The Place of Conjugal Unity Is the Original Palace

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Huge Win For Parental Rights-Court Mandates Religious Vaccination Exemptions in Mississippi

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1172

   The relationship between Jesus and John the Baptist was similar to that between Cain and Abel. Jesus and John the Baptist were brothers. This has not been revealed before, but they were brothers. John the Baptist was born from the first wife, and Jesus was born from the second wife. He could not have been born from the first wife. That is why in the Last Days, sexual immorality has become prevalent. The trend of women selling their bodies is spreading. Women must be liberated. It cannot be done through the first husband. In the Last Days, outstanding people can be born to wanton women, to streetwalkers. Do you understand?
    In the fallen world, the concubine snatches love. This is the age when the kept mistress can have even greater power than the legal wife. Why is that so? The first relationship represents Cain’s love, and the second represents love from God’s side, so God works through the second figure. That is why, for example, Joseph and Jesus were born from second wives. (169-194, 1987.10.31)
Richard:  We need to implement the standard of absolute sex(ual ethics).  That means abstinence before marriage and faithfulness in Blessed marriage.  This standard has been set by Father Moon and his wife as True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 831

    The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects God and brings solace to Him. How is this achieved? The royal palace emerges at the unified meeting point of Adam and Eve’s convex and concave sexual organs. That is a truly great place. Thus, the sexual organs are called the original palace of love. These are amazing words. The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects the entire creation of heaven and earth and also provides a place of settlement for all, even God. The Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world and on earth does not come first. Heaven begins from the family. That is the original palace. These are amazing words.
    The place of conjugal unity is the original palace based on true love, true life, and true lineage. It is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. Without this unity, the original world of the Kingdom of Heaven, the spiritual realm, and the earthly realm of human beings cannot be established.
    This amazing place of true love has been vulgarized. Since it became the cause of national ruin and destroyed heaven and earth, it has been treated as the most evil thing to this day. Originally, it was something holy. You teachers, do you understand? When you get up in the morning, you should greet your love organ, saying, “Good morning!” You should know that this very place is the place that enables you to attend the love of your greatest ancestors rather than the ancestors themselves. (263-347, 1994.10.27)
Richard:  Wow!  What a beautiful teaching, and so much needed in today’s fake, falsely sexualized world.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 144 to 147 below.

A Husband and Wife Hold the Key to Each Other’s Holy Place

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum:
#111-Jamal Johnson; Having Sex Outside of Marriage Is Bad for Society

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2523

The Blessed families are equal in value to the world and cosmos. They are like the sons and daughters of Rev. Moon’s direct lineage, who can act on his behalf. When I gave them the Blessing, I did so in order for them to become better than me, by following me. So, once you have the heart of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, you can do the things I did. When God created, He started with such a heart. God, the subject partner, said, “When I speak, my object partners of love substantially appear.” This is absolute faith. Upon this, He meets the partner of absolute love. To be an owner of love, a partner of love is indispensable. That is why even God Himself absolutely obeys love. A circular movement arises whenever we adopt an absolute response. (301-74, 1999.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 941

If you invest your entire life in true love and pass to the spirit world, you can meet me in no time just by saying “Father!” wherever you are. You can meet me at once. There is nothing to worry about. When you tune into the heart of love, you will be given the right to participate, stand in the same position, and live together with me. When you call me, I will meet you at once. How wonderful that would be! I would show the whole of the spirit world to such people. There are stars made of diamonds and stars of gold. With my special authority, I may just give you one. I have that special authority. (229-164, 1992.4.11)



Ethics of Married Life

1. The Core Ethic of Conjugal Love: Spouses Are Subject to Each Other

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The way of love is to exalt your spouse a thousand times above yourself. God went through a course of absolute obedience to humanity to reach the realm where He could love us as His object partners. A husband and wife married in God’s love desire to practice just such a high standard of love—the standard of love that God desires from His object partners. Each partner gives the other absolute obedience. Each continually gives and forgets what he or she has given. From that practice, the flower of love blooms between the husband and wife. (288:68-69, October 31, 1997) Continue reading “A Husband and Wife Hold the Key to Each Other’s Holy Place”

You Must Deplore the Reality that Your Body Is the Devil’s Dance Hall

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2280

    Christianity teaches about True Parents and love. It has taught about “brother” and “bridegroom” in relation to Jesus, and “parent” in relation to God. Since Christianity is completely based on the ideal of the family, it has taught us how to perfect in full measure the family idealized by God. Hence, it could rise above all other religions and unify the world.
    Then who is Christ at the Second Advent? As the True Father and True Mother were lost in Eden, he is the one to come upon the earth as the True Father. He will become as one with God in heart, lineage and flesh, establish the position of True Mother, and form a family centered on this oneness. The Messiah’s family will be the first to live with and serve God. The Messiah solidifies the position of the perfected Adam. The Kingdom of Heaven will be established only after the perfected Adam and Eve marry, live on earth serving God, have sons and daughters centered upon Him, bring forth His clan and live on earth together with them, and then, finally, move on into the heavenly world together with God. (282-51, 1997.3.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1281

There exists our vertical self that enables us to freely relate to vertical love. This is the mind. Until now the nature of mind has remained unknown, even within Buddhism. However, we in the Unification Church do know about it. We depict a spherical ideal with its center defined by a horizontal, vertical and front-to-back love axis. As that spherical ideal operates through God’s ideal of creation there can be no loss of energy running through east, west, north and south. Whenever in operation, only good will come; there will be neither evil nor conflict. (182-258, 1988.10.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2283

The Savior comes to the earth to seek his Bride. He needs to find the true woman, thereby connecting vertical and horizontal, and achieve God-centered, unfallen perfection for the first time in history. Through the external True Parents, God the internal Father can come to earth and link us to the road leading Chapter 3 • God and True Parents 2283 directly to heaven. From the outset of history, no one has been persecuted as much as I or faced as much opposition. In one era I had to be persecuted worldwide on the individual, family and tribal levels. The Unification Church tribe must be related to all peoples in all 160 nations of the world through the global association of Blessed Families. That is the work of restoration. We need to first carry out this work tribally, next on the level of a people and then nationally. (176-332)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1890

What will you do with small ships? They will be used for fishing. For the most part, people are interested in fishing, but not so much interested in fishery itself, which is catching fish with nets. In the future, there will no longer be an interest in catching fish using nets, nor in riding on big boats. For this reason, I have built this New Hope. I have designed a boat that can sail on the river, as well as the sea. Now our New Hope is famous for fishing and guiding. It is not a boat that just goes out to the sea. Also, it is easily transferable to any location, simply by using an automobile. (262-240, 1994.8.1)

If you wish to take this boat from here to Florida, you can easily attach it to a car. On the water, it takes a couple of days to sail to Florida from here; but you can drive there in one day by car. It takes about four days from the West Coast to the East Coast by car, but one month if sailing on the sea. The boat was built to ride on the waves, to glide through two types of waves when in water. That is why it was built longer than twenty eight feet in length. It was designed that way because it will not sail properly if smaller. Based on this twenty eight foot long boat, we have also built other boats that are thirtyeight feet, fifty-two feet, ninety-eight feet, and 108 feet in length. The 108- foot long boat can even maneuver out in the rough waters of Alaska, and is perfect for fishing when using its dragnets. (262-240, 1994.8.1)

Subduing the Desires of the Flesh

2. Feeling Revulsion for the Body and the Corrupt Senses

Your eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and hands are in contact with two roads. When your eyes see for “me” they become the Devil’s eyes; when your nose smells for “me” it becomes the Devil’s nose, and when your ears hear for “me” they become Devil’s ears. You should rather see with eyes that care for others, care for the nation, the world, and heaven and earth—in other words, you should see with God’s eyes. Those eyes of yours do not exist for your successful career… they exist for the sake of others—to save the nation and liberate humankind. (214:65, February 1, 1991) Continue reading “You Must Deplore the Reality that Your Body Is the Devil’s Dance Hall”

Love the Lord Your God With All Your Heart

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2194

It does not matter how many Christians there are. God wants people who are resolved to go anywhere anytime at His command – people who are awaiting His command with a joyful heart. There are millions of Christians in the world. They are proud of their numbers, but how many of them are like this? If someone at sword point were asked to allow themselves to be sacrificed on God’s altar, but they refused to do so, then they would be nothing. This era requires people whose hearts are burning with desire to fulfill their filial duty. It requires people who will risk their lives for Heaven and strive for Heaven. I think these people will be called Heaven’s Revolutionary Soldiers of the Last Days.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1718

Your genitals are the organs for love. Even if a dictator were to come forth and desire to revolutionize those organs of love, it would be impossible. Despite the many changes made in history, never have the sexual organs been changed, nor will they ever be changed. They cannot be exchanged for the entire universe. The problem lies in the fact that human beings are unaware of this concept.
    All problems in human beings arise from man and woman. The moment men and women are completely united a world of peace will unfold before our eyes. (276-130, 1996.2.11)


The Great Commandment

As a concise summation of the law of love, Jesus’ Great commandment is without parallel. It links together love’s two dimensions: vertical love for God and horizontal love for other people. In this brief section, we give several examples of Father Moon’s commentary on this verse.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.
    Matthew 22.37-39 
And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” [Jesus] said to him, “What is written in the law? How do you read?” And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” And he said to him, “You have answered right; do this, and you will live.” But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
    Luke 10.25-29

Continue reading “Love the Lord Your God With All Your Heart”

Make Hospitality to Friends and Visitors your Family Custom

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1777

Where are the fundamentals of the universe? The fundamentals of the unfallen universe are within the love relationship. We now know that this became the base of wickedness that destroyed heaven and earth. Thus, we can no longer lead haphazard lives. The mistake of one day overturned the history of eons, completely burying God, true parents, and the ideal world under it. That is how frightening the sexual organs are. Each time you urinate, you should be thinking about this: “Hey you scoundrel, even when you urinate, you’d better do it properly!” (281-120, 1997.1.2)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1267

Who is the Savior that is needed by fallen humankind? The Savior should not be in the position of fallen parents, but instead in the position of Adam and Eve who have not fallen. From there he can become one with God’s will, receive God’s love and blessing, and give rebirth to humanity in the position of true parents. Otherwise, humankind can never escape the connection with the original sin. (22-269, 1969.5.4)


Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

A household that is always prepared to welcome noble guests will receive blessings. (100:259, October 22, 1978)
Treat people who come to visit you as kings. Serve them as kings and attend them like kings. (89:290, December 4, 1976)

Continue reading “Make Hospitality to Friends and Visitors your Family Custom”