The Family Is the Basic Form of Life

Listen to Dr. Kelly Kohls, founder of the National School Boards Leadership Council, speaking at the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum:
#109-Dr. Kelly Kohls: How to Fix Boards of Education

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2201

    A father who is filial to his own father will want his own son to be even more filial than he is. Only then, can the grandfather and father be able to close their eyes peacefully when they die. The heart that is able to make the son suffer even more than I have is the heart of love for the son.
    This goes without saying. By doing this, then together we have to comfort God, who has been suffering for us. Because a father needs such children as his successors, he lets them carry out their filial duty to such a degree that he could not forget it even after his death. That is why I impose great hardship on you.
    I am a stingy person when it comes to my personal life. I do not know how to spend money on myself. I am not a person who will go to a restaurant to eat alone when I am hungry and I also advise Mother about what to eat and wear. (43-60, 1971.4.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1100

No one living on earth until this time has ever seen God’s Day, True Parents’ Day, True Children’s Day, and Day of All True Things. There are 365 days in a year. You should clearly understand that the most important days among all 365 days are those days that I have just mentioned, which have now appeared in providential history. You should know that these days are the king of all days, and if a year like that existed it would be the king of all years. (92-252, 1977.4.18)

Part Four

Family and Society

Chapter 19


The Basic Form of Life

THE FAMILY IS THE BASIC FORM OF LIFE. Its relations constitute the environment where people are reared, molding their character, values and identities. People sometimes try to set up alternatives to the traditional family, but these fail to persist beyond one or two generations. There is a “form” to the family; not in the sense of a precise set of roles, but rather a general principle that even single-parent families, childless families and families blended with stepparents and other relations take after as best they can. What is the “form” of the family? Outwardly, it consists of the pattern of relationships linking parents and children, husband and wife, and siblings; inwardly, it is the true, godly love that governs these relationships.
There is another sense in which the family is the basic form of life: it is the “textbook” for relationships in the larger society. Good family relations are productive of good citizens, who apply the lessons of relating with elder, same-age and younger family members to their relations with superiors, peers and subordinates.
Father Moon teaches extensively about both aspects of the family’s form. He characterizes its structural pattern as the “four-position foundation,” a notable teaching because it brings God into the family as a veritable member. He also describes the family spatially as extending in six directions. In either case, the form is spherical and characterized by equality of all positions. This is possible when the dynamic in all the family relations is true love. Each family member lives for the sake of the others, creating a virtuous circle of giving that generates energy and equalizes all. Such families are the building-blocks of virtuous societies.

  1. The Family Ideal

He who loves his wife as himself; who honors her more than himself; who rears his children in the right path, and who marries them off at the proper time of their life, concerning him it is written: “And you will know that your home is at peace.”
    Talmud, Yebamot 62 (Judaism)

Supporting one’s father and mother, cherishing wife and children and a peaceful occupation; this is the greatest blessing.
    Sutta Nipata 262 (Buddhism) Continue reading “The Family Is the Basic Form of Life”

Family Members May Try to Dissuade You from Going the Heavenly Way

Join us
 for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
August 26- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum (Free)
Featuring Andy Wells; No Left Turn in Education, Live-In Person
Kelly Kohls; National School Boards Leadership Council, Live-In Person, Jamal Johnson, Richard Urban, Live-In Person
Registration Deadline is August 23rd.

FBI Raid of President Trump’s Home an Outrage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2187

    In order to become heavenly royalty, you must first become filial children, patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters. The training ground for this is the family. The ideal Kingdom of Heaven comes about when the perfected family expands. The family is always the center. The problem boils down to two people: a man and a woman. When an ideal man and an ideal woman come together as husband and wife, and form a family, then everything is completed. The ideal family expands to become a nation and world.
    Through serving in the family and respecting your parents, you become children of filial piety. In the same way, when you attend and live for the king of your nation, you become patriots, and if you live for all humankind, you become saints. So you should realize how much the dimension of a holy child differs from yours. In order for you to change, you must make revolutionary changes in yourselves and ascend through numerous levels. (293-211, 1998.5.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1222

In order to protect yourself from Satan, you must love God more than you love anybody else. You must love Him more than you love anybody in this world and in the universe. You must love God more than you love yourself. Since you are a fallen person, you must love God more than you love your own self. Satan loves himself more than he loves God and the world. That is Satan. Therefore, if you are basing your life on individualism, you are the princes of Satan. (148-161, 1986.10.8)

Separation From Family

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Jesus said, “He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” This is a formula on the path to God. The deeper the loving attachments you had in the satanic world, the more intensely will those very people try to dissuade you from going on the heavenly way. Know, therefore, that it is a universal truth that you will have enemies among the members of your own family. (92:207, April 10, 1977) Continue reading “Family Members May Try to Dissuade You from Going the Heavenly Way”

I Have Come Not to Bring Peace, but a Sword

Join us for the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop, August 26th to August 28th in Harpers Ferry WV and online.
August 26- Parent and Presenter Training; Abstaining for Success and Happiness
August 27- Exposition of the Divine Principle Study
August 28- Strengthening Families and Communities Forum (Free)
Featuring Andy Wells; No Left Turn in Education, Live-In Person
Kelly Kohls; National School Boards Leadership Council, Live-In Person, Jamal Johnson, Richard Urban, Live-In Person
Registration Deadline is August 23rd.

FBI Raid of President Trump’s Home an Outrage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2314

Your trinity teams are about the three great offerings. Abraham had to make three great offerings and Noah also had three decks on the Ark. They are all three great offerings. In this way, you should build an altar and have three people make sacrificial offerings to fulfill their loyalty and devotion to the people of that area. You should become people who know how to embrace that area with the same heart you would have in praying for blessings for your own children. If you are assigned to such an area and work there for three years you will qualify as the citizens of heaven. (150-26, 1958.8.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1056

Chronic habits are deep-seated evil habits. After your marriage, if you lead a habitual life while rearing your children, habits become part of your body. You no longer find time for prayer or special offerings in such an environment; there is no time for prayer when the children are making noise right beside you. (30- 125, 1970.3.21)

Separation from Family

ALTHOUGH GOD’S PURPOSE FOR HUMAN LIFE IS FULFILLED in loving families, people on the spiritual quest often leave home and family behind. Sometimes it comes at the command of God, as when Abraham was called to leave his home and journey to an unknown land. Initiation into the ranks of monastic life likewise requires a painful separation from loved ones.
In other cases, aspirants may encounter opposition from possessive family members, who would drag them away from the path. Thus Jesus warned his disciples to expect opposition from their loving parents and spouses, and warned them of the cost of discipleship: “He who loves father or mother more than me is not Humility and Self-Denial 905 worthy of me.” Father Moon explains that separating from family and friends is necessary in the course of restoration, which requires a fundamental reorientation of the self from the customary fallen love of the world to the higher love of God.

Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have come not to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
    Matthew 10.34-37 Continue reading “I Have Come Not to Bring Peace, but a Sword”

Only When a Man and a Woman Become One Do They Resemble God

Just two days until the Urban Life Training Chapter Workshop, online or in-person on July 3rd 2020. Learn materials that teach about the physical, intellectual, emotional and long term benefits of sexual abstinence before marriage. Learn about setting up a Chapter of Urban Life Training to teach this material to middle and high school youth: .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 391

When is the most beautiful time, the
time of youth when the flower is in full
bloom? It is young adulthood. This peri-
od is the seven years from age eighteen
to twenty-four. This seven year period is
a time never to be repeated in your life,
a time when the beautiful flower of your
love will blossom. How precious is this
beautiful time that will come only once
in your life. You know peonies, don’t
you? Their buds are wrapped tightly
in dozens of layers so they cannot be
opened up easily. The same is true for
men and women. Then when should you
fully reveal the crimson bud of your love
that blossoms like a yellow flower? The
time when beauty is best revealed with-
in the harmony of heaven and earth is
the time of youth. For human beings, it
is a time when the blossoms are at their
peak. Youth is a time when you shine as
the central pinnacle of God’s great work
of art. It is at this time that you should
be in full bloom under God’s blessings.
(26-151, 1969.10.25)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1410

Of the 36 Couples, the Adam couples
were already married couples, the Noah
couples were engaged but not married,
and the Jacob couples were virgin men
and women. Noah’s family did not fulfill
the Will. When you look at the people
in the world today you see that there are
already married couples, those who are
in informal relationships or are engaged,
and the completely pure single men and
women. From this time on, the foremost
kind of people that True Parents should
be seeking for are not the Adam couples
but the true sons and daughters, in oth-
er words, pure single men and women.
(242-104, 1993.1.1)

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 3

The Purpose of Human Life

The Image of God

2. God’s Image More Completely Reflected in the Family

So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God he created him, male and female
he created them.
Genesis 1.27

I am He, you are She;
I am Song, you are Verse,
I am Heaven, you are Earth.
We two shall here together dwell,
becoming parents of children.
Atharva Veda 14.2.71 (Hinduism)

The gospel of Love… presents the unity of male
and female as no longer two wedded individu-
als, but as two individual natures in one; and
this compounded spiritual individuality reflects
God as Father-Mother, not as a corporeal being.
In this divinely united spiritual consciousness,
there is no impediment to eternal bliss—to the
perfectibility of God’s creation.
Science and Health, 576 (Christian Science)

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

It is only when a man and woman become one that they come to resemble God, who created us male and female in His image. (135:122)

In human beings, God’s internal nature and external form are manifested separately as man and woman. When the time is ripe, they are to become a father and a mother, Parents of Heaven and Earth. Then, God dwells in their bones. (341:239, January 2, 2001)

God is the harmonious union of the dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity. Creation occurs by the principle that God’s internal nature divides into two separate characteristics, which then re-unite in a form that resembles God’s original internal nature. Man and woman are born each resembling one of God’s characteristics. That is, the union of God’s son and God’s daughter is the union of God’s masculinity and God’s femininity. In their harmonious union they resemble God. For this reason, husband and wife are a unified body that represents God in His entirety. (9:83, April 16, 1960)

Even secular people wish that their loved ones would live forever. They want to go through life with one partner only, and would dislike it if he or she were to change. If even fallen human beings want their beloved partners to be eternal, unchanging, absolute, and unique, how much more so would God, who is the Center of the universe? There is no possibility that God would want His beloved partners, human beings, to be changeable. Nor would God want His object partners to be limited in any way. Instead, God wants us to be absolute. God wants us to be unchanging. (77:185, April 6, 1975)

What is God’s purpose in creating human beings? He did not create them just to watch them go about their daily lives. He did not create them to just grow old and die. God created human beings to have us build a God-centered haven of love. We are created to grow to maturity in love, communicate with each other through heart, and then build God’s Kingdom on earth. Adam, the male, represents heaven, and Eve, the female, represents earth. Therefore, when the two become one horizontally in God’s love, they bring unity to the entire cosmos, heaven and earth. (21:44-45, September 1, 1968)

Since we human beings resemble God, by the power of God’s omniscient and almighty love we can do anything. Just as God created Adam and Eve, we human beings receive the power to create when we give birth to sons and daughters. (57:111, May 29, 1972)

When You Think of Jesus, Your Eyes Should be Filled with Tears

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Watch the latest Richard Urban show: Parents, Not the Government Must Decide Which Medical Interventions Are Best for Their Children

Cheong Seong Gyeong 441

What is the universe? It is an expan-
sion of the family. If you look at a fam-
ily that has completely realized the ideal
of family love, it has a top, middle and
bottom (parents, husband and wife, and
children), left and right, and front and
back. This is the principle. So when we
talk about top and bottom we mean the
parents and children, when we talk about
left and right we mean the husband and
wife, and when we talk about front and
back we mean the brothers and sisters.
Through what do they all become one? It
doesn’t happen through power, knowl-
edge or money. Then what can bring
it about? It is love. This is an absolute
truth. Otherwise the sphere cannot be
formed. Then what are the top, middle
and bottom in our family? They are a
textbook of love. They are a textbook of
love through which we can encounter
universal love. Go out into society and
put it into practice. How should we love?
Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as your-
Book 4 • True Family 442
self.” How should we follow this teach-
ing? We are not sure. When you go out
into the world and meet a grandfather,
treat him as your own grandfather. Treat
people like your own mothers, like your
own fathers or like your own sons. When
you go out into the world you should all
live like this. The people of the top, mid-
dle and bottom, front and back, and left
and right are all displayed in the exhibi-
tion hall of the world. You should know
that the world is an exhibition of people.
If you can love everyone with such love,
God will dwell in the midst of that love.
(128-22, 1983.5.29)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1426

Members of the Unification Church
will be able to register their names in
the not too distant future. The day when
North and South Korea are united as one
nation, in which God can take delight,
will be the day on which you can be reg-
istered. When such a day dawns, even if
you are blind or have an impaired voice
or a deformed arm, if you were blessed
first, you would be considered the elder.
You would be the elder sister-in-law. If
you were blessed later, you would have
to serve a person with an impaired voice
and deformed arm as your elder, even if
you are older and a college graduate.
Such a day is coming. Therefore, when
that time comes, all these special condi-
tions of attendance will become impor-
tant factors that will decide between
success and failure. (58-113, 1972.6.6)

Jesus Whom God Wanted To Find

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 18, 1959

Matthew 23:29-39

Jesus wants sons and daughters to appear on this earth whom he can bless and who can receive his blessing as he says, “My beloved! I have worked hard for two thousand years to find sons and daughters like you on earth. My death was for that purpose, and the hardship and pain I suffered were also for that purpose. Now that I’ve found you, I’ll pray to God to give you the blessing of Heaven and earth.”

If there is that kind of person on this earth, he will be filled with longing to see Jesus, who has not appeared yet. He will not be able to look at the world without tears. He will be filled with sorrow, pain and anguish. He will be filled with sorrow when he looks at Heaven and earth. He will think that he has the responsibility to remove the anguish of Heaven and earth. He will call on the Lord, feeling unworthy even after sacrificing everything he has. This kind of person is very close to Heaven.

When Jesus was carrying the cross, his mother was heart-stricken and shed so many tears, following him. In the same way, when you think of Jesus, he who suffers for us even today, your eyes should be filled with tears. You should be filled with pain deep down in your bone marrow and flesh, pain that constricts your chest. You should say in every situation, when seeing something or feeling something, “I am unworthy. I am sorry.” Is there anyone who has this kind of heart on this earth? No. Jesus stood in front of Heaven, saying, “If this race has sinned, forgive them with me as the offering. If the world has sinned, forgive them with me as the offering.” Heaven is longing for a brother of Jesus to appear who can present himself to Jesus in the same way.

Heaven wants to see Jesus rejoice with his family. Jesus longs for the place where he can say, “My beloved bride, my beloved children, my beloved brother, my beloved kin! I have fulfilled my desire; therefore, let us rejoice. Let us rejoice with Heaven and earth, with history and with the age. Let us rejoice for the future. Heavenly Father, bless us.” He must come to earth in order to find that place. But he could not, and so he prays in the spiritual world. We must know this pain that he suffers.

He is not alien to us. He worked for us. He suffered mistreatment for us. He died for us. Even in the secular world, people cry and shed tears for their older or younger brother. Then if the prince of Heaven has come to this earth, died in order to make the most lowly people into his brothers, can anyone not come to him, not cry for him? When will Jesus come and cleanse the great sorrow in his heart, saying, “My beloved bride, my beloved sons and daughters, my beloved brothers”? When he can cleanse that sorrow, the desire of Heaven, the desire of Jesus and the desire of humankind will be fulfilled.

If there is a family member of Heaven, he is probably isolated from the world. If there are sons and daughters of Heaven, they are probably ones who are hated by the secular world. You are responsible for annihilating the enemy’s nation and the city of Satan. Therefore, you will be persecuted in the family when you enter a family. You will be persecuted by the society when you go out to the society. You will experience the sorrow of receiving persecution that the nation and world, Heaven and earth, and spiritual world will mobilize. Jesus received the same persecution. God received that persecution, and people who died for Heaven received that persecution. Therefore, the historical hill of sorrow also waits in front of us. We can attend Jesus after going over that hill. Therefore, Jesus comes to become friends with people in that kind of persecuted place. Troubled by pangs of conscience for rejecting and killing Jesus, one should be able to say, “Lord! I am totally grateful for Your infinite grace.” Jesus is longing for and looking for a group, a church, a nation and a world that can say, “We are grateful that you have granted us the right to participate in the path where generations of our ancestors shed blood, to participate in the path of the future.”

You can sacrifice your bones and flesh in order to find a lost child even in the world of human love. How about the heart of Jesus, who came representing the love of Heaven? Let us compare the most loving relationship that a person has in the human world and the relationship between God, Jesus and I. The relationship between God, Jesus and I must be greater than the most loving relationship between myself and any other person.