The Fall Meant Establishing a Bond of Love Centered on Satan

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The purpose of marriage lies in perfecting the love of man and woman and uniting their worlds of the mind into one. Marriage is the proclamation, the proof of that. If the mind and love are perfected through married life, we can safely say that the ideal of the family has been realized. So, if you achieve this before you pass away, you will definitely enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (97-276, 1978.3.26)
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You should know that the concept of the Blessing did not begin with the Unification Church. Rather, it has been the hope of God in His innermost heart, something He has pursued and striven to fulfill throughout history since the time of creation and the Fall. To see this dream come true, God has been walking a path of suffering until this day, but the day of its fulfillment has not yet come. That is why the day that God’s hope is fulfilled will be the day of the liberation of the world, and the day His historical wish is fulfilled. Knowing this, you should understand why the Blessing is so significant. (30-164, 1970.3.22)
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Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 4. The Reason God Cannot Punish Satan

4.2. God abides by the law

    What kind of being is God? God is like the mind of the universe; the universe is like His body. However, the devil has infiltrated this body. Satan has usurped the powers of the heavens and thus controls the universe. Continue reading “The Fall Meant Establishing a Bond of Love Centered on Satan”

God and People Become One through Love

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    Think about what would happen if all the edible products were produced in Alaska. Alaska is many times the size of Korea. It is several times bigger than California. California is one of the largest states in America; so Alaska is that vast! An unlimited supply of raw materials can be found there. The owner of that place is neither the Soviet Union nor America.
    Both countries show little interest in Alaska. They have created a mess with their own economic problems, political problems, and administrative problems, so they do not even think about the consumption of raw materials. In the future, the issue will be about who has a commanding position in relation to the raw materials. I am preparing for that day. (236-22, 1992.11.2)

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Where did heaven and hell begin? Where did they begin? In midair? Where? At the sexual organs. This must be serious. They have turned heaven and earth upside down. Can anyone deny that? There is no way to deny the logic of The Fall in Rev. Moon’s Divine Principle. Ask God. Examine everything. Not having received any answers from that, you would not be able to oppose what I have arranged in systematic order including theories and contents that you could never imagine even in your dreams. (279- 118, 1996.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 1. God’s Motivation for Creating Is Love
1.2. Realizing the ideal of creation through love

    Do you think someone who has tied himself to and tasted God’s original love will want to be separated from it? When a bee is sucking nectar from a flower and you pull on its abdomen, it will not stop sucking the nectar even if its abdomen is pulled off. What if you experienced the taste of such love? You might leave, but you would turn around and come back, trying to cling to it. (137-57, 1985.12.18)

The Principle of the Unification Church concludes that God’s love requires fulfilling the four-position foundation. Then, what does fulfilling the four-position foundation mean? Parental love should be expressed to and felt by the children. Centered on parental love, which lies at the center of the four-position foundation, the parents become one with the children, the man and woman become one in love, and finally they become one with God’s love. This is the four-position foundation. (Blessed Family – 302) Continue reading “God and People Become One through Love”

God Cannot Strike His Enemy

Just Posted:  The Richard Urban Show #130
COVID Crimes – Never Forget

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    What does it mean to say that the Last Days have come? It means that the day when the human race can find its original homeland has come closer. It means that the time is near when people who can live in the original homeland can establish their historic fatherland. Because of that, Jesus, who came with the ideal of founding something, was given the title of King of kings. That is rather strange isn’t it? Why was such a title given to him? This is not a lie; it is the truth. Without a motive, no result can come. If you investigate a result closely, you will absolutely find that there is a motive. However, that motive is something human beings cannot know. God is moving everything. (155-32, 1964.10.6)

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    God is not a fantasy or a conceptual God, nor is He an abstract God. With His leadership in our daily life, He is always with us as the master of our daily circumstances. He does not just receive attendance but is living together with us by sharing love. This sounds like a dream. (168-111, 1987.9.13)

    Without making a beginning point where God enters our mind, and where we human beings become completely one body with God, there is no way of liquidating the devil’s world. From this point of view, we can understand that this time is the age of attendance and the age of salvation by justification through attendance. We are saved through attendance. God is not a God who is way up in the sky far removed from us. We should attend God as the master in our daily life. (144-274, 1986.4.25)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Human Fall

Satan caused great grief to God, our Father.  However, God must work His providence to make Satan submit voluntarily.
By leading a life of faith, we can conquer our innate tendencies to complain and blame others for our woes.  We can grow spiritually and give comfort to God.
See slides 22 to 26 below:

True Freedom Always Brings Joy to God

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You must invest yourself and then forget. If among a hundred members there is someone who is wearing poorer clothes than your sons and daughters, you should not be able to sleep. You should want to give him clothes. That is the heart of God, the heart of a parent. What is the leading system of thought of the Unification Church? It is to have a parental heart, wear the clothes of a servant, shed sweat for earth, tears for humankind and blood for heaven. What is heaven? It is the world of love to which you bring your children. You receive love and say that you will give it to the entire universe. I love God. I know everything right through from the spirit world to the physical world. (296-120, 1998.11.3)

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Just as the love within the parent-child relationship is cherished in the physical world, if you live with such love on earth, you will attend God as your Parent and live your life in heaven as His child. (214-268, 1991.2.3)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Human Fall

Freedom and desire allow us to serve God and build a good world.
God did not intervene in the Fall to maintain His absoluteness and the perfection of the Principle, so that He alone is the creator, and to give us humans the opportunity to govern over the creation by fulfilling our own responsibility.
See slides 18 to 21 below:

There Is No Freedom without Responsibility

The Richard Urban Show:
#129-Sliding IS Deciding

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What is the universe? It is like God’s visible body. It is an extension of God’s being. This is why the idea emerges that we can truly love. In other words, loving the universe is a very real experience. You stroke your hair like this, don’t you? When you get some dirt on your clothes, you brush it off, right? Why do you do this? Because they form a part of you. Because they are one with you, you have that attitude. From now on, you should bring God into the middle of your heart and build a unified world where your mind is one, your body is one, and all things are one. (86-173, 1976.3.28)

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Christ at his Second Advent is coming to save humanity. Once the heavenly standard has been established, God is ready to strike. He takes the offensive. That does not mean that He kills His foes by executing them in the style of Stalin; instead, He makes them surrender at once. He must make Satan submit to Him, firstly through His ideology, secondly through His citizenry, thirdly through His sovereignty, and fourthly through His territory. Everyone desires to have ideals, friends, power, and money, and these four items represent the four that have been listed above. (12-169, 1963.3.16)

Richard: God’s plan of salvation is practical and follows natural law and the principles that God created. We are not going to float up into the sky ‘when Christ returns’. No, rather, we will work together to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
The Unification Principle and Eight Textbooks presented by Rev. Sun Myung Moon compose the New Truth, the ideology. Like minded people, working together towards God’s will are the citizens. When you and I work to influence others with this New Truth, and with love, that is God’s sovereignty. Finally, our possessions, dedicated to God, comprise the possessions of the Kingdom of God.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Human Fall

Sin is a violation of heavenly law which is committed when a person forms a common base with Satan and sets a condition allowing give and receive action with him.
There are four categories of sin, and there are four fallen natures that we all need to work and reverse to become godly people. There is no freedom without responsibility. Freedom did not cause the fall.
See below, slides 14 to 17: