Your Blessed Children Must Not Fall

Titus 1

From Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ.

I encourage God’s own people to have more faith and to understand the truth about religion. Then they will have the hope of eternal life that God promised long ago. And God never tells a lie! So, at the proper time, God our Savior gave this message and told me to announce what he had said.

Titus, because of our faith, you are like a son to me. I pray that God our Father and Christ Jesus our Savior will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!

Isaiah 34 (Contemporary English Version)

5After the sword of the Lord
has done what it wants
    to the skies above,[c]
it will come down on Edom,
the nation that the Lord
    has doomed for destruction.

  1. 34.5 has done. . . above: The Standard Hebrew Text; the Dead Sea Scrolls “appears in the skies above.”

Cheon Seong Gyeong  1448-1449

Section 3. The Four-Position
Foundation Registration
Unification Blessing Ceremony
3.1. Transition of the Three Ages
Realm of Oneness Unification
Blessing Ceremony
The people on earth received the Bless-
ing through True Parents, while those
in the spirit world received the Blessing
through Heung-jin. These two groups of
people, separately blessed through the
parents and the sons and daughters in
the physical and spirit worlds, must be
brought together and united into one.
What the son has achieved in the spirit
world centering on his parents on earth
must be brought down to the earth, so
that the foundation for the Blessing
bestowed through the parents, that is, the
Blessing conducted by parents on earth,
and the foundation for the Blessing in
the spirit world, can be connected and
unified. The spirit world, which stands
in the position of the archangel, needs
to be perfected. It must align itself to the
standard of the Blessing, and instead
of the parents blessing their sons and
daughters on earth, Heung-jin needs to
come down to the earth and set the con-
dition that the father and son have unit-
ed into oneness. It needs to be acknowl-
edged that the accomplishments of the
True Parents were achieved together
with Heung-jin. (332-287, 2000.9.24) Continue reading “Your Blessed Children Must Not Fall”

Be Careful About the Fall

CSG 2116

Section 6. Our Original
Hometown and the Way to Enter
the Kingdom of Heaven
6.1. Hometown is a world of the
original creation
We are at a point of time when we
cannot hope to achieve world peace or
one unified world using human power,
wisdom, culture or anything else. Under
these circumstances, what is the main
problem? I believe that answering the
question as to whether God exists or
not is the most important issue. Once
all humankind clearly understands all
about God’s existence, they will clearly
understand the direction of God’s will.
When they understand this, the world
will become one world, a world of peace
and an ideal world. (56-131, 1972.5.14)

CSG 1150

When holy men and holy women
join at the sexual organs through holy
love, holy life and holy lineage and give
birth to children, these children will go
directly to the heavenly kingdom. They
will not need religion or moral train-
When mind and body form a right
angle, when love and all other aspects
grow without any damage, so that the
internal and external aspects of his
or her personality are perfected, then
the person can understand everything
without being taught. I am like that.
Did I become the founder of the Unifi-
cation Church because I studied some-
where? No, I already understood things.
I know how things are. I come to under-
stand things without being taught. (211-
247, 1990.12.30) Continue reading “Be Careful About the Fall”