds. Your minds want to pursue a certain direction, yet your body pursues another. Those who are struggling because they do not have the conditions for connecting their minds and bodies will surely head toward hell.

A Sinner Like Me can Never Wipe the Tears of the Father

Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Why Conflicts of Interest Are Important:

Reveleation 12

Our people defeated Satan
    because of the blood[a]
of the Lamb
    and the message of God.
They were willing
    to give up their lives.

Ezekiel 30

Soldiers hired from Ethiopia, Libya, Lydia, Arabia, Kub, as well as from Israel,[b] will die in that battle. All of your allies will be killed, and your proud strength will crumble. People will die from Migdol in the north to Aswan in the south. I, the Lord, have spoken.

The True Sons and Daughters of Heavenly Father Who Will Remain in the Last Days

Rev Sun Myung Moon
July 26, 1959

Romans 8: 12-27

There will come a day of judgment in the last days. When the day of judgment comes, how will Heaven appear? Heaven does not say, “I have this and that element of joy and glory. Why haven’t you attained similar elements?” The basis of the judgment is whether or not you understand the sorrowful and painful history of humanity and God, during which God fought fiercely for six thousand years. You have to understand that the traces of God’s work can be found in this history. Those who are trying to stand before God with the glory of a son and the hopes of a daughter will be asked by Heaven how much they have mourned over this history and how much suffering they have borne. At that time, those who say “Not at all” will not receive the glory of a son.

Look. On the hands and feet of Jesus are the nail marks. On his head is the crown of thorns, and in his heart there is the wound inflicted by a spear. Although Jesus passed away, Christians today do not understand that he had to cross over the hill of death in order to alleviate God’s bitter grief after becoming the prince of sorrow and anguish. Since Jesus passed the test of qualification of the heart, he appeared as the leader in the realm of the heart and spirit. What kind of savior was he? A savior of the body? No. he was the savior of the heart and spirit whom we long for from the depth of our beings, with whom we want to live for the rest of eternity. Jesus was able to become the Savior with the deepest and unchanging heart and standard of heart, based upon which he could wash away the heartaches of God and erase God’s historical anguishes from human history.

Let us consider this issue once more. The Last Days are near. The Last Days will certainly come, and in those Last Days, how will Heaven conduct the judgment? You have to understand this clearly. It will surely come true. You who are devout, you who want to believe, should understand this clearly. In the last days, God will not appear smiling and filled with joy. The same will be true with the Lord. When Mary Magdalene tried to cling onto the resurrected Jesus and called out, “My Lord!” Jesus told her not to hold onto him. Why? We have to understand clearly that only after we are connected to the sorrowful heart of Jesus and pass through a course of experiencing the pains and sorrow of Heaven can we hold onto Jesus.

When you call out to the Father after having experienced sorrow and agony yourself, look upon the Father’s appearance. His eyes have never stopped crying for six thousand years. His ears have never ceased hearing the mockery and criticisms of His enemies for six thousand years. His mouth could not speak the words He wanted to share for six thousand years. He was starving together with the people who were starving. The Father’s hands are stained with blood and sweat. His footsteps are the same. They have crossed the steep and rough path of Golgotha many hundreds and thousands of times. The Father’s body is wounded, and on Him are the marks of many beatings unjustly suffered.

Who caused all this suffering to the Father? He suffered because of pitiful humanity. Whenever we think about this, we should feel deeply sorry and repentful. When we call Him, we should have the mind-set, “A sinner like me can never erase the sufferings of the Father, even if I die many thousands of times. A sinner like me can never wipe the tears of the Father, no matter how many thousands of times I were to die.” Have you ever called out to Him with such a heart? If you have not, then you should repent deeply.

Since Human Beings Fell, Human Beings Should Do This Work

Joshua 15

45 Ekron, with its surrounding settlements and villages; 46 west of Ekron, all that were in the vicinity of Ashdod, together with their villages; 47 Ashdod, its surrounding settlements and villages; and Gaza, its settlements and villages, as far as the Wadi of Egypt and the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea.

Richard: Here God allotted land for the tribes of Judah.

Jeremiah 5

14 Therefore this is what the Lord God Almighty says:

“Because the people have spoken these words,
    I will make my words in your mouth a fire
    and these people the wood it consumes.
15 People of Israel,” declares the Lord,
    “I am bringing a distant nation against you—
an ancient and enduring nation,
    a people whose language you do not know,
    whose speech you do not understand.
16 Their quivers are like an open grave;
    all of them are mighty warriors.
17 They will devour your harvests and food,
    devour your sons and daughters;
they will devour your flocks and herds,
    devour your vines and fig trees.
With the sword they will destroy
    the fortified cities in which you trust.

Richard: When the people of Israel and Judah turned against God, they were punished. Right now the United States is seeing various killings and atrocities of various kinds happening. We too can cry out to God and repent, for have we not turned far from God as a nation, as a whole?

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

We are the people who should go before God. We are the sons and daughters of Heaven, part of God’s family, heavenly couples and heavenly brothers and sisters. Yet what is our current situation? We lost our brothers and sisters. We are pitiful people who do not have parents, families, citizens and partners. These are what we must restore. We have to recover them.

When we seek them, we have to do so through our minds. Heaven comes to us through our minds. Heaven knocks on the doors to our minds and enters. For six thousand years of history, Heaven has instilled in us the feeling, “This is not how I should be; I have to escape from this world.” The six- thousand-year history of war is the repetition of fights between those who represent goodness and those who represent evil. Human history has been a history of war.

In the beginning, it may seem that evil people strike and prevail over good people, but when good people are struck, they multiply. When they die, they multiply. The condition in Heaven allows three people to be recovered when one person is struck. For this reason Christianity is struck first in any nation. God’s tactic is to send His beloved sons and daughters to Satan’s world and let them suffer through beatings and death. In exchange for their suffering, He takes back a comparable amount from Satan’s world. Good people never strike first. For the same amount that they are struck, they make a claim from Satan’s world. This is the tactic of Heaven. This is the reason that the history of Christianity until today has been a history of martyrdom and blood.

In history those who strike first always lose. Look at the World Wars. In the First and the Second World Wars, the side that struck first lost. In the third World War, the side which strikes first will also lose. This is why even in an individual’s life, it is said that one should persevere and restrain oneself; those who persevere will be blessed. One is to take the beating and persevere. This is because when you endure, you will rise up one day.

God has been enduring through all manner of grief. Even when He was accused by Satan during the six thousand years, He was not able to alleviate His indignation and sorrow. There will come a time when God will empathize with you and say, “You are also bitter; you must belong to My side.”

For this reason the religious world today tells us to endure. They tell us to believe and persevere. They tell us to be meek, obedient and sacrificial. Why? When we do so, the time will come when we will rise up.

Because Heaven’s tactic is to be hit first before taking things back, Jesus prayed as he was being struck. He did not even want to violate the laws of Satan’s world. If he had considered the people his enemies, he would have been violating the laws of Satan’s world. Such have been God’s tactics.

We have to understand this. You who are here today should understand that each of you is a son or daughter of God and a citizen of the heavenly kingdom. God sought you many times in history. You have to understand that you are members of the family in the heavenly kingdom. Moreover, you have to understand that you are the sons and daughters of God’s direct lineage. We have to become these sons and daughters, members of the heavenly family, people and citizens.

We have not understood God. God of the past, present and future came to us for our own sake, yet we did not know that God came to us with the hope that we would become His true sons and daughters. God is truly miserable. Did you know that God sought you?

Now that we look back, we find that we have a responsibility to our Father. Although God has exerted Himself for six thousand years on earth, has there been a person who can be proud of himself eternally before Satan and not be attacked by Satan’s world? There has not. There has not been a family about whom God could say, “This family is my family,” or a people about whom God could say, “This people is my people,” and whom Satan could not attack. There has not been a land which God could claim, “This is My land.”

This is the situation God is in. Then who should do this work? Since human beings fell, human beings should do this work. We should say, “Father, my home is Your home, and this home never allows Satan in. It will never allow him.” However, is there a home which can make that statement?

The Second Israelites of the World Must Unite

Hebrews 10

19 My friends, the blood of Jesus gives us courage to enter the most holy place 20 by a new way that leads to life! And this way takes us through the curtain that is Christ himself.

21 We have a great high priest who is in charge of God’s house. 22 So let’s come near God with pure hearts and a confidence that comes from having faith. Let’s keep our hearts pure, our consciences free from evil, and our bodies washed with clean water. 23 We must hold tightly to the hope that we say is ours. After all, we can trust the one who made the agreement with us. 24 We should keep on encouraging each other to be thoughtful and to do helpful things. 25 Some people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that the day of the Lord’s coming is getting closer.

26 No sacrifices can be made for people who decide to sin after they find out about the truth. 27 They are God’s enemies, and all they can look forward to is a terrible judgment and a furious fire. 28 If two or more witnesses accused someone of breaking the Law of Moses, that person could be put to death. 29 But it is much worse to dishonor God’s Son and to disgrace the blood of the promise that made us holy. And it is just as bad to insult the Holy Spirit, who shows us mercy. 30 We know that God has said he will punish and take revenge. We also know that the Scriptures say the Lord will judge his people. 31 It is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God!

32 Don’t forget all the hard times you went through when you first received the light. 33 Sometimes you were abused and mistreated in public, and at other times you shared in the sufferings of others. 34 You were kind to people in jail. And you gladly let your possessions be taken away, because you knew you had something better, something that would last forever.

35 Keep on being brave! It will bring you great rewards. 36 Learn to be patient, so that you will please God and be given what he has promised. 37 As the Scriptures say,

“God is coming soon!
    It won’t be very long.
38 The people God accepts
will live
    of their faith.[b]
But he isn’t pleased
with anyone
    who turns back.”

39 We are not like those people who turn back and get destroyed. We will keep on having faith until we are saved.

Psalm 97

If you obey and do right,
a light will show you the way
    and fill you with happiness.
12 You are the Lord’s people!
    So celebrate and praise
    the only God.

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

Christians today are the second foundation of Israel. Christians of the world today should awaken. They should awaken to the fact that they are the second Israel. Then, even if they suffer untold tribulations here, when the one day comes, they will be able to take pride in themselves under the power and authority of Heaven. This is the day of the Second Advent, which they long for.

What should the second Israel of the world today do? When the Israelites passed through the wilderness, they were divided into tribes. Which group do you, the second Israelites, belong to? You have to understand this. You have to understand to which group you belong.

There are twelve pearl doors in Heaven, and on each of those twelve doors there is a name plaque of one of the twelve disciples. Hence, you have to understand which denomination you belong to and which tribe your denomination belongs to. The second Israelites lost the tribes. This is much like the time of wandering in the wilderness. This is such a time. You will soon encounter a time when a people like the Amalekites will attack you. You will have to fight a life or death battle. The two great camps are in confrontation, and one camp is attacking and marching forward. Heaven does not strike first. When the day of striking comes, they will strike on the level of ideology, heart, mind and in life. They will invade and strike us from the direction opposite to the origin.

We must wake up and renew our determination. The second Israelites of the world must unite. If we fight among ourselves over our position and group as the twelve disciples of Jesus did, we will be defeated. Such a time will come.

The Israelites formed twelve tribes under the leadership of Moses and cultivated a strong spirit of the people, honoring Moses and God. In the same way, in Jesus’ time there should have been a formation of groups for the purpose of serving the Messiah. If that had been accomplished, Jesus would not have died. They lost their structure and were separated. Taking separate paths and working without coordination and unity will lead to defeat. Isn’t this so?

Run With Confidence, Comforting God

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    Peace Kingdom Center
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Judges 2

20 The Lord was angry with Israel and said:

The Israelites have broken the agreement I made with their ancestors. They won’t obey me, 21 so I’ll stop helping them defeat their enemies. Israel still had a lot of enemies when Joshua died, 22 and I’m going to let those enemies stay. I’ll use them to test Israel, because then I can find out if Israel will worship and obey me as their ancestors did.

23 That’s why the Lord had not let Joshua get rid of all those enemy nations right away.

Richard:  The United States is in such chaos right now due to rejection of God’s Word and God’s messenger, Rev. Sun Myung Moon.  Just as both liberals and conservatives, to a large extent, ignored or persecuted Rev. Moon, now those professing Godly values are also receiving persecution.

Jonah 2

All who worship worthless idols
turn from the God
    who offers them mercy.
But with shouts of praise,
I will offer a sacrifice
    to you, my Lord.
I will keep my promise,
because you are the one
    with power to save.

10 The Lord commanded the fish to vomit up Jonah on the shore. And it did.

Richard:  But there is hope.  We can study the eight sacred texts and honor and appreciate the messenger who brought these texts, Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32

Are there young men and women today who are trying to embrace this nation? Is there any man who has the mission to lead the nation, opening up a path for it to go forward? Is there one who feels responsible for that mission? If there is such a man, he should look at the real condition of this struggling nation and know that the tears Jesus shed appealing to Heaven are historically linked to it. He should appeal to Heaven for the sake of this nation, as Jesus appealed for his.

This is the historical trend of thought today. This is the future outlook of the nation. Since we cannot deny that humanity is looking forward to the time when we are united to the heavenly ways, we must realize that we are struggling hard on such a course. Therefore, we must be able to have confidence in the course of life we go. We cannot do without it.

If there is a man who goes running with that confidence, having the Shim Jung that yearns for the original hometown of hope deep in his mind, he will say, “Mountains! Obstruct my view. Seas! Cross my path. Enemies! Make your appearance. Who is going to block my passage?” Even if the winds of persecution blow, it will last only for a time. Even if the arrows of trial come flying, it will be momentary. Even if the fear of death sweeps over, it will be transient. If there is one who, knowing this, runs to overcome this passing time, forgetting about his own short life in order to seek the time of greater value, he will be a success in the course of life.

Looking at your journey, the Father should be able to weep. The Father turned away His face when Jesus was being crucified. He didn’t look away because He was joyous. He turned away His face because at that moment, Heaven’s bones were melting. Jesus was thinking of the will of the original hometown even while facing death, and he feared that he might not be able to fulfill his filial duty. He was concerned about the parents of the original hometown. Because Jesus’ heart was of such a standard that he could connect to Heaven and earth, he resurrected, advancing through the line of death. The same condition applies to you, too. Without such a heart stirring within you, you cannot surmount the world of death. You cannot sing in triumph. You cannot become princes of victory.

If we think we should attend such a person today, we must strive to do so. Since we ourselves are not connected to and intoxicated by such a Shim Jung, we must strive to attend one who is. Since numerous ancestors in the course of history struggled hard, and God also has had a tough struggle in directing history, how can we expect to stand still?

To open up such a path Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matt. 7:7) If the providence of Heaven were comfortable and easy, why would we need such words?

People walk the weary path of life, believing that the path they take is the right one to their destination. But later on they realize that they have walked in the opposite direction. This is the sorrow of Heaven. While the direction the parents wish their son to take is something like this, the son, having turned profligate, walks in the opposite direction and then loses his rights. We should understand the hearts of the parents who watch this son’s miserable situation. Parents watching their son in such a situation would weep bitterly.