It Was Your Will to Completely Clear the Field of Wild Olive Trees

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

Everyone must realize that free sex is Satan’s domain of love filled with ensnaring evil spirits to bring about the downfall of humankind and expand hell on earth. From the viewpoint of the God of absolute love, the grandmother and grandfather are one; they cannot be separated. They must absolutely become one centering on God, and centering on love. What is love? It is fitting convex and concave together absolutely; mother and father, husband and wife, son and daughter – all must unite in this way absolutely. This is what God wants. (280-135, 1996.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1174

I have undergone hardships throughout my life, but I never intended to indemnify history so that I could obtain a high position with many luxuries. I gave up the blessings that I could have enjoyed. I want to suffer together with you and rise to the high position where I can be respected by the whole nation together with you. You must know that my hope is to see the day of joy when this nation is liberated. (181-66, 1988.8.28)

Special Reading: Cheong Seong Gyeong 1404-continued

    To restore the spiritual and physical worlds under Satan’s dominion and inhabited by humankind which inherited evil love, life, and lineage from the evil ancestors in Eden, then You, together in heart with humankind and the spirit world, passed through the Old, New, and Completed Testament Ages. In the Old Testament Age, Adam’s family failed to keep the covenant to inherit the lineage giving rise to a parent-child relationship with You, losing it instead through the Fall.
    They would have established that relationship with You in the place where they could inherit Your love, life, and lineage; yet it was in that very place that the sin of our first ancestors bound them in blood ties with Satan as their false parent, thereby giving rise to the sorrowful history that began with Adam’s family inheriting satanic love, life, and lineage from Satan as his children and thus becoming his family. This, in turn, created the environment of conflict between mind and body, husband and wife, parents and children, and between siblings, resulting in Cain’s murder of Abel in that first family. Consequently, all of humanity is divided at the levels of the family, tribe, race, and nation, and even the world with the democratic and communist worlds pitted against each other. Amid the confusion of the Last Days, it was Your will to establish the Unification Church in order to usher in the Completed Testament Age because it had not been possible to completely fulfill Your will in the Old Testament Age or establish Your ideal kingship in the New Testament Age. Upon the foundations laid in those two ages, the True Parents were to come to earth and complete all that was incomplete both on earth and in the spirit world, and form relationships based on their true love, life, and lineage on earth in the name of the God of liberation. It was Your will to completely clear the field of wild olive trees that is the fallen world and to engraft them to the true olive tree, thereby forming a connection as Your kinfolk, and, by so doing, restore Your family. Upholding Your will, the Unification Church has continued its work in performing global weddings in the name of the True Parents in order to allow all people of the world to indemnify the wrongful marriages of history and become one great family of brothers and sisters


Asceticism, Monasticism and Celibacy

3. Celibacy

[Jesus] said to them, “Not all men can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven. He who is able to receive this, let him receive it.”
    Matthew 19.12 Continue reading “It Was Your Will to Completely Clear the Field of Wild Olive Trees”

What Is Required to Engraft the Love of God Into Our Lives?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1983

Unification must be achieved, centering on South Korea. Then centering on the Korean peninsula, we should unify Japan, the Eve nation, and also unify China while uniting the Soviet Union with the United States. I have already laid all the foundations to achieve that goal. I have done it all. I have come to this nation and have done what was necessary in laying all the foundations in the external Cain-type world. In order to lay the foundation in the world of politics and economics, I have spent money and worked for those people until now. Soon you will see fewer and fewer people who oppose the Rev. Moon of the Unification Church. Some people in established churches oppose us. However, do they not now recognize me as the one person who will unite North and South Korea? (214-306, 1991.2.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1404

Beloved Heavenly Father, on this day, February 7, 1999, the Blessing of 360 Million Couples ceremony that is being closely watched by heaven and earth is being held. All humanity on earth and all Blessed Families in the spirit world are represented here, for this is the new day of the liberation of heaven and earth when we go beyond the restoration of the right of the first born, the right of the parents, and right of kingship. This is the moment when we have reached a transition point in world history in which we can fulfill Your will and Your wishes to establish a united world of the sovereignty of true love, the Parents of Heaven and Earth and the God of the original ideal of creation.

Richard: We will continue this reading (prayer by Rev. Moon) in the subsequent days, as it gives an outline of God’s plan of Providence.

Asceticism, Monasticism, and Celibacy

2. Fasting

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What does the body desire? It likes to be comfortable; that is why we are told to walk the path of suffering. Next, the body likes to eat good food; that is why religion tells us to fast. You must do the opposite of what the body desires. (40:24, February 1, 1986) Continue reading “What Is Required to Engraft the Love of God Into Our Lives?”

Do Not Look Dismal Like the Hypocites

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1775

Adam and Eve fell, but through what? They fell through love, wrongful love. Where then did this wrongful love start? Wrongful love started through the misuse of the sexual organ. This is the formula: if Adam and Eve did not have sexual organs, would humankind have been born? Without sexual organs, would God’s Kingdom on earth be able to start? God’s true good kingdom on earth and in heaven comes into being and develops through perfectly true and good sexual organs. What happens through untrue sexual organs? Hell comes into being through their misuse. (279-213, 1996.9.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1218

Since Adam was unable to fulfill his portion of responsibility, we are in a position where we cannot receive help from anyone to fulfill our responsibility and complete our mission. The final decision will be made by us. In other words, God does not decide whether we will be good people or evil people; we must decide this ourselves. (29-333, 1970.3.14)

Asceticism, Monasticism and Celibacy

2. Fasting

On the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement; it shall be for you a time of holy convocation, and you shall afflict yourselves [by fasting].
    Leviticus 23.27 Continue reading “Do Not Look Dismal Like the Hypocites”

We Are Trying to Deaden the Body

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2193

In what position do you have to stand in order to become a filial child? You have to stand in the position where you can take responsibility for the path of death, the path of the greatest suffering. So what is the path that filial children must walk? Parents will say “Love your brothers and sisters more than us. Live for the sake of your siblings in the same way as you live for our sake.” Fulfilling this is the way of the filial child. Parents will probably say that this is their will. (62-37, 1972.9.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1218

Each time when the living environment of an individual and the age he is living in change, there is always the course of the five percent of one’s portion of responsibility that he must strive to complete in order to determine his position as God’s object partner responding to His call. This is true for individuals, as well as for churches, nations, and the world. (40-66, 1971.1.24)

Asceticism, Monasticism and Celibacy

  1. The Ascetic Life of a Monk or Nun

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What are we trying to restrain? We are trying to deaden the body. That is why religions teach us to fast, do prayer vigils all night without sleep, be celibate and live as a hermit. In the Catholic Church the highest vocation is to be a priest or a nun; they do not marry for their entire life. In Buddhism also, most monks are celibate.
    Compare these disciplines with the lifestyle of American youth. It is quite the opposite of that of religious people who make it their chief aim to conquer the body. As a result, they are living a hellish existence, constantly besieged by the temptations of the satanic world. The youth of America should realize this; they should understand that the way they are living is contrary to God’s Will. Instead of pursuing the body’s pleasure, we should torment our body. Why? Because [due to the Fall] our body has become Satan’s dance floor. (215:236, February 20, 1991) Continue reading “We Are Trying to Deaden the Body”

Monasticism Emphasized the Love of Christ Over the Love of Women

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2083

The paths of the North and the South are crossing now. Because the two are going in opposite directions, one wanting to go south and the other wanting to go north, their goals are different. The issue of how to unite is a serious one. Who is to take the lead in this mission? The North will object if the South takes the lead, and the South will object if the North takes the lead. Breakdown will occur again if each one adheres to its own way. The question is how to approach this issue. There must be a Korean who loves North Korea more than anyone else in the South. That is the only solution. The plan for unification can come about only through someone who is more loyal than anyone else in the South and someone who is more loyal than anyone else in the North. Is there any other way? There is not. (61-125, 1972.8.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1424

Without a nation, there can be no nationality. Without a nation, there can be no foundation upon which you can be registered. We need to create a new nation of people, and be newly registered. We have to establish the Kingdom of God on earth and, as its citizens, love the kingdom and its people, live on earth together with our tribes and family members, and be the victorious sons and daughters who have inherited the true lineage of the parents of goodness. Only after doing so can we enter the Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world. This is the teaching of the Divine Principle. (58-143, 1972.5.22)

Asceticism, Monasticism and Celibacy

ASPIRANTS WHO WISH TO COMPLETELY SEVER themselves from worldly life may adopt the secluded and sometimes solitary life of a monk or nun. In Buddhism and Jainism, and in Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christianity, the highest religious vocations require celibacy—monks, nuns and priests. Asceticism also abounds in Hinduism, where in addition to life-long ascetics, there is the tradition that brahmins would spend the last years of their lives as solitary ascetics devoting themselves to the goal of liberation. Christian monasticism took institutional form in order to provide a supportive setting for those who wished to take vows of poverty and chastity, who valued the love of Christ which surpasses the love of women.
There is no monasticism in Islam. Nevertheless, Muslims practice asceticism on a wide scale with the month-long fast of Ramadan. Fasting and all-night prayer vigils attack the body’s desire for food and sleep. They are examples of ascetic practices within everyone’s reach, unlike traditional monasticism which is practiced only by a spiritual elite. In Thailand and Sri Lanka, Buddhist young men usually devote six months to monastic training before embarking on family life.
In line with his teaching on subduing the desires of the body, Father Moon praises monasticism for its devotion to attaining mind-body unity. Nevertheless, a tension exists between the path of the celibate priest and the family ideal that God purposed at the creation. Hence, at the end of this section are passages critical of the monastic life; such are found in nearly every tradition where it is practiced: asceticism can lead to an overly severe personality devoid of compassion; monasticism is incompatible with the generative and productive life of the world which is ordained by God. Father Moon’s teaching points to the deeper problem that led God to institute the path of celibacy and asceticism in the first place: the corruption of marriage at the Human Fall. In the final passages, he describes the dawning of a new age in which marriage is restored to its original estate and there is no more need for the discipline of celibacy. While celibacy was a true and noble path in past ages, the time has come for religion to exalt marriage above the celibate life. Indicative of this sea-change is the decline of monasticism and celibacy that is being felt all over the religious world.

  1. The Ascetic Life of a Monk or Nun

The blue-necked peacock which flies through the air never approaches the speed of the swan. Similarly, the householder can never resemble the monk who is endowed with the qualities of the sage, who meditates, aloof, in the jungle.
    Sutta Nipata 221 (Buddhism)

Go on the begging tour, stay in a forest, eat but a little, speak only measured words, put up with misery, conquer sleep, practice friendship with all and non-attachment in an excellent manner.
    Vattakera, Mulacara 981 (Jainism) Continue reading “Monasticism Emphasized the Love of Christ Over the Love of Women”