A New Religious Ideology Must Appear

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2008

God’s country is where His direct descen-
dants receive Heaven’s command and,
in His place, govern under God’s king-
ship. There would be neither commu-
nism nor democracy. Once established,
that nation will remain forever. When
we think of such a nation, we should feel
mortified that we are unable to be a citi-
zen of such a country. We should lament
that we are unable to be such a person,
living in such a nation. We must grieve
over the fact that we do not have such an
unchanging sovereignty. (72-292, 1974.9.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1077

No matter how often you travel
around the world, you will not find love
like that of siblings, the love between
siblings born from the same parents.
Is there anyone closer to you than your
own siblings in society? Others may
become close, but they fall away. (228-199,

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30

Hitherto, religions have been making proposals. Jesus said, “Let us save the multitude of humankind.” Religions have been making proposals to lead humankind to the realm of goodness and to introduce the one world of purpose.

If a new religious ideology appears now, it must save the many great saints who left the earth and even the spirits who betrayed the will and went to hell, as well as the people on earth. A new religion with a new ideology must save all the spirits in heaven, the sinners in hell, and Satan, who betrayed Heaven, not to mention the myriad of people on the earth.

Such a religion must appear. Such a religious ideology must appear, unifying all the religions, kindling fires in the hearts of religious people, inspiring peace and joy in those who do not feel peace and joy. It must help people make a determination and pledge to march toward the new world of the ideal. This new movement should appear on earth.

Have you thought about this? Have you tried to find it? Have you at least imagined it? The purpose of this ideology is to unify everything. It is to unify the earth, to unify the spiritual world if it exists, and to liberate hell, which is consumed with resentment. If it cannot be done directly, a religion should appear with the ideology. Only when a religion with such an ideology appears can the world for which we yearn, the world of goodness, make a relationship with the world of evil.

For what are you looking? You know that the present is the last days. The ideology bearing on the problem of life touches you through one extremely tiny word, one touch of the hand, one footstep, and one symbol. People have forgotten all this.

If you see the world from this standpoint, there is no enemy. When I collide with evil, it spurs me on my way, as does good. From this viewpoint, we should live in such a way that we search and examine things carefully.

Become Heroes of this Age and the Future

Watch the latest Richard Urban show:  The Returning Lord Should Not Judge Humankind With His Rod Of Iron

Cheon Seong Gyeong 439

We have a saying that refers to serv-
ing both parents and grandparents.
How many levels are there? There may
be five generations in a family, but nor-
mally there are four – your grandfather,
your father, your own couple and then
your sons and daughters. With this in
mind, the Unification Church Princi-
ple introduces the three stages of for-
mation, growth and completion. This
teaching deals with living in harmony
and declares, “All goes well if there is
harmony in the family.” Why is this? Is
it because it sounds nice? Is it because
someone wanted to be poetic? No. That
is not the case. Harmony in the family
means that four generations revolving
around the grandparents unite – top and
bottom, east and west, north and south,
front and back, and left and right – and
will live together in the joy of laughter.
(139-12, 1986.1.26)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1187

he Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages signifies that the histor-
ical course of vertical indemnity and the
course of horizontal indemnity that went
through the stages of individual, family,
people, nation, and the world. That is the
vertical and horizontal courses consist-
ing of eight stages are completed. Due
to this, the right of eldest son has been
restored, and the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished. That is what
I have done by holding this ceremony.
The right of the eldest son is restored; the
Parents are embracing all humankind.
Thus, an end is brought to the history
of war and struggle that was necessary
in order for the right of the eldest son to
be restored in the realm of parental love.
The time has come when indemnity is
not needed and we can reach harmony
in love. In order to achieve this, I had to
hold the Ceremony of the Settlement of
the Eight Stages. By holding this cere-
mony, the Parents forgave both the elder
and the younger son, so that next we can
enter the age of the realm of forgiveness
for the fallen parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)

Richard:  Wow!  “the course of indemnity for
all humanity is abolished”.  That means that we can now establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, instead of having an endless cycle of restitution.

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30

What kind of age is the present one? It is the age when good and evil are intersecting, merging into the good. What will happen as we find ourselves in this age? What kind of world will come into being when good and evil cross each other and merge into one? What kind of world will come after this world passes? These are curious problems. Conscientious young men and women today should pause and understand the existence of Heaven, the hopes of all things of the earth, and that they themselves, and not the world, are the locus of hope.

God has been working to solve these problems for us. If Adam and Eve had not committed sin in sight of God and had not gone the sorrowful course of the fall, Adam would have been serving God’s will even now, after six thousand years. Have you ever thought about this? If Adam had received God’s blessing, served God’s will, took the responsibility for God’s providence and lived with God, we would have avoided the tragedies of the murder of countless saints, ancestors, and people of goodness.

For what do we hope and long? What are we trying to find? It is the character that is not fallen, that can remain eternally in history, the one that can make order of history and establish the ideal of goodness. If such a character appears in the last days, we will not lament. We will not despair. Continue reading “Become Heroes of this Age and the Future”

Be Careful in Your Daily and Yearly Life

Watch the latest Richard Urban show:  The Returning Lord Should Not Judge Humankind With His Rod Of Iron

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1828

Something deep takes the central
point. Something high also takes the
center. Deep places are not visible. Can
you see the bottom of the ocean? The
deepest places are at the bottom of the
ocean, right? Even if all of creation tried
to ignore Mount Everest, they can’t help
seeing it from morning to night. They
watch it and wonder if it is going to rain
or not, or if the weather will be fine or
not. If it is cloudy or dark at the peaks,
they try to predict if this year will be a
fruitful harvest or not. However, deep
places are not visible. You cannot see
things that are deep. The reason is that
they are covered in water! It is not bad to
be deep. It is surrounded with mystery.
Women are also mysterious. That is why
men take interest in them. Men search
for women, thinking that they are mys-
terious. (205-136, 1990.8.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1002

You were unable to become a filial
child to all the things of creation that
you should love; you were unable to
become a filial child to your parents who
gave birth to you; and you were unable
to become a filial child to God and the
spirit world. Yet, in exchange for attend-
ing the True Parents, you were bestowed
with the qualification of a filial child.
For this reason, you must tenaciously
follow me. (105-112, 1979.9.30)

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30

Do you have a self? Can you claim that with confidence? If you have a self, what has the self gone through? Can it go through the individual and environment? Can it go through the society, country and world? Furthermore, can the self go through the way of Heaven, if there is such a way? Unless you can respond with confidence, you should deny yourselves absolutely.

Since this is the situation of humankind, you should wander in search of the direction of the heavenly way, how its settling point will manifest itself. The heart to do this should be more intense in you than anything else you claim or have confidence or in which you take pride. The more one boasts of oneself and moves in a self-centered direction without realizing this, the more he will appear to be a traitor of history in the last days.

We are unworthy. We are driven around and swept up by our situations. Can we then confidently ask the heavenly way to support us? No. We cannot have such confidence. Our ancestors also tried to find Heaven with steps that lacked confidence. We know that for this reason, whenever they followed God’s orders, they were careful in each step, in every day’s life, and in every night’s sleep. If one cannot live like this, it is possible that in the final moment he will end up steering away from the heavenly will although he has served it, and will end up turning the will over to the satanic world. Continue reading “Be Careful in Your Daily and Yearly Life”

Adam and Eve Had Confidence in Everything Before the Fall

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Do You Believe Only In Jesus or in What Father Is Saying In This New Age?:  https://youtu.be/gjy1QPJpd04.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 339

How valuable are the sons and daugh-
ters embraced in the bosom of love and
born in an environment of love! If there
is one central person in the universe
whom God wants to visit every day to
look at him, touch, and whisper quietly
to, how precious and happy that person
would be! Through love you are empow-
ered to live as such a central person in
the universe. (163-114, 1987.4.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1270

The love of Jesus, the groom, and the
love of the Holy Spirit, the bride, must
unite into one. Their united love must
then become one with your bones and
flesh. In other words, as Jesus said, “I am
in you, and you will be in me.” There can
be no rebirth if the foundation of love is
not established. (114-27, 1981.5.14)

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30

We live our lives today led by the heart, by our situations, or by some hope. We know that as worldly life is, so is the way of Heaven. If we acknowledge that we cannot leave this position, we cannot deny that our lives do not start with our individual selves. We should consider how our social circumstances and courses of faith undergo gradual changes under a certain plan of the whole, proceeding toward a certain purpose.

If there is someone who can claim to have succeeded in life and who is proud before the providence, we can surely see that he is not someone who lives in the present world of chaos. No such person has appeared in history and certainly no such a one has ruled history. We yearn to find such a self in our hearts, and we pursue it repeatedly through ideologies and the vicissitudes of life.

A family should form centering on such an individual. Centering on such a family, a society should form that can exalt and bear witness to Heaven. Centering on such a society, a state and world should form. We know that history has been flowing, searching for an individual who can say, “Father, look at me. Father, hold on to me. Look at me and forget all the historical sorrow.” Continue reading “Adam and Eve Had Confidence in Everything Before the Fall”

Let the Original Mind and Original Nature Appear at this Time

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Do You Believe Only In Jesus or in What Father Is Saying In This New Age?:  https://youtu.be/gjy1QPJpd04.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2179

People of filial piety will think of
their parents first when something good
happens in their lives. In the fallen world
people think of their spouse first when
they see something good. However,
unless you buy something precious for
your parents first, you cannot buy some-
thing for your spouse.
In the same way, a man should first
buy clothes for his parents, and then
for his wife and children, before buying
clothes for himself. He should attend and
serve his parents when they eat. Even in
the satanic world, it was the custom in
Korea for people to attend their parents
for a three-year period of mourning
after their death. In the old days, was it
not Korean etiquette for a devoted son
to be in mourning for his deceased par-
ents by building a mud hut next to their
grave and living there for three years in
order to fulfill his filial duty? Therefore,
in Korea, if people did not attend their
parents with devotion for at least three
years, then when they went to the spirit
world, they would not be able to say that
they are descendants of Korea.
We must surpass this standard. Our
Blessed Families must enlarge them-
selves with good points from each other,
and live their lives serving and caring
for their parents. (26-299, 1969.11.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 995

The motto for my life has been “God’s
spokesman.” From today, I ask that all
of you become heavenly spokesper-
sons. Become God’s representative and
His substitute, and furthermore, I hope
that you can become one who can die in
place of God. (9-7, 1960.3.13)

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30


We know that we should become oil and fire to burn away the evil world and that we should be meek and humble before goodness. Since You restore us through such laws, Jesus taught that those who seek to be exalted will be debased, and those who seek to become debased will become exalted, upholding the heavenly way with sacrifice, service, meekness and humility.

Let the heart arise in each of us through which we can be deeply moved by the center. Let us realize our shortcomings, become infinitely humble before You, and offer all that we have as a sacrifice. Let this heart extend and reach the heavenly heart. Father, we eagerly hope and desire this.

Countless people are wandering, not knowing the time. Please guide the course of their fate. Please have pity on the thirty million people who boast of a five-thousand-year history but who are in misery. We know that the course of this people has been a blood-stained one, and they are a pitiful people who have been fighting against those who hinder the march of goodness. Continue reading “Let the Original Mind and Original Nature Appear at this Time”