He Who Abides in Love Abides in God

Watch or Listen to the podcast of the Richard Urban Show from May 7, 2020: Moral Posturing Does Not Improve Our Health: https://www.visionroot.org/2020/05/08/is-governor-justice-moral-posturing/ .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 487

Many people oppose Rev. Moon, the
man who goes to America to educate and
train American young people, even stay-
ing up all night and sometimes dancing,
singing, and having fun with them? I do
this in order to expand the realm of sup-
port that is connected to me.
Because the expansion of the uni-
versal realm of support starts with me,
I push forward without fear, even if I am
opposed and have to go to prison.
No matter how much you sing joy-
fully and say this and that, do you like to
live alone? When one partner of a mar-
ried couple dies, the other grieves and
weeps. Do you think a person can pre-
pare his own path? Why do we say that
a person is miserable if he is without a
spouse? It is because he cannot experi-
ence the occasion in which heaven and
earth can rejoice.
He has deviated from the regulation
of the law of heaven and earth. Clearly,
only through universal law does the for-
tune of heaven and earth turn, and are
the requirements of happiness and its
motivation determined.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1310

After the blessing of the internation-
al holy grounds, I performed the Bless-
ing of the 430 Couples. This number
corresponds to the 430 years of captiv-
ity of the Israelites in Egypt, and also
the 4,300 years of Korean history. This
Blessing signifies the beginning of a
new history. Moreover, the 430 Couples
also represent all families in the world.
Afterwards, while I was carrying out my
second world tour, I blessed 43 couples
in the United States, Europe and Japan.
I could then connect those 43 couples to
the 430 Couples on the world level. By
doing this, I was able to connect the vic-
torious foundation I had established in
Korea to the world, including the West-
ern world.
By accomplishing all this, all the
families in the world, not just the mem-
bers of the Unification Church, could
now stand in a position to receive heav-
enly fortune right then and there. That is
why the gates of heaven are now open to
all families on earth. (52-131, 1971.12.26)

Richard: Wow! This is great news. The gates of heaven are open to all families on earth, not just Unification Movement families. See this presentation about the Holy Marriage Blessing: https://www.visionroot.org/resources/blessing-of-marriage-ceremony/ .

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Part 1
God and Creation

Chapter 1

Divine Love and Compassion

Of all God’s attributes, love is the most attractive and compelling. Most people who believe in God do so because of the mysterious moments when they felt His love, comfort and grace. It moved their hearts to faith, even amidst the mind’s doubts. Because of the Creator’s love, the creation is a benevolent place that upholds and protects life. Indeed, the good creation is an expression of that love. Love is the essence of God; it is even more than that. As Father Moon teaches, love is the very motivation behind God’s creation; it is the “why” of God. Love is also the reason God has pursued the history of salvation through many tortuous paths. Love teaches God to be patient and forgiving with us ignorant creatures who long ago lost our way and became inured to the gracious melodies of the Spirit. Despite our deafness and blindness, God never ceases to embrace us and lead us forward.

1. Love: The Essence of God

God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
1 John 4.16

My mercy embraces all things.
Qur’an 7.156

To love is to know me, My innermost nature, The truth that I am.
Bhagavad-Gita 18.55 (Hinduism)

The Great Compassionate Heart is the essence of Buddhahood.
Gandavyuha Sutra (Buddhism)

Lord! You are the uninvoked savior, motiveless compassionate being, a well-wisher even when unprayed, a friend even when unrelated.
Vitaragastava 13.1 (Jainism)

Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart. Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes lives in the Self. He is the source of love and may be known through love but not through thought. He is the goal of life. Attain this goal!
Mundaka Upanishad 2.2.1 (Hinduism)

Love is the firstborn, loftier than the gods, the Fathers and men. You, O Love, are the eldest of all, altogether mighty. To you we pay homage! Greater than the breadth of earth and heaven, or of waters and Fire, You, O Love, are the eldest of all, altogether mighty. To you we pay homage!… In many a form of goodness, O Love, you show your face. Grant that these forms may penetrate within our hearts. Send elsewhere all malice!
Atharva Veda 9.2.19-20, 25 (Hinduism)

O good man! Compassion acts as parent to all beings. The parent is compassion. Know that compassion is the Tathagata. O good man! Compassion is the Buddha Nature of all beings. Such a Buddha Nature is long overshadowed by illusion. That is why beings cannot see. The Buddha Nature is Compassion. Compassion is the Tathagata.
Mahaparinirvana Sutra 259 (Buddhism)

The Bull of Dharma is born of compassion;26 Content of mind holds creation together. Whoever understands this is enlightened; How great is the load under which this Bull stands!
Japuji 16, M.1, p. 3 (Sikhism)

O Son of Man! Veiled in My immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of My essence, I knew My love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image, and revealed to thee My beauty.
Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh, Arabic 3 (Baha’i Faith)

Home Church is Infinitely Precious

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2168

Do you think that Satan, who has
given God such a hard time for six thou-
sand years, is just going to quietly say,
“Oh boy, I have had it. I think I will just
give up,” then lower his eyes and crawl
away? Don’t you yourselves value even
a wash cloth too much to just throw it
away? Before you throw it out, you will
probably turn it over, inspect it, and
even smell it. What I am saying is that
Satan will not just give up and go away
like that. That is why he keeps on put-
ting up such a stubborn fight. So, we
have to fit with and match up with the
center. Even Rev. Moon of the Unifica-
tion Church will be broken the day he
deviates from the center. If the direction
is not right, then you cannot make any

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1794

Men and women are horizontal. They
are level. The union of man and wom-
an is to be engrafted, based on vertical,
lifelong and eternal love. As men rep-
resenting east and women representing
west have lost the central line, they will
seek to graft into this, so they must abso-
lutely get married. Aren’t there many in
America who oppose marriage? There
are many who, like homosexuals or les-
bians, dislike having children. Those
without children have lost out when they
pass on to the spirit world. This is the
formula of the universe. (163-88, 1987.4.19)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 13 – 14

Mobilize spirit world
Home church is the bridge to unite the spiritual
and physical worlds. ( 1/14/79)

1981 is the final year of the third seven-year
course, and between then and the year 2000, the
entire world will be organized into home church.
That will complete 40 years since True Parents were
installed in 1960. The more work we do here in the
physical world, the greater the spiritual phenomena
affecting the earth. Spiritual assistance will be
equally strong, because that realm is like the
angelic realm: its position is to serve the victorious
Adam and Eve. In your home church, you will
exercise your authority to direct the spirit world to
assist you. (5/27/79)

Home church can easily be surrounded and
protected by the spiritual victory I have won; there
is no possibility for it to fail. The spiritual power
we can employ for the home church is many
thousands of times greater than anything the
satanic world can mobilize. All you have to do is
unite with True Parents’ spirit and intent. Make
controversy; go ahead and create good trouble. The
world is plagued with evil trouble, so let us become
makers of good trouble.
On November 2, 1978, two important ceremo-
nies were held at Chung Pyong Lake, Korea. One
ceremony was to unite all religions around one
central religion-not just on earth but, more
basically, in the spirit world. The other ceremony
was to unite all races around one central race or
representative of God. The basic purpose of
these ceremonies was to form one totally unified
world, to remove racial and religious barriers. Walls
that have separated the ages are now crumbling.
Before, if some ancestor wanted to descend and
help us, he would have to go through so much
processing; but now the ancestors know the
meaning of home church and can even help
prevent persecution. In your home church area, if
you witness to one person, his ancestors can all
come down at one time. The whole clan-level spirit
world can pour down and give you support.

All good men of conscience in the entire spirit
world and here on earth must come forward to
participate in kingdom-building. You can pray,
asking for their support. You can also petition
God as your Father to send down a regiment of
angels to work with you, since you are doing home
church work as His representative, and God will
listen to that prayer. Until now, the angelic world
could not come to give you much help, because you
belong to the fallen generation. But by doing
home church work, you can become the true
children of God, so you can request the help of
legions of angels. ( 1/1/79)

Through home church, God can have dominion,
and spirit world can have a free pass to come and
help you. It used to be that when spirit world
descended, it would have to ascend again; but now
when we have a home church, it can stay with us;
through home church, spirit world has no limita-
tion in helping us. (12/11/78)

Home church is infinitely precious; it’s almost
like landing on the final terminal of God’s
dispensation. When Armstrong landed on the
moon, four billion people on the earth watched
him; but when you land in home church, all the
billions of people in spirit world will observe and
applaud. Before this, you were nobody special,
but by encountering me and the Divine Principle,
you have become a person of historical signifi-
cance. (1/14/79)

If you cannot bear to leave your area, and you
stay there, remaining awake all night, then spirit
world will visit those 360 homes for you, showing
them a vision of you standing in the neighbor-
hood and not going back home because you miss
them so much. After such a vision. they will open
up their door and you will be standing there.

Your home church members will see visions of
me and of you also. When they are open like that,
then they will live eternally in the same spirit world
and realize that they are to live in the same family.
Love will open their eyes. When you link that love to
one home church and it connects it to another and
so on, it will form an unbreakable chain of love
which no one. not even God. can cut. This link will
be directly sustained by the spirit world. (5/1/79)

Those of you who are engaged should determine
to receive the inheritance from ·our own True
Parents and walk on their foundation. How do
you prove you are worthy? Through home church.
No one who retreats from doing home church is
qualified for the Blessing. In some cases, your
fiance or wife or husband may be hesitant to do
home church, but you should push him or her out.
If you can give anything for your home church,
how much more could you do for your mate? Now
that you have a fiance, a new loved one, you can
love your people more. Do you wish you had more
time to spend with your fiance instead of home
church? Your antenna should be directed towards
home church. When you meet with your fiance,
put your heads together and decide that you will
each go out to win the victory in home church and
then come back and ask me to bless you. I would
like to see you practically worshiped in your home
church area, so that when you bring your fiance,
everyone will say that they have a king or queen as
well. By winning this qualification, you can truly
enter the hall of Blessing for the wedding march.
The process of restoring the fallen world
involves three major relationships: that of Cain
and Abel, that of husband and wife, and that of
parents and children. Now we are bringing these
three together for the first time. Home church is
the process of uniting the brothers, Cain and
Abel. Eventually, your home church and your
spouse’s home church will come together, and you
will be able to live together as a couple after
receiving accolades from your home church. That
will be your foundation for living as husband
and wife. (5/27/79)

I Must Have the Desperate Heart to Dig Through that Opposition

Cheong Seong Gyeong 387

I would say that marriage is a ceremo-
ny to open and enter the gate of the pal-
ace of happiness. It is for this reason that
marriage is a great event of human affairs.
Love is the greatest thing in human
affairs, for it transcends time and space,
and marriage is a ceremony to reveal and
confirm such love. (Blessed Family – 356)

Choen Seong Gyeong 1550

Godism is not about living for the
sake of oneself. It teaches giving for the
sake of others. In short, it is a path where-
by one puts others before oneself. The
devil’s ideology tells you to live for your-
self whereas God’s ideology asks you to
live for others. That is why the more you
give and give and then give again, the
more your possessions will pile up in the
next world of eternity. In the communist
world, the more one gives, the more one
loses, and so no one works for others.
In God’s world, on the other hand, this
is not the case, and so everyone works
night and day without rest, shedding
blood and sweat, for the benefit of every-
one else. Those who consistently give in
the same manner as God are bound to be
blessed. (209-292, 1990.11.30)

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

In the world of the heart, there is no variance from the heart of God. What does the “Alpha and Omega” mean? Because God is the substance of and the central being of love, He does not have an alpha or omega, a beginning or an end. True love cannot have a beginning and an end. In the course of the providence of restoration, heading toward the world of the heart, the ideology that searches the background of history and shouts, “God’s heart is hidden here. Oh! This is the path that our race must take,” is the ideology which will save that race. If there is a person who finds God’s heart which flows behind world history and who shouts out that this is the way for mankind to prosper, that person will be able to pioneer the way for the salvation of this world. Moreover, if there is a person who can proclaim that the heart of the cosmos, Heaven and earth, the spiritual world, and everything is his, that person would be the Christ who has come again. Then the beginning and re-creation of Heaven and earth, the history of completion will unfold.

It is our hope and our life of faith to seek out this world. Since you must travel that path, you must decide the direction of heart. Ultimately, you must decide the direction of your heart. You must love God and Jesus more than you love anything else in the world. You must love the world that Jesus loved. You must be able to love the people that Jesus loved. After loving something bigger than oneself, if there is anything left, then one should think of oneself. But the opposite trend is happening today. People think that it doesn’t matter whether the nation collapses, the world perishes or Heaven grieves. “As long as my children and I do not perish, it’s fine.” This is upside down thinking.

In order to cut away from this, Jesus said that the members of your family are your enemies. For the sake of the public will, you must abandon private feelings. The person who acts for the sake of the group that he belongs to more than he acts for his family is a loyal subject of that group. Furthermore, if he sacrifices for the group as well as for nation, he is a loyal subject of that nation. Moreover, if there is a person who dies for the sake of the public ideology of the world instead of just his nation, he might be a traitor to his nation but he is a loyal subject of the world. Furthermore, if there is a person who goes over the world and lives for the sake of God, he is the greatest loyal subject. Jesus is an example of that kind of person.

The greatest standard of the happiness that is granted to man is being a true servant of God, a true loyal subject of God and a true, filial son and daughter of God. These are the words of God’s grace. What do you think? Have you become God’s loyal subject, filial sons and daughters whom He can recognize? You must step over your family, your nation, and this world and seek God. You must go with high spirits. Jesus went that course with a commanding spirit.

If my family opposes me, I must thrust through that family. If my people oppose me, then I must dig through that people. If my nation opposes me, then I must go through that nation. If the world opposes me, I must go through the world. If numerous evil spirits in the spiritual world oppose me, I must have the desperate heart to dig through that opposition. The problem is whether we have that heart. Even Satan’s iron net will be withdrawn when it faces that heart. Only the sons and daughters who can shout, “Father! I love You more than anybody. I love You more than the world. I love You just as Jesus loved you,” can become Jesus’ brides. If those kinds of sons and daughters appear, will Jesus say, “Hey, why are you doing that?” Will that happen? No. Jesus has longed for two thousand years for those kinds of sons and daughters to appear. Only a person who longs for that kind of family, that kind of brother and that kind of children, and who strives to become that kind of person will be able to become the citizen, the family, and the kin who can support Jesus, whom God wanted to establish.

Even the failure to take on the historical mission can be restored if we possess a heart of love. Therefore, we must seek that kind of place. Love cannot be compared to anything in the whole of Heaven and earth. A person will not trade a handkerchief that was given to him by his beloved for a million pieces of gold. No matter how small the number, how great it would be if there are sons and daughters of God who are connected in their hearts with Jesus; sons and daughters who can even move Jesus to the bone, who can comprehend the world of hope that Jesus desires, who can make God rest and who can bow to Him.

Jesus longed for family members who can bow to God alongside of him. He fought for two thousand years to establish that standard on earth. God sent Jesus so that He could watch mankind living together with Jesus. We must ask ourselves whether we have become people with hearts bursting with the desire to go over the level of the individual, go over the sorrow of the people, go over the hill of worldwide sorrow and connect with Heaven for this purpose. Whether we have that heart or not will determine whether we attend Jesus correctly and whether we will be able to support Jesus to become the Jesus God wanted to find.


Father! We are unworthy to receive Your grace. As time passes, man should discover more and more that he is unworthy and weep bitterly about the sorrow of Heaven. But the love of Heaven remains the love of Heaven, and the heart of the people remains only as the heart of the people. Each person goes through a course of life where he fights with others and lives an upside down life. Please forgive us.

We realize that Jesus established a connection of rejoicing, centering on the love of Heaven, going over the love of men. We beseech You that we may become Jesus’ true disciples, true family, true children, and true brides who can find that relationship with Heaven.

In that way we can support Jesus whom You wanted to establish. We can dissolve Jesus’ historical sorrow, and we can cleanse the mistakes of the generations of our ancestors in one generation. We pray that we can become family members of Heaven and children of Heaven who attend Jesus with this attitude.

Father, if what we feel began from Heaven, let it not disappear from our mind for eternity. Let it linger in our heads forever. Let that life force stay with us. If we must surely go this way, please guide us vertically, transcending time and space. Please take direct control over us.

Be with us forever with Your words. Bless us that in the course of battle to win victory we can keep pace with the providence; that we can give our utmost effort and devote our utmost loyalty to You. I pray all these things in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Jesus’ Sorrowful Heart

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Cheong Seong Gyeong 1667

God had to consider, with regard to
the true ideal, love and peace, whether
He should set the subject partner as the
center and place the ideal origin in the
object partner’s living for the sake of the
subject partner, or set the object partner
as the center and place the ideal origin in
the subject partner’s living for the sake
of the object partner. After considering,
He decided that if He were to place the
ideal origin as in the case of the former,
not only Himself but all people in the
world would need the object partner to
live for themselves. In other words, all
would become subject partners and not
object partners. If this were to be the
case, the path to unity would be blocked.
You need to know this. (75-318, 1975.1.16)

Richard: This is an absolutely essential point for marriage; husband and wife need to live for each other’s sake. Godly love itself becomes the central connecting point.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1188

How difficult this it is to restore
the rights of the firstborn son! Because
of this, everybody suffered incredible
hardships. Countless religious people
were sacrificed, Christianity underwent
dreadful persecution under the Roman
Empire for four hundred years, and
much blood was shed in order to get out
of the domain of the satanic world. Have
you ever been to Rome and been inside
the catacombs? The early Christians
created altars, buried the bodies of their
ancestors under the altars, and contin-
ued to live there, inhaling those odors.
They did so because God had told them
to do so, otherwise who would have done
such a thing? By normal standards, this
would not be done by human beings.
Imagine how much God suffered! You
have no idea of the efforts that have been
made in history. You need to be aware of
these things. (140-203, 1986.2.9)

The Father and I

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 12, 1959

John 14: 1-19

14 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God[a]; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know[b] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. 12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me.Because I live, you also will live.


Father! The arrogance of the Jews about being the chosen people, an arrogance Jesus faced all the thirty years of his life, was mitigated in Jesus’ heart by the desire to realize peace and freedom for the Israelites. The painful four thousand years of history it took to send the true son to the Israelites and the blood spilled in the process are deeply embedded in the history of the Israelites. It is eternally tragic that the Israelites of that time could not create a relationship with God in spite of God’s sufferings, blood and sweat.

Today we know and believe in Jesus. Yet there is no one who realizes the misery of Jesus’ heart as he was driven from one village to another, hounded out of one place after another, struggling. No one in history has known Jesus, who appeared representing the heart of Heaven.

As they waited for the Messiah, the Israelites fought and endured for thousands of years with the hope of receiving him. They were longing and wondering when the Messiah would appear. But they were so involved with their own interests and overcome by their environment that even when the object of their dreams did appear, it was as if they were deep asleep, unaware of God’s heart. We have the responsibility to liberate the pained sorrow that is deeply embedded in the Father’s heart. As we recollect such a sorrowful history, allow us to take on and liberate the sins of Israel who did not recognize Jesus. Allow us to repent and be responsible for the mistakes of Israel which brought sadness to Jesus.

Jesus spent thirty sorrowful years of life. Even though he gave everything in the three years of his public life, who has ever understood his heart and his many untold stories? No one. Even the disciples, who shared every aspect of their lives with Jesus, who shared sadness in times of sorrow and loneliness in times of desolation and who called Jesus their teacher, did not know. Sadness and a sense of futility came to the heart of Jesus when he looked at the disciples, who still wondered and questioned who he was after three years of his endeavors. They should have been pleading to God with desperate hearts and worrying about the teacher who was going to walk the path of death. What greater sorrow is there than this? What is more painful than this?

There may be Christians who revere and serve Jesus in his revealed authority, but there is no Christian who wants to cling to the footsteps of Jesus as he was trodden down and pushed around. Father, we cannot help but plead to You with blood and tears that many sons and daughters may appear who can hold onto the miserable heart of Jesus and go forward.

Father, You are alive and steering the course of the history. We know that You are mysteriously showing us the way. Father, do not let us long for the Jesus of the past. We sincerely pray that You will allow us to strive to testify to the Jesus of the era.

Please allow us now to comfort the heart of Jesus, who had to be called back to You. Let us bow our heads to such a heart. Please allow us to fulfill the dream Jesus desired. Father, we sincerely pray that we can be filled with the heart of Jesus, who had to take responsibility for all of humanity two thousand years ago. Let us be the sons and daughters who establish a relationship with his heart.

Please allow these sons and daughters to repent. They have struggled on with lonely hearts in the world of death. Father, I sincerely pray that You may whip them on with the force of life so that all the wrongs of the past will be renounced and this may be a time when a new relationship is created with Heavenly Father.

Father, how desperate is Your heart in wanting to talk to mankind? How much have You desired to restore humanity and to find joy? Allow them to open their hearts at this hour and revitalize all their senses so that everything of Your world can be felt and they may long for Your heart. I sincerely pray, my Father, that this may be a joyful hour when they can be immersed in the will of goodness, to call to You and be remolded and reborn with the words.

Father! Please do not allow this time to be spent in vain. As Your words are shared, I pray that there will be no gap between the giver of the words and the receivers. Please allow penitence and humility to be felt now. Many have gathered here, but I sincerely pray that they may become one, one altar and one living offering.

Please bless the many other altars that have gathered this day, representing humanity. Your sons and daughters are sincerely beseeching, unrecognized and in miserable situations. Please be the counsel of their deepest heart. I pray that You will create a relationship of blessing with them so that their lives may be resolved. Please guide the remaining hours. We leave everything up to the Father. Please let this hour never be invaded by Satan. I pray these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

God Had to Raise One Person and Sanctify Him

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2314

God wants to have even sinners
become His sons and daughters. Just
because your fiancée might not have
such a pretty face or is Japanese or is a
little short, can you think, “Oh, I don’t
like her”? You men should be convinced
that you would go to the highest place
in heaven if you took the ugliest woman
and sacrificed yourself for and served
her more than anyone else. You should
understand that you would then become
the greatest husband and a saint of a
husband. Unification Church members
should be capable of having that level of
thought. (116-95, 1981.12.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1415

There could have been only one kind
of marriage feast held in the Garden of
Eden, one based on Principle. Human-
kind received Satan’s blessing through
the Fall. This is our greatest grief; we
should have received God’s Blessing
instead. Think for a moment how the
people on Satan’s side – his innumera-
ble descendants – rejoiced on this feast
day of fallen marriage, how much they
delighted in it, and how much they ate
and drank in celebration of it. All of
these actions have added to God’s sor-
row. Marriage became an important
means and source of expanding the
satanic world. On account of this, ascet-
ics placed much emphasis on celibacy.
All marriages performed from ancient
times to this day are a source of sorrow
to God. They have left conditions that
sadden Him, and not one of them has
left behind any point that can give joy to
Him and form a connection with Him.
(158-276, 1967.12.29)

Richard:  Although this may be somewhat bitter news, the great hope is that God wants to save all people and has made available the Blessing of Marriage to all people:  http://visionroot.org/resources/marriage/.


Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

What kind of strategy is needed to fulfill this dispensation? God had to raise one person and sanctify him. Because people on this earth cannot establish a relationship with Heavenly Father as they are, He had to choose a people as He persevered through dispensational history. We know well the history of God’s dispensation of the chosen people. God chose Noah, Abraham and Moses for this purpose.

God’s heart desired to complete the four-thousand-year history by raising Jesus and resolving all historical heartaches through him. Therefore, Jesus was essential and indispensable for God and the Israelites, whom God chose for the historical dispensational will. Not only the chosen people, all those who live in the world then, needed Jesus. Even all things which existed in heaven and earth then necessarily needed Jesus.

If we accept the existence of God, the central ideology which humankind desires, which will realize the joyful environment, must start with and from one principle standard. That would be an iron rule of the dispensation.

We cannot solve any problem without using a formula. Likewise, one principle standard must be established which will enable us to rigorously reject the historical resentment and introduce happiness into the hearts of humankind. If not, then even if there is some happiness, some ideology and life in God, they cannot make any relationship with humankind. For that reason, God toiled to educate the Israelites in heart to represent His heart. Their happiness was to represent God’s happiness. They were to uphold the ideology of God’s nation. Accordingly, God sent Jesus after four thousand years of the dispensation in order for Israel to build the garden of happiness and goodness by which they could connect with God in a real and substantial way.