The Establishment of True Parents is the Fruit of God’s Historical Work

Cheon Seong Gyeong 714

    The mind stands in God’s stead. Your mind represents your predecessors, your ancestors. The mind represents the teacher as well as the ruler. Yet, how long has the mind been held in disdain and contempt? The mind represents the one being who, as the center of the universe, stands in the position of the true parent, the true teacher, and the true lord. It exists as the subject of true love. How much has the mind been sacrificed to keep us in order on the earth?
    Though it is treated contemptuously and dragged around, when you have evil    thoughts and commit theft at dawn, your mind protests against you time and again saying, “Hey, you wretch!” How long have we trifled with such a mind? It stands in the place of parent, teacher, and lord. In the world of the mind, no trials are needed. You know yourself better than anyone else. No third party or witness is necessary.
    We cannot stand proudly before our parents; we are ashamed before our teachers, before the rulers of our nation, and we are ashamed before God. Hence we must repent. In order to return to our original homeland, we must repent. In the original homeland, we must attend God as our King. He is the King of the universe, nation, tribe, and family.
    God is the Teacher of the universe, nation, tribe, and family. He is also their Lord. This is the three-great-subjects thought. Having the essence of the love that lives for others and then forgets about doing so, this three-great-subjects thought represents the heavenly nation.
    If we could entirely possess the three great-subjects thought, that would be most ideal. But even if we do not, when we stand in the position of true parents, teachers will stand on the right, and lords on the left. Therefore, it would be best if you can stand in one of these three positions. Whether you become true parents, true teachers, or true lords, if you stand in at least one of those positions, your registration in the Kingdom of Heaven will not be a problem. (209-154, 1990.11.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1506

The cosmos-centered ideology is for the sake of achieving mind-body unity. It is to establish the family as the embodiment of God’s love, and to implement these ideas in the spiritual and physical worlds. The Chinese character for ju (宙) in cheon-ju (cosmos) means “house.” That’s why the term “cosmos-centered ideology” is being used. The cosmos is the combination of the incorporeal and corporeal worlds. How does this relate to us? We need a family. If you cannot achieve oneness on the family level, the cosmos-centered ideology will have nothing to do with you. The God-centered family is the ultimate standard to complete the ideal about which such a cosmos-centered ideology teaches. If you cannot sing the song of peace and praise happiness in the family on earth, you will be unhappy in the spirit world. (26-190, 1969.10.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 1. The Essence of the Teachings of the Family Federation

1.2. True families determine the center of the universe

    When True Parents appear, a true family will be established, and a true person’s purpose can be realized. True Parents is the name that can be praised eternally from the past, to the present and on into the future. The fact that the True Parents have appeared on this earth, that True Parents are here, is the most joyful gospel of all gospels. Humankind these days is wicked. Due to the power of evil, a realm of death is emerging, and the world cannot find any direction. The establishment of True Parents is the fruit of God’s historical work of over six thousand years., In this age, when countless people are wandering around aimlessly, True Parents are the ones who have appeared as a central model to find their destination for them and show them the direction to take. With the advent of the name True Parents, the eternal heavenly kingdom of the future begins, a world that reflects God’s ideal at the time of creation in the Garden of Eden. This was true in the past; it is true in this age, and it will be so in the future. Therefore, you should know that, judging from all of history, encompassing the past, present and future, the True Parents, who have appeared on earth are the central point that determines the center of the universe. History starts anew from here, becomes ordered from here and bears fruit from here. It is because history bears fruit here that the past resurrects here. The world becomes ordered as one world and a new Kingdom of Heaven is realized. Continue reading “The Establishment of True Parents is the Fruit of God’s Historical Work”

Who Are the True Parents?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 298

    Now, you should go back to your hometowns and restore your families and relatives. You must hold revivals in your hometown. As you hold revivals, you should also all work on the district level. If you want to be a tribal messiah, you should display my photo. Pictures of me should not be just given away for nothing. Frame a few hundred photos and distribute them, saying they are good pictures. Get people’s permission to go into their homes and find the best places in the best rooms to hang them up.
    Then, spiritually you will be an elder brother to those homeowners. Vertically, you take the father’s position, and horizontally, the elder brother’s position. So in the position of the vertical father and the horizontal elder brother, you should instruct the householder, saying, “This should be hung here!” In this way, those who give out the pictures will be tribal messiahs.
    You should quickly work to hang up pictures in the homes of at least 120 families. Try to put up 120 or more. Placing pictures in those homes can be counted as a local level breakthrough. That is laying a foundation. Through this their ancestors in the spirit world will come every morning early and offer a bow to the picture. Turn on the light after one o’clock, two o’clock, or three o’clock to welcome them.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1067

    Parents’ love toward their children does not just come from their everyday relationships with each other. It is a love that springs up from the very marrow of their bones. Parents have a loving mind for their children that can never be forgotten or cut off. Therefore, parents love their children as long as their life endures. When parents experience that their life is connected with their children, a loving heart toward their children naturally springs up. Parents cannot help loving their children, not just because of a conscious intention to love them because they are their own, but because of the life force that connects them to their children more deeply than that kind of awareness. We vividly feel this reality in our daily family life. (32-15, 1970.6.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 1

What is a true parent?

Section 5. What Is a True Parent?

5.2. The definition of True Parents

    Who are the True Parents about whom the Unification Church speaks? This is the question. What would have happened had Adam and Eve not fallen? Without the Fall, God would have become the vertical love and Adam and Eve, God’s body. They are like God’s body. God is like the bone, and Adam and Eve are like the body. God also has mind and body. Continue reading “Who Are the True Parents?”

Carry True Parents Picture

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2362

Upon restoring the same level of unity that the Christian cultural sphere had established worldwide after World War II, we must set the direction the world needs to take in the next seven years. These seven years include this year. Because this time has finally arrived, the Family Federation can be founded after my forty years of public ministry, and we can stand and line up horizontally. In the same way that world unity was attempted after the war, if your families will only unite, you can indemnify all the past failures. Therefore, before you can recite the Family Pledge, your mind and body should be one, husband and wife should be one, and parents and children should be one. Without achieving this oneness, you still belong to the satanic world. You recite the pledge on the foundation of having united your mind and body, husband and wife, and parents and children. That’s why we have the Family Pledge. The Family Federation will govern the world based strongly on the Family Pledge. You must have pledge services in your families on the first and the middle of every month. We have two groups, Cain and Abel. (265-249, 1994.11.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1176

Facing the opposition of Christianity, in America and Korea, I stood in the position of a person with no nation. I had no country. Since I had no country I also had no people, no tribe, and no family. Thus, I was like an orphan. From this point, everything had to be restored within forty years, in order to stand on the foundation of spiritual territory on the national and worldwide level. However, just having spiritual territory was not enough. I had to inherit the foundation of the spiritual territory from the realm of the Christian culture and restore the substantial cultural realm on the national level. Upon that foundation, I had to restore through indemnity the substantial realm of the Christian culture on the worldwide level. (143-176, 1986.3.18)


7. Symbols, Images and Relics

Worship me in the symbols and images which remind you of me.
    Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5 (Hinduism) Continue reading “Carry True Parents Picture”

Rev. Moon’s Spiritual Battle

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2172

If you settle down and find your place
in the family, then things will change
180 degrees. That’s why, even though I
told you a few days ago, I’m telling you
again to put up pictures of True Parents.
That is the position where you become
one with True Parents directions, so you
will live, just like the people who looked
at the snake Moses held up on a stick.
This is exactly the point.
People who look at the Unification
Church flag and curse it will later devel-
op problems with their eyes and all sorts
of things will happen to them. The rea-
son it hasn’t happened yet is because you
haven’t raised your flags with true devo-
tion. Also, when you put up True Par-
ents’ picture, if you can truly devote your
heart before doing that, then if someone
points a finger at it in scorn, that finger
will be bent. All sorts of strange things
may happen. It is because you haven’t
devoted all your heart that it hasn’t hap-
pened that way. (218-72, 1991.7.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 944

In order to become the Lord at his
Second Advent, I had to go to the spir-
it world and return with God’s seal of
approval. By my going to the spirit
world, a battle took place there for forty-
three days. Everyone, from the bottom
of hell to the top of heaven, said, “Rev.
Moon is a heretic!” I had to deal with
this, beginning from the lowest place,
right through to the saints at the very
end. I had to argue with them in God’s
presence and go through a decisive battle
that decided who was the Lord of righ-
teousness. What was the issue at that
time? It was concerning the stained lin-
eage of all the people in the spirit world
and whether they knew that they had to
change that.

Richard:  This speaks to the struggle Rev. Moon went through to find the truth.

The Path In Search of the Original Homeland Rev. Sun Myung Moon July 5, 1959

Luke 15: 11-32


Father, You know our heart before we tell You. We realize that the Father is present in person with us this hour at least. Please allow us to feel that this is when Heaven attends to everything that concerns us.

Father, You went through the toilsome historical course. Please manifest Yourself before our eyes today. Refurbish us with new words. Relate to us with a new heart. We want to cleanse everything that is inadequate and offer everything we have with a child-like mind in the dignified presence of the Father. Please let us lay bare before You all the formalities, doctrines and concepts which influence us from this world. Allow us to have child-like, meek and humble minds. We are trying to offer ourselves to You, having equipped ourselves with humble, malleable minds. Please receive us. Triune God, please move us.

Father, please do not tolerate any elements of satanic opposition to Heaven within us. Let our victory be a shield against Satan. Please do not let Satan invade in this hour. I pray with the most sincere possible heart that You will allow this place to be an altar which conducts blessing as we respectfully bow before You with blissful hearts as heavenly soldiers watch over us. Let this altar bring our whole lives to victory.

We entrust everything to You, Father. Please let us lay bare all of our opinions and hearts before You. I pray in the name of the Lord that You will let this be the hour when everything we have is converted to the Father’s. Amen.


Please look with compassion upon Your sons and daughters who are bowing their heads in this hour. Who is going to be a leader among them? Who is going to represent Heaven and the words of truth? This congregation wants only the Father, so please manifest Yourself personally. Allow us to experience Heaven through our hearts. Allow us to experience Your circumstances, which we cannot help but feel. Please work in us so that we cannot help but have repentful hearts before You.

We know that when people gather, things may get entangled among them in spite of efforts to disentangle them. However, we also know that gathering together centered upon Heaven has a softening effect on the mind. Please arouse in us a deeply reflective mind which can repent for our past mistakes and long for a new day through the works of indemnity, repentance and inspiration. This can untangle at the deepest level all the entanglements of the sinful tribes of humanity. Please allow the miracle of re- creation to take place in this hour by our repenting from a deeply reflective mind. Father, I offer this wish from the depth of my heart.

Since I am about to deliver the words, please extend Your hands of love and protection over those gathered here in this hour. We know that the minds of the receivers and the mind of the deliverer must act as one, in unity. We do not want to be impatient for the happiness of the body; nor do we wish to live only in the mind’s intoxication. We want the garden where there is nothing but heart. We want to live there forever. Father, I pray with a most sincere heart that You will allow a connection of heart to explode within the depths of each of us even as we live to make such a condition, and that it may dwell in us more deeply.


Continue reading “Rev. Moon’s Spiritual Battle”