We Are Like Prisoners of War

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1886

A world opposite to the former world
has now come, like morning follow-
ing the passing night. The time has now
come when spring comes to the Unifi-
cation Church, while the satanic world
heads towards evening and night. There
is no hope left in the satanic world. That is
a dark world of despair, one void of hope.
People thought there was no hope in the
Unification Church, but after the era of
dawn, a new morning has come usher-
ing an age of clearness and brightness.
It becomes Rev. Moon’s kingdom of the
truth. I have a good name. The Chinese
character for Sun ( 鮮 ) is a combination
of the Chinese character for “fish” ( 魚 )
and “lamb” ( 羊 ), which unifies the land
and the ocean. The Chinese character for
Myung ( 明 ) symbolizes the sun, moon
and space in the heavens. The Chinese
character for Moon ( 文 ) when written
quickly looks like, and is related to the
Chinese character “father” ( 父 ). If there
is a word meaning “the father” or “true
father” that can be explained through
the truth, then these words should be
placed in the closest position. I did not
know this myself. I only learned it after
explaining it to you. (261-64, 1994.5.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1622

What is happening in America now-
adays? Originally, grandparents, par-
ents and children could not separate.
These three generations should not be
apart. They need to be united in order
to establish the four-position founda-
tion. Otherwise, the foundation for the
ideal cannot be made. You understand
this clearly, don’t you? Thus, God is cre-
ating the horizontal foundation of His
love through human beings. If the True
Parents had not appeared on earth, God
could never have children in the spirit
world. For the first time, the children of
the original nature will be born through
us. Through us, God’s royal family will
come into being. You should be proud
of yourselves on that account. It is up to
us to connect all nations to the original
Eden. (218-199, 1991.7.28)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 19, 1959

John 10: 1-18

Human beings are living in a world of suffering. They are fighting fierce battles between mind and body. The world of the body is a substantial world; hence, all one’s experiences in it are concrete. Thus, no matter how strong one’s mind may be, one is captured by the stimulation of this substantial world.

To the grief of the mind, the body is weak. Why is this? This is because the emotions one feels in this physical world, the stimulations to your body coming from all around, are strong. In contrast, the stimulation that the mind feels does not come from one’s surroundings but from one direction. Because the stimulation of the body is stronger than the stimulations of the mind, the latter are cut off and suppressed. We cannot deny that this sad reality overwhelms our minds. When stimulation comes to our minds, it does not come from our surroundings. It does not come from behind or from the sides; it comes from the front.

For this reason, even if you are living in the evil world, you sometimes long for some vague thing, even unconsciously. Those who lead a religious life suddenly feel the urge to pray. All of this is because of the functioning of the mind. If the mind has a door, as we open the door and allow the relationship of Heaven to enter through it, we will feel the stimulations of the mind and pursue that world. We should understand this.

Although evil is omni-directional and attacks us through concrete forms, God comes to us from one direction through the bottom of our mind. Yet we have wronged this God so many times. This is why you are traitors who are not worthy to stand before God. You probably cannot deny this.

Human beings live under Satan’s prison of death, under the reign of Satan. We who should live under the reign of God and become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven live under the rule of Satan as his captives. We are like prisoners of war. This is the situation we are in.

Still, deep inside our minds there are certain movements which can connect us to the truth, situation and heart of our original homeland. God created human beings so that these movements can explode in our minds and freely influence our bodies and bring all of Heaven and earth to submission.

We are living a life of battle to follow the movement of the mind, which is as faint as a strand of thread, in search of the direction of goodness and to make goodness concrete. Satan attacks us from three directions here. He enters us with good material things, power and position in this world. The religious path is the course of constant fighting to cut off from these things. This is why it is written that we should pray constantly. The moment we pray, we are fighting.

From this perspective Jesus looked upon human beings, who have become prisoners of Satan, and shouldered the responsibility to destroy the realm of Satan. It is my plan to form a special troop in this evil world for the purpose of laying the foundation upon which to dismantle Satan’s world. The Israelites were chosen to serve as the basis upon which God could restore this world. Nevertheless, the people were ignorant of this truth.

True Father is Grieving in the Spirit World

Mark 15

33 About noon the sky turned dark and stayed that way until around three o’clock. 34 Then about that time Jesus shouted, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?”[f] which means, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?”

Luke 1

Many people have tried to tell the story of what God has done among us. They wrote what we had been told by the ones who were there in the beginning and saw what happened. So I made a careful study[a] of everything and then decided to write and tell you exactly what took place. Honorable Theophilus, I have done this to let you know the truth about what you have heard.

Richard:  Rev. Sun Myung Moon, True Father, is grieved in spirit world that his legacy and tradition and words are not being carried forth boldly to build a world of lasting peace.  Rather, tribal messiahs are lukewarm or inactive, and Mrs. Hak Ja Han, Rev. Moon’s (former?) wife is proclaiming herself as the messiah and the Sanctuary Church is proclaiming a new doctrine of the rod of iron that is contradictory to the words of Rev. Moon.  Furthermore, Sanctuary Church Pastor Hyung Jin Moon does not preach on the word of his Father (since he has made up a new contradictory message) and does not share about the life of Rev. Moon.

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39


At this time, we want our hearts to be where the Father’s heart is and our bodies to be where the Father’s holy body is by reflecting upon our whereabouts. We are longing for the day when we can live together with the Father. Please let those of us who are running to the Father with longing hearts become sons and daughters who will bring forth the glorious day in which we can live together with the Father and return recitations of thanks and joy to Him. Let us harmonize all of Your creation. Since our minds and bodies are created to resemble Your image, Father, we earnestly ask and hope that we will become the sons and daughters who perfectly resemble You.

Father! Human beings do not know that Your sorrowful heart is embedded in the soil, and traces of the grievous tears of Heaven soak the footsteps of human history. We cannot help acknowledging that we are the descendants of traitorous human beings and do not know that Heaven’s grief hovers around our minds and bodies. We cannot restore Heaven’s honor; thus we cannot receive Heaven’s trust.

Father, there is no one on earth who can dry Your tears, who can comfort Your sorrowful heart, or who can safeguard the way You are walking. Therefore, if there is anxiety on earth, it is Heaven’s anxiety embedded on earth. If there is sorrow on earth, it is Heaven’s sorrow embedded on the earth. If there is rancor, it is Heaven’s rancor embedded on this earth. Therefore, people living on this earth are destined to become offerings of sorrow and to go the path of sorrow. Continue reading “True Father is Grieving in the Spirit World”