Understand and Comfort God’s Historical Heart

Just six more days to get extra Early Bird Registration discounts for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training  Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

Leviticus 23

26 The Lord God said to Moses:

27 The tenth day of the seventh month[k] is the Great Day of Forgiveness.[l] It is a solemn day of worship; everyone must go without eating to show sorrow for their sins, and sacrifices must be burned. 28 No one is to work on that day—it is the Great Day of Forgiveness, when sacrifices will be offered to me, so that I will forgive your sins.

Isaiah 5

Listen, people of Jerusalem
    and of Judah!
You be the judge of me
    and my vineyard.
What more could I have done
    for my vineyard?
I hoped for sweet grapes,
but bitter grapes
    were all that grew.

Now I will let you know
    what I am going to do.
I will cut down the hedge
    and tear down the wall.
My vineyard will be trampled
    and left in ruins.

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

March 9, 1959
Continue reading “Understand and Comfort God’s Historical Heart”

Feel that the Father is Your Father

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV expires in just 10 days!  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 1083

You may use words spontaneously,
but if you make a mistake in choosing
one word, its influence will last for one
year. If you misuse one word for one sec-
ond, you will be put in a situation where
you will have to pay the price for one
year. (43-111, 1971.4.25)

Ezekiel 1

12 Wherever the four living creatures went, they moved together without turning their bodies, because each creature faced straight ahead. 13 The creatures were glowing like hot coals, and I saw something like a flaming torch moving back and forth among them. Lightning flashed from the torch every time its flame blazed up.[f] 14 The creatures themselves moved as quickly as sparks jumping from a fire.[g] Continue reading “Feel that the Father is Your Father”

As the Hope of the Father, convery Jesus’ Words

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV expires in just 11 days!  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 479

We should clearly realize how holy
and valuable the love is that emerges
from the people created by God and who
were untainted by the Fall, that is: origi-
nal man and woman. (145-267, 1986.5.15)

Psalm 148

Sun and moon,
and all of you bright stars,
    come and offer praise.
Highest heavens,
and the water
above the highest heavens,[a]
    come and offer praise.

Let all things praise
    the name of the Lord,
    because they were created
    at his command.
He made them to last forever,
    and nothing can change
    what he has done.[b]

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 1959

When Jesus was walking through the thirty-odd years of his life course, as he was being chased around from this village to that, he said, “Foxes have holes, and birds in the air have their nests, but the son of man does not have a place where he can rest his head.” (Matthew 8:20) The people of that time did not know that the words of Jesus, who clung to the lonesome heart and felt the torment, were words which represented the culmination of 4,000 years of the heavenly principles.

The Israelites did not know that Jesus was the embodiment of the life of re-creation and eternal life for which God hoped. They did not know that he was someone who was to realize the will for which humanity had hoped for 4,000 years.

Who is going to clear up and cross over this hill that could not be crossed over because of the lack of recognition toward Jesus? Even if you today are a pitiful group who is being chased around and have no place to rely upon, I hope that you will become the heirs who inherit the will of Jesus.

Now the time has come when we must appear before the people with the attitude that we are walking through the historical course of Jesus with a lamenting heart. Only when we can appear before the people and the world with this heart can we prevent the history of betrayal by Israel, the history of betrayal by Judaism, and all that the blood relations of Jesus blocked. Only then can we prevent the betrayal of the apostles and disciples. In other words, we have to be able to resolve all of this within ourselves.

Jesus distributed bread among many people on an empty hill near Bethsaida 2,000 years ago. Why did the people who ate the bread all perish? Why did the people who heard the words betray Jesus? Why did the disciples who followed Jesus through all the hardships of three years betray him? The reason they betrayed him was that they thought his words were only for the sake of that day. They thought the bread he gave out was only to fill the stomach for that moment. They did not know that the words Jesus gave should have been conveyed to the ends of the earth through them. They did not know that the bread Jesus gave out should be shared with the humanity of the world.

Because the words and the bread that Jesus gave were his substantial embodiments, his intention was for them to give out his mind and body to the neighbors, the people, the nation and the whole of humanity. They were doomed, because they did not know this.

Now when you stand before the Lord or before the Father, you will feel the request, “Oh, my beloved son! I am giving you these words, so cherish them and become God’s beloved son!” Some of you will also feel, “Oh, my beloved sons and daughters! Become the substantial temple in which the Father can dwell during your lifetime!” Accordingly, you must feel that only the Father is the origin of your life. Only the Father is the origin of your love.

Do not despair because you do not have any friends, family or companion. If you have become someone who, as the substantial body of the Father, is immersed inside the heart of the Father’s love and life and who lives according to the will of the heavenly principles, please do not despair, because the words of the Father are with you. Even if we suffer many ordeals as we are driven about today, we must persevere. This is because we endure our hardships for the sake of the people and for the world.

Now if there are those who, feeling the torment of heaven and earth, pray and overcome the hardships that pierce into their bones, then they will become the friends of Jesus, friends of the people, and friends of the world. In this way they will become the masters of this world.

The problem is whether we stand inside God or outside God. God wishes to fulfill His hopes through our hearts. Therefore, everything in our lives, every place that we reside, all the injustice we suffer must be done for the sake of the Father. Even if our love is cut off, even if we are deprived of material things and friends, if we have the relationship that is for the sake of the Father, then we will not have any worry. More than the love of the earth, the life of the earth, and the people of the earth, if we have the faith of the Father, the life of the Father, and the love and hope of the Father, then no desire of ours will go unfulfilled. If all that belongs to the Father is with us, we can become substantial sons who can represent the many lives on this earth.


Attend Jesus to Attend God

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV expires in just 11 days!  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

Exodus 18

Moses followed Jethro’s advice. 25 He chose some competent leaders from every tribe in Israel and put them over groups of ten, fifty, a hundred, and a thousand. 26 They served as judges, deciding the easy cases themselves, but bringing the more difficult ones to Moses.

Psalm 69

Answer me, Lord!
    You are kind and good.
    Pay attention to me!
    You are truly merciful.
17 Don’t turn away from me.
    I am your servant,
    and I am in trouble.
Please hurry and help!
18     Come and save me
    from my enemies. Continue reading “Attend Jesus to Attend God”

The Loyalty of Jesus toward the Father

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV expires in just 13 days!  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering before September 30th:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 717

We human beings were born because
of God. The motive for our birth comes
through the Creator. We are made by
Him, but for what? This is the question.
Did He create us because He wanted to
leave diamonds to us because He likes
them? Did He create us because he
wants to bequeath His power, or to pass
on all His knowledge because He likes
knowledge? What is our origin, our
beginning? This is the question. Even
if we were to assert ourselves as having
originated from the absolute God and
being born out of an internal bond with
Him, if we do not clearly understand
the process for returning to the original
homeland in the future, everything now
underway will remain unfinished.
The motive for our birth comes
from our mother and father. We were
born because the lives of our father and
mother intertwined. But the inheri-
tance of the characteristics of both par-
ents was not the result of their lives col-
liding. Beforehand, the fundamental
action and motive that connected these
two lives together, was love. When we
consider the preciousness of life and
love, life is in second place, and love is
in first place. (177-305, 1988.5.22)

CSG 1403

The Blessing of 360 Million Cou-
ples signifies that we have surpassed
the realm of dominion based on accom-
plishments through the Principle. We
are now in the global era. Spring is upon
us, the season of revival. I have brought
you here in order to bless you. So what
should you do in return? You should
become the leaders who can reign over
the devil. (297-298, 1998.12.22)

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 1959

You must always be able to frankly reveal to the Father whether you are living as the expression of hope in faith, life and love. You must live with the mind-set, “Yes, Father! I will believe in the Father. Even if the Father cannot believe in me, I will believe in the Father. Even if the Father abandons me, I cannot abandon the Father.”

Is there a hero who would not betray the Father even if the heavenly principles were to change or even if Heaven was to betray him? Is there a hero who would believe when no other in heaven and earth could believe? God has been guiding the providence until now, longing for the one day of hope when He can find this kind of person. Are there, however, any who understand this sorrowful situation of the Father? Is there such a church? People are pitiful beings who are ignorant of this.

Those in the world who cherish the will of Heaven in their hearts will be rejected. At the time of Jesus, everyone was his enemy. Those who are not rejected, those who are not enemies of the world, are false. After coming to the earth, Jesus lost his foundation in his family. He was ostracized by John the Baptist’s group, whom God had chosen and prepared. He was ostracized by the religious sect God had prepared through 4,000 years of toil. He was persecuted by the chosen Israelites, by the blood kinsmen of Abraham. He was persecuted by the whole of humanity. He was abandoned, even by the spirit world. He was abandoned, even by God.

This is the reason he had to die in a miserable situation as it is recorded in the Bible verse, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” or “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) You must not forget that the one who suffered this kind of torment is our savior, the savior of humanity and our leader. You must connect to that heart of Jesus.

When Elijah was ostracized by the Israelites and being driven away, he appealed to God, “Father, I am the only one who remains.” Have you ever connected with that kind of heart? You must be able to say, “I will not abandon You, even if all of the thirty million people were to turn away from You. Even if the 2.4 billion persons of the world and all spirits were to turn their backs on You, I will not.” Those who have experienced this kind of heart cannot go to hell, even if they try. They will not perish on the earth, no matter what. They cannot be destroyed by anything.

You have to understand that Jesus’ heart of appeal, “Father, if it is possible then please let this cup pass from me. But do not do as I will, but as Thou will,” (Matthew 26:39) became the central point that allowed him to step over the realm of death and rise above it. Jesus was ostracized by the people, the church, his tribe and by Satan of the invisible spirit world when he came to the earth. In other words, Jesus did not even have one friend. The question is whether the people at the time even entertained the thought that this kind of Jesus would appear as the Savior of humanity.

When we consider it from this perspective, we can see that Jesus set the standard for the creation of a new history. Jesus possessed the eternal and unchanging heart. He had the attitude that the Father was the master of his faith, his life and love. Because there was no one who could cut off the faith, life and love of Jesus, Christianity did not falter, no matter who attacked them. Instead, Christianity progressed.

If you who are coming to the Unification Church today want to live for the sake of humanity, then you must possess the kind of faith Jesus had. In these last days, you must possess the standard of faith with which Jesus could confront the path of death and offer his life. You must possess the standard of faith by which Jesus could sacrifice even his body. Heaven is longing for this standard of faith to be found among the people of faith in the last days.