It Is Hard to Follow Your Call

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2388

The very first condition of the Unification Church is the unity between mind and body. That is why God has commanded absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience when He created heaven and earth. If we speak, things happen substantially according to our faith. If they do not happen, then we can make them happen through investing effort. No matter how great they may be, they all come about as we command. They are accomplished because we invest more than is hoped for. (400-203, 2003.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 429

God created a man and a woman. He intended for them to reach perfection, marry, become established as the heavenly husband and wife, and live in the heavenly kingdom. God’s plan was to make Adam and Eve the first husband and wife in history and establish the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven upon their relationship. If this plan had been realized, God’s first two blessings, to be fruitful and to multiply, would have been achieved then and there. God gave Adam and Eve the power to multiply His children. Had they not fallen, they would never have passed sin on to humankind. Their children would have been born without sin and would have grown to perfection as sinless beings. What else would have occurred? By giving birth to such sinless children, Adam and Eve would have become the true father and true mother of humankind centering on God. They would have become the True Parents. (Blessed Family – 319)

Call and Mission

2. Efforts and Hardships of the Mission

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Living a life of faith presents many challenges. No doubt you received a call, but the question is: are you following it? It is hard to follow your call. It is even harder to be loyal and filial to God. (40:86, January 24, 1971) Continue reading “It Is Hard to Follow Your Call”

For His Sake I Have Suffered the Loss of All Things

Choen Seong Gyeong 2238

So what is the way in this universe that will connect human beings and God through the shortest vertical distance by way of true love? It is the parent-child relationship. There is no distance shorter than that along the perpendicular. If it is off by even a little, it is not the perpendicular. The shortest distance is the perpendicular. Based on it, the mother and father are connected by the shortest distance, east and west. Next, siblings are connected by the shortest distance, front and rear. These form 90-degree angles. In terms of faces, there are twenty-four. As the omniscient and omnipotent God has such ideal conceptual ability, He resides at the center of a sphere at the center of the universe formed around a series of 90-degree angles at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal, the intersection of front-rear, left and right. Centering on what does God exist? On true love. If you were to ask Him that, He would say, that is all there is. (198-298, 1990.2.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 798

    How great are human beings? They conduct an orchestra of love. The fact that human beings eat from the animal and plant worlds, where love sustains the entire universe through the vitality of life, means that they live off the fruit of love. They live off the fruit. Even if there is just one piece of bread remaining in the cafeteria when you eat, you should think, “This bread went through countless hands throughout the world, many means of transportation, and prevailed over great hardships to get here. This bread has been made and given to me as the fruit of the efforts of many people, as the fruit of their love. As the owner of love, I shall eat it thinking of the value of my partners.”
    However, those who are in discord with this are bound to fall ill. Those who are peaceful with it will be sure to resist any illness. Those spiritual masters who eat the fruit of the world that is filled with love are just human beings! What do you think? Those who can love with the idea of digesting and eating the fruit of love, and do so with gratitude in unity with God’s essential love, will not fall ill. This is our logical conclusion. (217-307, 1991.6.12)

Call and Mission

2. Efforts and Hardships of the Mission

I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim; each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called to another and said:

    “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory.” Continue reading “For His Sake I Have Suffered the Loss of All Things”