Connect Everything to Home Church

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2076

The women must not just be worried
about the livelihood of their own homes.
Please notice that I’ve mobilized women
centering on the Women’s Federation.
Is this mobilization due to the power of
human beings? In the beginning, when
I first said that I would have an initia-
tion conference for the Asian Women’s
Federation of World Peace (AWFWP),
everyone’s eyes went like this, and our
own Unification Church members put
up opposition saying women can’t do
anything and that AWFWP women
can’t do anything. But then True Moth-
er stepped forward and the opposition
subsided. Seeing the atmosphere, the
members couldn’t oppose it any further.
Therefore, I declared the arrival of the
era of women. I made this declaration
because the time was ripe to do so. Wait
and see if the age of women comes now
or not. (233-111, 1992.7.31)

Because tong ban breakthrough
activities started back in 1978, that means
it has already been fourteen years. The
fourteen years of doing tong ban break-
through stands for this age. The concept
of Home Church is the concept of tong
ban breakthrough activities. Because
you were starting to slack off in Home
Church, I changed the description a lit-
tle and pulled you forward centering on
tong ban breakthrough activities. We
spent seven years and then another seven
years, so it has taken fourteen years. My
plan was to be prepared and to do this
before now, but the leaders of Korea did
not know this and couldn’t fulfill their
responsibility. The men failed twice, so
the women must do it from now on. (237-65,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1241

What is the most important thing
when it comes to receiving blessings?
It is neither money, nor honor. It is
not having power. The most important
blessing is for your sons and daughters
to receive good fortune in life. You must
understand this. What did I say is the
best blessing out of all the blessings you
can receive? It is none other than giving
birth to sons and daughters who can be
loved by God. That is the best blessing.
Then, what would happen next? If your
son receives more love from God than
you do, then you will also benefit from it.
Isn’t that how everything works?
When you see power lines extend-
ing to remote parts of the land, you can
see that they hang loosely between poles.
Nevertheless, if you pull from one end,
the lines become taut. In the same way,
when your children receive great love
from Heaven, even if you’re sagging,
you’ll be pulled up just like the power
lines. You receive benefit in this way.
(78-42, 1975.5.1)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 10

Make it the focus of your devotion

Have you felt that the mission God gave you is
so exciting and wonderful that you forget about
eating and sleeping? Are you knocking on the
doors of home church with that passion? If not.
then you are defeated. (2/21/80)

You should be so anxious to go to home church
that no one could keep you in your room. (4/14/79)

Everything you see should be connected to home
church. (5/7/78)

When you come home all worn out from
working and collapse on your bed, should your
central figure sympathize with you and let you
sleep, or should he challenge you with the ques-
tion. What about y our home church? Even
exhausted, your last words should be reporting on
home church.
Maybe you run into a friend you have not seen
for a long time, and he invites you out to dinner.
Then you should think, What about my home
church? If you go to home church immediately
after eating, the food will be pleased; but if you
wander off somewhere else, the food you ate will
be disappointed.
If you and your fiance have a long-standing
date to visit the Statue of Liberty and you buy a
coke to drink there, the coke will protest, You think
you are enjoying this, but it would be better to
enjoy plain water in your home church.
Wherever you go, the things around you will ask
why you came there instead of going to home
church. The bench in the park will blame you for
not being in home church. If you stop for a
quick lunch at a restaurant, it will protest that you
should eat just leftovers in home church. Ask
each bench, each bathroom, each drink and meal
if they have their mission, and they will reply, Yes
we do, but we have no connection with you aside
from your home church.
And when you go to bed, tell it, I know I should
be sleeping in my home church, but please forgive
me this one time. Tomorrow when I wake up, I will
accomplish twice as much.
If you go out to enjoy nature, all creation will
feel that you are not a good person if you are not
in your home church. It’s like people finding a
ten-year-old playing hooky from school. Spiritually.
all nature knows that you should be in home
After hearing this, you will feel the creation
protesting against you everywhere you go. If that
makes you feel more connected to home church
and less free than before, because all your
surroundings remind you of your destiny, so
much the better. ( 10/5/80)

How much you devote yourself to home church
shall determine the distance between you and God
and the intensity of love God can give to you. Set
the condition that you love your home church more
than your wife or husband, your children or
parents. With all your heart, soul and mind, love
your home church. Jesus said that whoever loved
his husband or wife or family more than he
would not be worthy of the kingdom of God.
Likewise, if you love husband, wife or family
more than home church and God, you are unworthy
of the heavenly kingdom. ( 1/1/79)

Harbor Gratitude Toward the Absolute Sovereignty of God’s Love-ism

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2044

Until now, each administrative
authority in the Republic of Korea has
never had the experience of carrying
out its political or educational directives
centered on tong and ban. It has never
carried out education on a national level.
It has been unable to advocate its ideolo-
gy. It has only been able to gather togeth-
er the city mayors or the county officials,
and maybe one or two other people from
the local neighborhoods. The main tar-
get for ideological education has not
been the leaders of tong and ban. There-
fore, there are no roots. It means that
no roots were put down here. That’s the
point; there are no roots. It’s just like a
floating weed. (165-224, 1987.5.27)

Richard: This is exactly the same Rheama I had on July 20, 2019 ( ), when God inspired us to begin consistent Home Church ministry in our neighborhood. This is definitely on God’s mind and on True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s mind, as well as on Jesus’ mind, as the New Year begins.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1618

Those who have become princes
and princesses of God’s love, who have
become members of the royal fam-
ily loved by the King and Queen, can
enter heaven. Christianity preaches that
those who merely believe in Jesus will
go to heaven. They will learn the true
state of affairs when they pass away.
Once they enter the next world they will
come to know whether my words were
true or not. What is being claimed now
is incomplete. All religious teachings up
until the present have fallen short. (237-172,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1403

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The whole world is to accomplish
the Blessing of 360 Million Couples and
root out the lineage of the satanic world.
This is the end. There will be no more
after this. For this reason, the gates to
hell and heaven are being thrown wide
open. Those who were our enemies in
the past will attend the True Parents and
hold welcoming banquets for them. The
True Parents had not been welcomed
by families, tribes, races, nations, and
the world. Therefore, in the first ban-
quet held on the cosmic level, the peo-
ple who until that time were enemies
will enter the heavenly way according
to God’s laws and, from that point on,
move toward His kingdom on earth.
(296-298, 1998.11.18)

Gathered here are couples from all
the Blessings ranging from the 36 to
the recent first phase of the 360 million.
While being educated together for for-
ty days, what should they be doing? The
elder couples should set an example to
the new members. That is why the elder
members have been asked to share their
testimonies. Both husbands and wives
are to do this with regard to their marital
life and experiences. They must report
truthfully about all their physical and
spiritual concerns. That is family educa-
tion on the fundamental level. Wrong-
doings must be uprooted and exposed.
You cannot enter heaven if you hide
your wrongdoings. (297-282, 1998.12.22)

We are talking about the cosmic
expansion of the Blessing – where should
it be held first: in the spiritual or physi-
cal world? Didn’t Eve make love with
the archangel first? We must hasten to
liberate the spirit world. The era of the
Blessing of 360 Million Couples signifies
the transition from the global level into
relating with the spirit world, making it
possible for spirit people to be brought to
and blessed at the boundary between the
two worlds. Among the people blessed
in this last ceremony, were there Mafiosi
or not? Were murderers included? How
about yakuza or gangsters? All kinds of
people were included in that Blessing.
(301-160, 1999.4.25)

The Blessing of 360 Million Cou-
ples signifies that we have surpassed
the realm of dominion based on accom-
plishments through the Principle. We
are now in the global era. Spring is upon
us, the season of revival. I have brought
you here in order to bless you. So what
should you do in return? You should
become the leaders who can reign over
the devil. (297-298, 1998.12.22)

Unification Church members are to
offer three-tenths, not tithes. Through
this tradition, everyone should offer their
assets, nations, and land by connecting
to the offering based on the number
three. The Old Testament Age is the era
of material things, the New Testament
Age that of children, the Completed Tes-
tament Age of parents, and what comes
next is the age of liberation. The age of
liberation from anguish signifies enter-
ing God’s era. In that process, the right
of ownership must revert to God.
The Communist party completely
reversed that through brute force, using
knives and guns. We don’t do that. The
tradition of the Unification Family is to
harbor gratitude towards the absolute
sovereignty of God’s Love-ism forever
and ever, and to be tens of times more
grateful in your hearts with gratitude
not forced by guns or knives but coming
from your hearts voluntarily. From now
on, all Blessed Families from the 36 to
the 360 Million Couples should inherit
this tradition, and bequeath God’s King-
dom of the ideal of love to their descen-
dants. This is the final responsibility the
Unification Church should accomplish.
(302-23, 1999.5.14)

God was Indignant when He had to Witness the Death of Jesus

Cheon Seong Gyeong 440

When you stand in the world of
space, you need top and bottom, left and
right, and front and back. Only then is
the status of your position stable. Your
shape will vary depending on the posi-
tion in which you stand: top and bottom,
left and right, front and back. When
dealing with matters that concern the
relationships of top and bottom, left and
right, front and back, and also problems
in the family, nation and world, there is
only one solution. Just as there has to
be top and bottom, left and right, and
front and back with the individual at the
center, there also have to be parents and
children, husband and wife, and broth-
ers and sisters.
The same applies in a nation. With
the leader of the nation at the center,
all families should embrace the civili-
zations of east and west, and the civili-
zations of north and south, and all the
people of the world as their brothers and
sisters, and eventually establish a fam-
ily model. This model is the same for
all. You yourselves are the center of that
model. This model represents a principle
that requires that from you should come
your family, which then expands to the
nation, world, heaven and earth, and all
the way to God. You not only want to
be the center of the universe, you can be
the center. In the same way, the family is
the center of the universe. If you think
of heaven as the parents, then earth rep-
resents the children. When considering
east and west, the east symbolizes the
man and the west the woman. So after
marriage, the woman goes to the place
where her husband is wherever it may
be. This is similar to the west reflecting
the sunlight that shines from the east.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2050

The Unification Church must now
ready itself to bring about the unification
of North and South Korea from the posi-
tion of Abel. But the Unification Church
is not totally settled yet. What does tong
ban breakthrough mean? It means we
must overturn everything centering on
the families of the land of South Korea.
Why? Because the Fall started from the
family, we must change the thinking
of people on the family level. However,
before God can find the environmental
conditions to accomplish this, the exter-
nal world of Satan’s side uses all of its
energy to oppose God’s efforts. Until
now the political environment, start-
ing from the era of the Liberal Party,
and then moving on to the era of the
Republican Party and the Democrat-
ic and Justice Party, have opposed the
Unification Church’s efforts to organize
itself and spread out into the country-
side. They have opposed the settlement
of our church. (207-330, 1990.11.11)

Richard: God’s Kingdom settles through tong ban (Home Church) activity in neighborhoods.

The Toil of God as He Tries to Raise up His Beloved Children

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 11, 1959

John 3: 11-21

1 Corinthians 7:28-29

Had the three disciples been willing to die with Jesus, he would not have had to die. Everything would have been realized on the earth. Since the Holy Spirit came and there were spiritual sons and daughters, the father and mother spirit could build a foundation on the earth, at least spiritually, and fulfill the will. Some people may say that we cannot find these words in the Bible.

Why did Jesus who came to save the earth ascend to Heaven, and why did the Holy Spirit, the mother spirit, come down to the earth on his behalf? The earth is the symbol for the mother. Since the Fall took place because of Eve, who was the mother, it is the mother who must cleanse the fallen world of sin. The Holy Spirit and believers were to join together to cross the line of death and rise to the position to serve Jesus in the spirit world.

Although God sent Jesus on the basis of the four-thousand-year history, He could not embrace him and love him fully. Although human beings received the beloved Jesus, they could not embrace him and love him. When Mary Magdalene tried to hold Jesus right after the resurrection, Jesus told her not to touch him. Why did he block her? This is sorrowful. When God was sad, Jesus was sad. Because the situations of Heaven and earth are tied to this, you cannot move forward without unraveling this. How distressed must Heaven have been since He had to resolve the situation?

God is looking for those who can substitute for the lost Adam and Eve. It is said in I Corinthians that Jesus was the last Adam. It is said that Adam is the tree of life. Jesus was the one who came in place of the lost tree of life. Did God ever elevate beloved Jesus on the earth and praise him before the believers? Did He ever boast about him before the family which is looking for the one person God loves? Although two thousand years have passed since then, God could not boast before any people or the world.

You have to understand that God was indignant when He had to witness the death of Jesus whom He had sent and would have to send again. He was more indignant than when He had to chase Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. Although he was sent with the mission of a son, Jesus could not complete the mission. Because in Jesus’ time there was not a moment when God and his son were happy together, there had to be a Second Advent. The day will come when God can rejoice with Jesus. This will be the moment He can reveal the grieving heart of the six thousand years and connect the sons and daughters with God and the Lord who is to come.

We Have to Align the Orientation of the Heart with the Laws of the Universe

Reply to this email and I will send you a link to a recording of Saturday’s Unification Principle Seminar.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  2077

You understand the tong ban break-
through activities, don’t you? I’ve talked
about Home Church these past fourteen
years. I spent a lot of money to educate
you. These past five years I’ve talked
about tong ban breakthrough activities.
I set up the men to do this, but because
they failed miserably, I have no choice
but to set up the women in the final
attempt. (238-305, 1992.11.22)

Richard:  Tong Ban or Home Church is the basic formula for building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  It has not changed and will not change.  Join the Tribal Messiah Association to learn more about this and participate in the discussion:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1438

Why are tribal messiahs necessary?
If there are no tribal messiahs, then
all the families cannot be connected
between themselves. Without this, you
cannot have your hometown. I have
my own hometown but you do not
have one. After restoring all the fami-
lies, there will come the age of reg-
istration in the future. Once the age
of registration comes, tribal formation
will take place. The order in which you
register will determine your position.
Those who register first will be the
elders and a new system will be devel-
oped so that they can be attended in
the same manner as you attend your
ancestors. Only when the whole world
is transformed accordingly, will the
heavenly kingdom on earth be real-
ized. (210-273, 1990.12.25)

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

Then the problem is simple. No matter how great the function of the mind may be, it cannot be more effective than the level the person has reached. Do you understand? It cannot make a greater impact than the state the person has attained. Even though it stands in the position of a subject partner, it cannot be much more effective. Because the mind stands in the reciprocal position to control the body, it cannot function outside of the reciprocal relationship.

For this reason there are gaps among consciences. Although they have many kinds of differences, each conscience is somehow oriented towards the original nature. A system of thought and beliefs emerges to secure the direction of the conscience. A view of life or the universe, some doctrine, assertion or truth appears. It is a perfected entity which has a reciprocal nature. When there is a perfect minus, we can have some understanding of a perfect plus. When there is a perfect plus, we can establish a perfect minus. This is a natural phenomenon. Since there is an eternal, unchanging and perfect subject partner in Heaven, we must strive through our hearts to resemble Him and establish a common base with Him.

God cannot shift the standard of the heart at whim. It can be moved only in harmony with the body. We have to control our body, put it in a certain situation, and align the orientation of the heart with the laws of the universe. God wants such laws of truth to be established. If a truth appears which can link the world together and join it with the principles of Heaven, the conscience can expand outward without limits and be active.

This is the reason human beings have sought truth. However, in the civilized world, which prides itself on twentieth-century culture, we have not seen the emergence of a truth which encourages us to establish a natural common base with the infinite absolute being whom we want to seek from the depth of our hearts. For this reason human beings have not been able to transcend the grief of the Fall.

Thus, you have to understand that God has suffered many sorrows which He encountered in His work as He tried to instruct human beings in various ways and to connect them to the one purpose. How laborious must God’s path have been as He was walking our path of escape through which we can find the direction of the truth in our lives? When we discuss all the sad hearts and miserable situations in human history, you many think that human history has been a fearsome experience. However, you have to understand that for the guide of that history, a more fearsome battle is taking place even at this moment. Without such struggles, incredibly miserable events will unfold which will prevent you from sleeping peacefully at night.

Since the mind is the beginning and end and can connect to the spirit and the original self, until the moment all sorrows are erased and we are liberated from them eternally, the mind will stimulate the same feeling of sadness. This is what you have to feel. Since human beings caused this sorrow, human beings connected us to that sorrow and prolonged it, it is only natural that judgment is given to human beings.



Present Actual Accomplishments to God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2032

From July 3 to July 9, I gave my pic-
ture and a banner of the Unification
Church to 73,000 district leaders of vil-
lages and small sections of the city. Do all
of those exist or not? It has been fourteen
years since I announced the beginning
of Home Church. I am telling you to find
the 360 homes of heaven. If you could
not accomplish Home Church, then you
should return to your hometown. If there
are 360 houses, then presidents could be
living there, or the Secretary of Inter-
nal Affairs, or the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, or diplomats, scholars, teachers,
and even servants or slaves.
When you go to a village, there is
always more than meets the eyes. The
people of that village will say to your
parents, “Here is a nobleman from your
clan. He is a messiah who has saved us!”
When that happens, will your mother
and father, and the people of the village
watch in stunned silence, or will they
bow their heads and follow you? (237-305,

Richard: Home Church, or Tong Ban (neighborhood) work is an expression of our love for God and our neighbor. “Know your neighbor, love your neighbor, help your neighbor”.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1465

Why were we born, why should
we live, and where should we go? You
should not think that you were the cause
of your birth. People are born into this
world yet do not know the origin and
purpose of their birth; they are ignorant
of the motivation and purpose of their
Neither our birth nor our life nor
our death stems from our own inten-
tions. Then, what do we have to be
proud about? We have no control over
our birth, we are merely custodians in
this life, and we cannot avoid the path
of death. Thus, any attempt at self-praise
and holding self-indulgent pride is piti-
ful. Once born, we are destined to live,
and destined to die and pass away to the
next world. (7-178, 1959.9.6)

Inside God’s Stadium

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 9, 1959

1 Corinthians 9: 14-27

Ladies and gentlemen, let us examine the reality we face today. We the members of the Unification Church are running toward a certain goal which has been described to us. Life in the race is a battle, and in a battle we push and pull our bodies. The concept of faith that we have held up until now is pulling us forward. This is where the enemies are coming in. When this is over, God will break in. He will ask you, “Are you My children? Are you confident?” Wouldn’t this be true? If He were to ask you, “What victory did you bring?” you should be able to say, “I won in this and that field.” If God then asks you, “Is that true?” you should be able to present Him with some accomplishments. Teachers test their students before they entrust them with a responsibility.

We should understand that we are the brave soldiers and racers who are running throughout the course of our lives and who will remain until the end. We should understand that we are the elite troop of Heaven and make a determination as such. If someone strikes your body, you should be able to say, “Strike me if you like. Strike me with any ideology or thought. I welcome any persecution. I welcome it, even if the nation, world and Heaven join forces and strike me.” Even if God were to oppose you, you should be able to say, “Oppose me if You want.”

If someone wins the victory in spite of the opposition of the entire universe, he will become a child of God whom God will be proud of eternally. If there is someone about whom God can say, “I submit to you. I have never met anyone like you since the beginning of the course of the providence of restoration, when I began to search for people.” Everyone will surrender to that person. This is true for any fight, even a life and death struggle. I say this based upon my own experience.

If there is a racer who is running on the ultimate path of religion in the last days, a racer who is running with the hope of attaining the ultimate victory, he will have to make a determination. The founder of the religion he believes in is not the savior. He should understand that eventually he needs to fight the battle based on his own ability. Why? It is because the providence of restoration has not come to an end. As long as there still remains an event in God’s stadium which has not been concluded, the battle will continue on until all the races have come to an end and God has given His awards.