We Have to Recognize and Abide by Three Immutable Laws

WV Elections 2020
View all candidate interviews and articles: https://www.visionroot.org/wv-elections-2020-candidate-interviews/ . Primary election day in West Virginia is tomorrow, June 9th, 2020. Remember, Supreme Court justices, school board members and magistrates will be elected tomorrow (only), not in November.

Watch or listen to the latest Richard Urban show: Will We Seek Blessing and Love or Anarchy and Chaos?
President Trump did the right thing by going to St. Johns’ Episcopal Church with a Bible. Terrance Floyd told people not to riot and destroy their communities, yet protests and riots continue. What is behind this chaos?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 321

The birds living in the north fly south
to raise their young, and the birds liv-
ing in the south fly north to raise theirs;
this migrating back and forth follows a
rhythm. Since they were born there, the
birds return to the place of their birth to
have their young. Fish living in cold water
lay their eggs in warm water and fish liv-
ing in warm water can only lay their eggs
in cold water. A harmonious unity of yin
and yang must be established. That is
why they migrate. (132-74, 1984.5.20)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1474

As an absolute being with an abso-
lute ideal for His creation, God pursues
beings who can relate to Him with abso-
lute value. This is something that cannot
be exchanged for anything in this world.
A being that can relate to God has a val-
ue that is greater than that of God Him-
self. The term “the value of one’s coun-
terpart” seems difficult to comprehend.
The value of a partner, of any being as a
counterpart, is so great that it cannot be
exchanged for anything or anyone, even
for God. God cannot exchange it with
Himself, for if He did, He would be left
alone as a result. He would be left all by

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 2

Truth and Universal Law

The Ten Commandments

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Heavenly law leads humanity to pursue goodness by setting up divine commandments and moral teachings. Without a doubt, Heaven reveals them for our education… Heaven has prompted saints and sages to propound moral teachings for pitiful humanity immersed in fallen life; thus [Confucius taught] the Three Bonds and the Five Moral Disciplines10 in human relations, and Moses introduced the Ten Commandments. Numerous people on the spiritual path toiled to establish these ways of life. (7:16-23, July 5, 1959)

From now on, we have to recognize and abide by three immutable laws:
The first law: Do not defile the blood lineage, even at the point of death. The blessed blood lineage that has been bequeathed through God’s love and life must not be contaminated by actions immersed in the habitual patterns of the fallen world. Can you abide by this rule? All couples, even if your spouse is deceased, must pledge today that you will not defile your lineage.
The second law: Do not infringe upon human rights. Whether female or male, black or white, everyone is equal. One must not discriminate or violate human rights, [for example] by dismissing a person from his post out of a wrong motivation… The person that practices true love, honoring human rights in the correct way, living for the sake of others, is in the mainstream. The creation of heaven and earth began from that point. Whoever commits an act that dilutes or squanders this main current of thought is not to be tolerated. Violation of this is the second of all sins.
The third law: Refrain from stealing money or misusing public funds for selfish purposes. [For example,] if you are entrusted with a public mission but slack off and leave your post, then your stay in an expensive hotel is a violation of this law. It is destroying the public environment. It is something as fearful as misappropriating national assets. People who live this way can never be successful no matter how hard they try. Even if they pray hard, their prayers will not reach God.
Seventy percent of the people in jail are there because they violated these commandments. If you are imprisoned, you will see it is true. Human rights infringements and lineage violations are problems that concern man and woman. Then come the money problems.
What’s the first law? Keep your purity! Second? Don’t abuse human rights! Third? Don’t misuse public money! On this historic day, I declare that keeping these laws is absolutely necessary to maintain the sovereign power and kingship of heaven, and to stand before it as a people, and as parents, wives, children, and brothers and sisters.
Therefore, you cannot neglect your older brother. You cannot neglect your younger brother merely because he is handicapped. In the secular world people may not care, but we cannot neglect in-laws or relatives. If you who graduated from a university neglect those who only completed high school, it is a sin. These are violations of human rights.
You should live a good life. Can you live a good life by yourself? No, you should live with others. Within an environment governed by God’s official laws, with whom should you live to be living a good life? The answer is simple. You should have good relationships between parents and children, between husband and wife, and among siblings…
When you are exemplary to one another, it can be called a good life. If you are not a good example, you are not living a good life. Live a good life by being exemplary in front of your parents, your spouse and your children.
Even if you are accused as a traitor and executed in public view, if you keep these commandments absolutely, your family will belong to the heavenly royal family that possesses eternal freedom, unity and liberation.
I want you to remember this clearly. Keep it as a motto, the motto of the third millennium: Pure lineage, equality of human rights, and guarding public assets—do not be a thief. What is next? Be an example! Be an exemplary parent, exemplary spouse, exemplary child and exemplary sibling. If you form such a family, people in your neighborhood will say, “We should follow that person. I want to live with him.” That person is surely a citizen of Kingdom of Heaven, and Heaven will remember that family forever.
I explained to you on this historic day, the day of the Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship, the three most important things that humankind must uphold and by which you can be truly liberated in your family and in your nation. I hope you can remember these contents and keep them as the goals of your life. (January 13, 2001)

Couples must never fall. If they do, it is a serious problem. I cannot emphasize this enough. Next, you should love human beings. Third, you should be careful not to misuse public funds. Matters of heart, relationships with human beings, and with material are very important. When the Heavenly Constitution is installed, [these will be its] first provisions. (169:217, October 31, 1987)

Every One Who Looks at a Woman Lustfully Has Already Committed Adultery

WV Elections 2020
View all candidate interviews and articles: https://www.visionroot.org/wv-elections-2020-candidate-interviews/ .

Watch or listen to the latest Richard Urban show: Will We Seek Blessing and Love or Anarchy and Chaos?
President Trump did the right thing by going to St. Johns’ Episcopal Church with a Bible. Terrance Floyd told people not to riot and destroy their communities, yet protests and riots continue. What is behind this chaos?

Zecheriah 10

I will strengthen
the kingdoms of Judah
    and Israel.[a]
And I will show mercy
because I am the Lord,
    their God.
I will answer their prayers
    and bring them home.
Then it will seem as though
    I had never rejected them.
Israel[b] will be like
a tribe of warriors
    celebrating with wine.
When their children see this,
they will also be happy
    because of me, the Lord.

Ezekiel 27

31 they shave their heads
and dress in sackcloth
    as they cry in despair.
32 In their grief they sing
    a funeral song for you:
“Tyre, you were greater
    than all other cities.
But now you lie in silence
    at the bottom of the sea.

Richard: Once great cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Washington DC are being destroyed by mayors who will not enforce the law. But even worse, these mayors have pushed a godless agenda of promoting homosexuality and expelling people of faith: Listen to the Richard Urban Show: https://www.visionroot.org/2020/06/04/will-we-seek-blessing-and-love-or-anarchy-and-chaos/ .

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 2

Truth and Universal Law

The Ten Commandments

Say, Come, I will recite what God has made a
sacred duty for you:
Ascribe nothing as equal with Him;
Be good to your parents;
Kill not your children on a plea of want—
we provide sustenance for you and for them;
Approach not lewd behavior whether open
or in secret,
Take not life, which God has made sacred,
except by way of justice and law. Thus does He
command you, that you may learn wisdom.
And approach not the property of the
orphan, except to improve it, until he attains
the age of maturity.
Give full measure and weight, in justice—
No burden do we place on any soul but that
which it can bear.
And if you give your word, do it justice, even
if a near relative is concerned; and fulfill your
obligations before God. Thus does He command you, that you may remember.
Verily, this is my straight Path: follow it, and
do not follow other paths which will separate
you from His Path. Thus does He command
you, that you may be righteous.
Qur’an 6.151-53

Seven precepts were commanded to the chil-
dren of Noah: social laws [civil justice]; to
refrain from blasphemy; idolatry; adultery;
bloodshed; robbery; and eating flesh cut from a
living animal. 8
Talmud, Sanhedrin 56a (Judaism)

You have heard that it was said to the men of
old, “You shall not kill; and whoever kills shall
be liable to judgment.” But I say to you that
every one who is angry with his brother shall be
liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother
shall be liable to the council, and whoever says,
“You fool!” shall be liable to the hell of fire…
You have heard that it was said, “You shall
not commit adultery.” But I say to you that every
one who looks at a woman lustfully has already
committed adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5.21-22, 27-28

Forgiveness, humility, straightforwardness,
purity, truthfulness, self-restraint, austerity,
renunciation, non-attachment and chastity
are the ten duties.
Tatthvarthasutra 9.6 (Jainism)

Not killing, no longer stealing, forsaking the
wives of others, refraining completely from false, divisive, harsh and senseless speech, forsaking covetousness, harmful intent and the views of Nihilists—these are the ten white paths of action, their opposites are black.
Nagarjuna, Precious Garland 8-9 (Buddhism)

Nonviolence, truthfulness, not stealing, purity,
control of the senses—this, in brief, says Manu,
is the Dharma for all the four castes. 9
Laws of Manu 10.63 (Hinduism)

The Noble Truth of the Path leading to the ces-
sation of suffering is this Noble Eightfold Path,
namely: right view, right aspiration, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.
What is right view? Knowledge of suffering,
knowledge of the arising of suffering, knowledge of the cessation of suffering, knowledge of the path leading to the cessation of suffering—this is called right view.
What is right aspiration? Aspiration for
renunciation, aspiration for non-malevolence,
aspiration for harmlessness—this is called right
What is right speech? Refraining from
lying speech, refraining from slanderous speech,
refraining from harsh speech, refraining from
gossip—this is called right speech.
What is right action? Refraining from
violence against creatures, refraining from
taking what has not been given, refraining from
going wrongly among the sense-pleasures, this is
called right action.
What is right livelihood? A disciple of the
Noble Ones, getting rid of a wrong mode of
livelihood, makes his living by a right mode of
livelihood. This is called right livelihood.
What is right effort? A monk generates
desire, effort, stirs up energy, exerts his mind
and strives for the non-arising of evil unskilled
states that have not arisen… for the getting rid
of evil unskilled states that have arisen… for the
arising of skilled states that have not arisen…
for the maintenance and completion of skilled
states that have arisen. This is called right
What is right mindfulness? A monk fares
along contemplating the body in the body… the
feelings in the feelings… the mind in the mind…
the mental states in the mental states… ardent,
clearly conscious of them, mindful of them so as

to control the covetousness and dejection in the
world. This is called right mindfulness.
And what is right concentration? A monk,
aloof from the pleasures of the senses, aloof from
unskilled states of mind, enters on and abides
in the first meditation which is accompanied by
initial thought and discursive thought, is born
of aloofness, is rapturous and joyful. By allaying initial thought and discursive thought, with the mind subjectively tranquilized and fixed on one point, he enters on and abides in the second meditation which is devoid of initial thought and discursive thought, is born of concentration, and is rapturous and joyful. By the fading out of rapture… he enters on and abides in the third meditation… the fourth meditation. This is called right concentration.
Majjhima Nikaya 3.251-52:
The Eight-Fold Path (Buddhism)

There are five universal ways in human rela-
tions… those governing the relationship
between ruler and minister, between father and
son, between husband and wife, between elder
and younger brothers, and those in the inter-
course between friends. These five are the uni-
versal ways in the world.
Doctrine of the Mean 20.79 (Confucianism)