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The very first condition of the Unification Church is the unity between mind and body. That is why God has commanded absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience when He created heaven and earth. If we speak, things happen substantially according to our faith. If they do not happen, then we can make them happen through investing effort. No matter how great they may be, they all come about as we command. They are accomplished because we invest more than is hoped for. (400-203, 2003.1.1)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 429
God created a man and a woman. He intended for them to reach perfection, marry, become established as the heavenly husband and wife, and live in the heavenly kingdom. God’s plan was to make Adam and Eve the first husband and wife in history and establish the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven upon their relationship. If this plan had been realized, God’s first two blessings, to be fruitful and to multiply, would have been achieved then and there. God gave Adam and Eve the power to multiply His children. Had they not fallen, they would never have passed sin on to humankind. Their children would have been born without sin and would have grown to perfection as sinless beings. What else would have occurred? By giving birth to such sinless children, Adam and Eve would have become the true father and true mother of humankind centering on God. They would have become the True Parents. (Blessed Family – 319)
Call and Mission
2. Efforts and Hardships of the Mission
Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Living a life of faith presents many challenges. No doubt you received a call, but the question is: are you following it? It is hard to follow your call. It is even harder to be loyal and filial to God. (40:86, January 24, 1971) Continue reading “It Is Hard to Follow Your Call”