Let Us Live to Create a Life that Exists for the Sake of Absolute Sexual Ethics

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#139-Father Bayo & Ayano Adrien

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1788

What is ironic in America now is that even while free sex may be prevailing among the youth, they leave their own homes. This, in a way, is in heaven’s favor. Leaving home, they are able to get away from their folks and country. American youth have no ties to the world, their country, family or parents. Based on free sex, they accept homosexuals and lesbians, and deny masculinity and femininity. If this continues, humanity will all disappear within a century. How unspeakably pained must God’s heart be as He looks upon this miserable state of humanity caught in the devil’s spell! (208-265, 1990.11.20)

Richard: This was spoken in 1990. What a prescient view of what is going on now, 33 years later. If only we had listened and acted accordingly. We can and must do that now.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 578

Saints, sages and numerous founders of religions, stopped on their paths of life, interrupted the concerns of their minds and the inclinations of their hearts, and asked themselves where they were going, as they struggled to resolve this issue. They came forth to resolve this issue, but to this day no one could confidently claim, “My body has gone to such a place. My mind, my heart, my life, and my ideals have hastened there; hence, all beings in heaven and earth should go there.” (8-194, 1959.12.20)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

Lessons learned from the Life of the True Parent
   1) Principled Life & Practice
       (1) Human portion of responsibility
      (2) Guidelines for life
          i. Become the master of yourself before desiring to be master over the universe (govern your desires for food, sleep and sex).
         ii. Become a true person.
The source and origin of that which is true is God, the content of that which is true is that which is liked.
   2) Victorious Life & Practice
      (1) Love your enemy.
The standard that determines victory or defeat between God and Satan is loving the enemy.
   (2) Live by the law of the Principle.
   (3) Do not tell lies, and do not make excuses.
   (4) Do not worry, and invest all your sincere effort and devotion.
3) Hoon Dok Life & Practice
   (1) Become the substance of God’s word.
   (2) Throw off the clothing of the fallen world, seek the center and attend it.
   (3) Hoondok Family Church
Wolli Boncheron absolute sex teaching, the Blessing, hoondok life practice
4) The Three Ironclad Rules and the Three Primary Judgments
   (1) The Three Ironclad Rules
      i. Preserve the Lineage (Purity/Chastity)
      ii. Do Not Violate Human Rights
      iii. Do Not Misuse Public Funds
   (2) The Three Primary Judgments
      i. The Judgment of Character = Love
      ii. The Judgment of Meritorious Service = Public Life (human beings are public beings)
      iii. The Judgment of Public Funds = All things are public things
Let us live according to God’s word to create a life that exists for the sake of
absolute sex, lineage, true love, and the spirit world.

See slides 41 and 42 below:

True Parents Were Married in 1960

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#138-Commissioner Jennifer Krouse-Stopping the Sexualization of Children

Cheon Seong Gyeong 289

The age of our release from the religious realm is coming, because everything has been indemnified through the people of Israel as the chosen people, Christianity as the global chosen people, and the Unification Church as the cosmic-level chosen people. So now the time is coming when the spirit world can contact the earthly world on that foundation. Thus, even non-believers will be connected to the spirit world through the realm of the chosen people and through religion, and the past ages will fade away.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1124

The contradictions and tragic complications of history in this world all came about because we did not understand our historical portion of responsibility. You all have to realize how important that is. All of you are thinking about this matter as you please. You think that one’s portion of responsibility is something that the Principle teaches about, but that it is not related to you. We have to view this in a different way and realize that my discovery of the existence of human beings’ portion of responsibility is indeed a great discovery. How important do you think it is? The universe is entrapped in this and is groaning in travail. (124-94, 1983.1.30)
Richard: Wow! Everyone should understand this profound truth!

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

    True Parents, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Mrs. Moon, were married on March 16th, 1960. The first major holy day of Parents Day, as well as the subsequent major holy days of Children’s Day, Day of All Things and God’s Day were established between 1960 and 1968.
    Another major milestone was Pal Jung Shik (Settlement of 8 Stages), established in Kodiak, Alaska on August 31, 1989, and Heavenly Fatherism was proclaimed on September 1, 1989.   True Father had providential meetings with Michail Gorbachev in the former USSR in 1990, as well as Kim IL Sung in North Korea in 1991.
    The Women’s Federation for World Peace was established in 1992.
    True Father comes as the second coming of Jesus, who came as the second Adam.  Adam lost God’s substance at the age of 15.  True Father restored (through indemnity) the substance at the age of 15, through Jesus  (inheriting the mission).
    The Holy Spirit was the spiritual Eve who appeared before the spiritual Jesus.
    True Mother, the substantial manifestation of the Holy Spirit, must be recreated by True Father as a True Mother that resembles True Father, just as God, who exists as the original body and substance of the Principle also exists as the unified body of masculine and feminine.
    See slides 10 to 13 below:

Salvation Must Take Place in the Physical World

The latest Richard Urban show:
#126-Character Has Consequences and the Core of Character Is Sexual Ethics

Happy True Parents Day! (Established 1960)

Special Reading for True Parents Day

This 18th Parents Day is a very meaningful day. You must fully realize where you are standing and what your mission is. I have explained to you what kind of attitude brought the fall, and by wholeheartedly undertaking your mission you can liberate man from the conditions that led to the fall; in the future nobody will accuse you of being a self-centered person or of indulging in self-centered love. You now have the opportunity to be liberated from the satanic lineage and influence.

Even though you are leaving the satanic realm, Satan still has a claim to your body because you were born in his lineage. However, if your loyalty is with God 100%, then even though you still have that string attached, Satan has no power to pull it. You must remember that a string is still attached, for Satan recognizes that your blood is his, but must also realize that you have been restored to a position outside of the satanic realm, the position of angels who have not fallen.

How can you create your beachhead in the satanic world? When God created man in the garden of Eden, He was assisted by the angels. In your recreation as well, you need the help of God and the angels. An angel is good and pure, but until the appearance of perfected Adam and Eve, the angel is not free to perfect himself. Without the perfection of Adam and Eve the angelic world cannot be perfected For you to elevate yourself to the position of physical Adam, you must be surrounded by spiritual children in the position of the three archangels.

Continue reading “Salvation Must Take Place in the Physical World”

Satan’s World Began with Adam and Even Committing the Fall through Illicit Sex

Latest Richard Urban Show:
#122 – Impeach Biden Now Over Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipelines
Listen to the Podcast

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1367

You are branches originating from one root. Branches grow from the trunk, anchored by the roots. Do you think they can grow by themselves? Think about it. Likewise, you cannot effectively operate based on your own limited concepts. Thus, you can only expand on the foundation of the tradition rooted in the True Parents’ family. As such, after the Blessings of the 36, 72, 124, and 430 Couples, I then blessed the 777, 1800, and 6000 Couples as the representatives of the conditional offering for global expansion. (145-15, 1986.4.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1056

    Your family should not become secularized or slaves of habit. You should not think, “Things will be better in the future even though it is terrible now.” You are to be perfect now; the present is the problem. When the past and the present are perfected, the future will be perfect. Not having had a perfect day in the Garden of Eden still causes us to suffer the effects of the Fall.
    The ideal is the place where the past, present, and future can be united into one. You should be able to offer up the present. God’s desire is to set up the eternal stepping stone on earth. This is the historical point of synthesis. (21-77, 1968.10.20)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Reasons to Study the Original
Substance of Divine Principle

Please view slides 5 to 8  below for today’s study.


Human Beings Lost Our True Parents and Became Orphans

Latest Richard Urban Show:
#122 – Impeach Biden Now Over Blowing Up the Nord Stream Pipelines
Listen to the Podcast

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2202

Jesus became a servant of servants in front of God, and then he was crucified and died. A person is said to be righteous when he dies for his country in the wretched position of a servant of servants. A person who dies for his country is a patriot. If a person humbles himself as a servant of servants and is grateful to serve his parents, then that person receives the title of being a filial child. This is the highest point of morality in the human world, the core point. It is essential that you understand that this is the core point. In this we can realize that, rather than living a public life for God, becoming a servant is the way to become a more righteous man. Rather than being a servant for your country, becoming a servant in a worse position than an ordinary servant is the way to become a more patriot. Rather than living for your parents, sacrificing yourself in the position of a servant is the way to become a filial child. (88-294, 1976.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeon 1266

You were born of the lineage of false parents, driven away from God, and have no connection to true parents. Therefore, in order to free yourselves from this lineage, you must stamp it out and uproot it. Only when you do so, and totally change the lineage, can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (22-271, 1969.5.4)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Family Pledge

Family Pledge Verse 7

i. 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 참사랑을 중심하고
ii. 본연의 혈통과 연결된
iii. 위하는 생활을 통하여
iv. 심정문화세계를 완성할 것을 맹세하나이다.

Family Pledge Verse 7

i. Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk,
ii. pledges through living for the sake of others,
iii. to perfect the world based on the culture of heart,
iv. which is rooted in the original lineage, by centering on
true love.

Continue reading “Human Beings Lost Our True Parents and Became Orphans”