Absolute Truth Is Indestructible

View or listen to the podcast of the latest Richard Urban Show: Will the Boston Tea Party Happen This Memorial Day Weekend?
WV Elections 2020: We have a candidate interview for Doug Six-Republican Candidate for governor posted, with more interviews coming this week: https://www.visionroot.org/wv-elections-2020-candidate-interviews/ .

Romans 4

18 Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”[d] 19 Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. 20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. 22 This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” 23 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, 24 but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. 25 He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

Ezekiel 20

Tell them that long ago I, the Lord God, chose Israel to be my own. I appeared to their ancestors in Egypt and made a solemn promise that I would be their God and the God of their descendants. I swore that I would rescue them from Egypt and lead them to a land I had already chosen. This land was rich with milk and honey and was the most splendid land of all. I told them to get rid of their disgusting idols and not to sin by worshiping the gods of Egypt. I reminded them that I was the Lord their God, but they still rebelled against me. They refused to listen and kept on worshiping their idols and foreign gods.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 2

Truth and Universal Law

Eternal Truth

2. Truth Is Absolute

From the bosom of the sacred Word He
brought forth the world.
On high, below, He abides in His own laws.
Atharva Veda 4.1.3 (Hinduism)

There is no changing the words of God; that is
the mighty triumph.
Qur’an 10.64

Righteousness and justice are the foundations
of thy throne;
steadfast love and faithfulness go before thee.
Psalm 89.14

Truth is victorious, never untruth.
Truth is the way; truth is the goal of life,
Reached by sages who are free from self-will.
Mundaka Upanishad 3.1.6 (Hinduism)

By Divine Law are all forms manifested;
Inexpressible is the Law.
By Divine Law are beings created;
By Law are some exalted.

By Divine Law are beings marked with nobility
or ignominy;
By the Law are they visited with bliss or bale.
On some by His Law falls grace;
Others by His Law are whirled around in cycles
of births and deaths.
All by the Law are governed,
None is exempt.
Says Nanak, Should man realize the power of
the Law,
He would certainly disclaim his ego.
Japuji 2, M.1, p. 1 (Sikhism)

Absolute truth is indestructible. Being indestruc-
tible, it is eternal. Being eternal, it is self-exis-
tent. Being self-existent, it is infinite. Being infi-
nite, it is vast and deep. Being vast and deep, it
is transcendental and intelligent. It is because it
is vast and deep that it contains all existence. It
is because it is transcendental and intelligent that
it embraces all existence. It is because it is infinite
and eternal that it perfects all existence.
Doctrine of the Mean 26 (Confucianism)

What is meant by an eternally-abiding reality?
The ancient road of reality has been here all
the time, like gold, silver, or pearl preserved in
the mine. The Dharmadhatu (Absolute Truth)
abides forever, whether the Tathagata appears
in the world or not. As the Tathagata eternally
abides, so does the Reason of all things. Reality
forever abides, reality keeps its order, like the
roads in an ancient city.
For instance, a man who is walking in a
forest and discovering an ancient city with
its orderly streets may enter into the city, and
having entered into it, he may have a rest,
conduct himself like a citizen, and enjoy all
the pleasures accruing therefrom. What do you
think? Did this man make the road along which
he enters into the city, and the various things in
the city? [No.]
Just so, what has been realized by myself
and the other Tathagatas is this Reality, this
eternally-abiding reality, the self-regulating
reality, the Suchness of things, the Realness of
things, the truth itself.
Lankavatara Sutra 61 (Buddhism)

The First Thing that God Thought of Was True Parents

Happy Memorial Day! I thank those who gave their lives in service to our country.

View or listen to the podcast of the latest Richard Urban Show: Will the Boston Tea Party Happen This Memorial Day Weekend?
WV Elections 2020: We have a candidate interview for Doug Six-Republican Candidate for governor posted, with more interviews coming this week: https://www.visionroot.org/wv-elections-2020-candidate-interviews/ .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2090

Among those of you here today, if
you belong to the family of the Kims,
then you must fulfill the mission of the
Kim family’s messiah. If you are a Kim,
then in the family of the Kims, and if
you are a Pak, then in the Pak family;
you must believe that you are the messi-
ah representing your tribe in establish-
ing the heavenly kingdom. Think that
you are the savior. You should think
you are the savior saving the Kim fam-
ily. In order to do so, you must fulfill
your responsibilities as the chief priest
representing the entire Kim family. (155-
265, 1965.10.31)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1172

How does Jesus differ from people
like Sakhya Muni of Buddhism, Con-
fucius of Confucianism or Mohammed
of Islam? Throughout history, Jesus is
the only person who was born on the
foundation of a purified lineage. That
is the difference. How are Sakhya Muni
and Jesus different? How is he differ-
ent from Confucius? How is he differ-
ent from Mohammed? Jesus is different
from Buddha and Mohammed in that he
was born from a purified lineage. This is
the special quality of the Messiah. That
is the difference. As the providence of
the purification of the lineage developed
within history, Israel became the start-
ing point of Christianity, centered on
Jesus. This is how he stood in the posi-
tion of the True Father. (169-194, 1987.10.31)

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 2

Truth and Universal Law

Eternal Truth

1. In the Beginning Was the Word

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

With what was the world created? In the beginning, there was God’s Will. There was God’s idea. Along with it, there was God’s plan. God’s original Will was to create humans and the human world according to His plan. Therefore, human beings… no matter how fallen, should stand within the Will and plan of God. (76:92, February 1, 1975)

Even the most advanced science cannot attain or surpass what God has made. The immense universe operates in an orderly way according to its laws. Since God created and governs the immense universe, whose comprehension is beyond the reach of human thought and science, we conclude that God is the absolute Scientist. (127:10, May 1, 1983)

Even the greatest scientist or scholar in the world today possesses only miniscule knowledge. The deeper you go, the more you will find principled actions based on eternal laws. Considering this, we see that these laws could not have come about by chance. In every case, they uphold a certain content of the origin. Their direction is aligned with, and never contradictory to, the whole purpose of the universe. This lawful universe is infinitely vast, and at the same time so subtle. Hence, no one can deny that God, who created this universe, is the King of wisdom and the King of knowledge. (127:11, May 1, 1983)

Before God created the heavens and the earth and human beings, there was a time when He functioned centering on Himself. Because we humans resemble God, we also have times when we think only about ourselves. Then God began to create all things in heaven and on earth; this means that He spread out the universe [as the environment for human beings], His object partners. In due course, He would create His object partners. All this investment by the invisible God was for the purpose of manifesting as the visible God. (69:81-82, October 20, 1973)

God created human beings as the model, expanding His creations to the four directions, East, West, South and North. (173:212, February 18, 1988)

Before creating human beings, God created the natural world by expressing partial reflections of the internal nature and external form He had conceived for human beings, who were yet to be created. Hence, a human being, as the manifest image of God, contains the sum total of the essences of all things. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Creation 3.2)

Even before the creation, the first thing that God thought of was true parents, and the family where true parents, true couple, and true children are united as one. (339:212, December 26, 2000)

In the Beginning Was the Word

View or listen to the podcast of the latest Richard Urban Show: Will the Boston Tea Party Happen This Memorial Day Weekend?
WV Elections 2020: We have a candidate interview for Doug Six-Republican Candidate for governor: https://www.visionroot.org/wv-elections-2020-candidate-interviews/ .

I forgot to post the Rheama scriptures for yesterday! You can view them here: https://inspiration.visionroot.org/2020/05/22/we-should-call-god-father/

Genesis 45

14 Then he threw his arms around his brother Benjamin and wept, and Benjamin embraced him, weeping. 15 And he kissed all his brothers and wept over them. Afterward his brothers talked with him.

Richard: Jacob and Benjamin were definitely not un-social distancing!

Jeremiah 19

14 Jeremiah then returned from Topheth, where the Lord had sent him to prophesy, and stood in the court of the Lord’s temple and said to all the people, 15 “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: ‘Listen! I am going to bring on this city and all the villages around it every disaster I pronounced against them, because they were stiff-necked and would not listen to my words.’”

Richard: It could be said that we have brought the current situation on ourselves by electing leaders who do not honor our God given constitutional rights: see the latest Richard Urban Show: Will the Boston Tea Party Happen This Memorial Day Weekend? Also view the candidate interviews to be informed when you vote on June 9th here in West Virginia: https://www.visionroot.org/wv-elections-2020-candidate-interviews/ . If you are not affiliated with a party (Independent) you can request either the Republican or Democratic ballot when you vote, but you must specifically ask for it at the polling place.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 2

Truth and Universal Law

Eternal Truth

The eternal word, truth, or divine wisdom pre-existed the creation of the universe. The Word is all-pervasive; it guided the creation of the universe and continues to function in the principles of nature. It operates through physical, moral and spiritual laws. For some, truth is to be grasped by reason. For others, its essence is the Word, which is manifested completely only in Christ, the perfect man. The Word gives the universe its purpose. This touches the mystery of why God created the universe. As the Absolute Being, omnipotent and omnipresent, what did God gain by creating something apart from Him? The texts in the last group suggest that the primary theme was love. Love, which arises only in relationship, is imprinted in the cosmos by the pervasive duality of plus and minus, male and female. God, too, to experience the joy of love, would create objects apart from Himself with which to have a relationship. Here lies the purpose of creation, the root Idea in the mind of God that lies behind the blueprint of creation.

1. In the Beginning Was the Word

He has created the heavens and the earth with
Qur’an 16.3

When Heaven creates a thing, it gives each
thing a principle of truth.
Chu Hsi (Confucianism)

The sun and the moon are made punctual, the
stars and the trees adore, and the sky He hath
uplifted; and He hath set the measure.
Qur’an 55.5-7

The l ord by wisdom founded the earth;
by understanding he established the heavens;
by his knowledge the deeps broke forth,
and the clouds drop down the dew.
Proverbs 3.19-20

By Truth is the earth sustained,
and by the sun are the heavens;

By Order the gods stand
and Soma is set in the sky.
Rig Veda 10.85.1 (Hinduism)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God. 1 He
was in the beginning with God; all things were
made through him, and without him was not
anything made that was made. In him was life,
and the life was the light of men. The light
shines in the darkness, and the darkness has
not overcome it.
John 1.1-5

This, [in the beginning] was the only Lord of the
universe. His Word was with Him. This Word
was His second. He contemplated. He said, “I
will deliver this Word so that she will produce
and bring into being all this world.”
Tandya Maha Brahmana 20.14.2 (Hinduism)

He [Christ] is the image of the invisible God,
the first-born of all creation; for in him all things
were created, in heaven and on earth, visible
and invisible, whether thrones or dominions
or principalities or authorities—all things were
created through him and for him. He is before
all things, and in him all things hold together.
Colossians 1.15-17

The l ord created me at the beginning of his
the first of his acts of old.
Ages ago I was set up,
at the first, before the beginning of the earth…
When he marked out the foundations of the
then I was beside him, like a little child; 2
I was daily his delight,
rejoicing before him always;
rejoicing in his inhabited world,
and delighting in the sons of men.
Proverbs 8.22-31

In human practice, when a mortal king builds
a palace, he builds it not with his own skill but
with the skill of an architect. The architect
moreover does not build it out of his head, but
employs plans and diagrams to know how to
arrange the chambers and the doors. Thus God
consulted the Torah and created the world.
Genesis Rabbah 1.1 (Judaism)

The Tao has its reality and its signs but is with-

out action or form. You can hand it down but
you cannot receive it; you can get it but you
cannot see it. It is its own source, its own root.
Before heaven and earth existed it was there,
firm from ancient times. It gave spirituality to
the spirits and to God; it gave birth to heaven
and to earth. It exists beyond the highest point,
and yet you cannot call it lofty; it exists beneath
the limit of the six directions, and yet you can-
not call it deep. It was born before heaven and
earth, and yet you cannot say it has been there
for long; it is earlier than the earliest time, and
yet you cannot call it old.
Chuang Tzu 6 (Taoism)

We Will be Inexorably guided toward God and the True Parent

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1979

On behalf of the virtuous people of
the past, you are assisting the reunifica-
tion of North and South Korea to orga-
nize the tribe, people and nation, center-
ing on the ideal family foundation that
you have longed for. Thus, you should be
aware of the amazing fact that on the day
the flower of liberation blooms, a proud
time in history will come upon the Kore-
an peninsula! It will be a time when the
flag of unification can be raised higher
than the summit of the Himalayas in all
nations. If you are not aware of this, the
achievements I accumulated will come
to curse and judge you. What will pass
judgment on you? The bitter resentment
contained in the tears of blood that
emerged beyond the valley of death is
intertwined like a crystal with history’s
achievements here. This is what will pass
judgment on you. (173-115, 1988.2.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1342

The question that always comes up
in a family is whether the parents and
children can completely unite. Within
his family, Adam should have become
one with Cain and Abel. In order to
become a family that can stand in God’s
presence in complete unity, the parents
and the two sons must set the condition
that they become one. Otherwise, they
cannot enter God’s presence at all. This
is where the 72 Couples, as double the
number of the 36 Couples, come in. They
were established to organize the tribes
that Jesus would have restored through
the families of his twelve apostles and 72
disciples. In other words, the 36 Couples
and the 72 Couples correspond respec-
tively to the twelve tribes of Israel and
Jesus’ 72 disciples, and so they are in the
position of restored representatives who
can lead Israel. They also represent the
restored basic numbers that God had
sought to reclaim through Israel. (54-293,

I Am Relating With Two Worlds

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 20, 1959

Although the world of our minds can rejoice, be in harmony and move together, they cannot be intoxicated. Original love is not human love; it is the love of the eternal and unchanging God. The moment we are embraced by God’s love and serve God as our Lord, we become one with Him. When we enter the state of joy where we can interact with Him, we can conquer the world. The moment of rejoicing with God is the moment when we can be more happy than if we possessed everything else in the universe. If a person has experienced this, the stimulation he feels through his body is insignificant.

What work has God been carrying on centering on our bodies? He has been working to develop the universe. You forget that He has been guiding us to do the work of pioneering the universe. For what purpose does God command our minds? It is for us become universal beings. God commands us to grow to become someone who can embrace the universe and grow on the foundation of everything of the universe. God guides us so that we can become such a person.

For this reason He commands us to love both good and evil people, love all things and all of Heaven and earth. Isn’t this so? How satisfying is this? We human beings lost the core of these original concepts. Our minds should be joyful. At the same time that our minds rejoice, the cells in our bodies should also be happy. At the same time that our minds are intoxicated, the cells in our bodies should also be intoxicated. Then we should be able to convey this feeling of intoxication to the environment around us. You have to understand clearly that God has been seeking someone who can make this happen.

If there is a mind, what kind of person does it envision? What kind of person do the world, the nations, and the universe desire? The type of person that I just talked about is the person. Even if one were to be conquered by such a person, one would be happy. Isn’t this what you should do? You would feel happy even after sacrificing yourself infinitely. The Kingdom of Heaven will dawn upon us when there are many such people. God’s sons and daughters are such people. They want to keep giving, even after having given so much. They want to keep sacrificing even after having sacrificed so much.

Isn’t that what parental love is like? God’s love is ten times, a hundred times greater than parental love. The world that your minds long for has not come. There must come a day when the world of the heart and the minds of people join together. The day that absolute standard of judgment is established on the earth is the end. Based on that heart, the judgment will take place.

Christianity is the religion of the heart which has gone beyond the religion of mind. God is not the Lord of the mind; He is the Lord of the heart. No matter what kind of evil people may be around you, you cannot prevent the love of God that comes forth through the heart. When that love comes in waves, everyone is happy. Even Satan and demons like that love. You have to understand this. Although they love God’s love, they are in a state of darkness where they cannot receive it. The human fate is to pioneer this with their minds. Yet how will they do this?

Your path has been determined. You will find that there are relationships which come through your minds. There will also be relationships which come through material things. You will find relationships built upon people or words of truth. Then you will find relationships which come through the heart. The mind desperately yearns to escape from this world in search of that. You must never forget that God, who has been building relationships in history, will seek those who long for and look for those relationships of heart to appear at a certain place and time.

Those who live a life of devotion are moving toward the heavenly heart. They should not take anything lightly. They cannot ignore the sight of an enemy trying to strike them with a sword. They have to think that there is some relationship behind it. In this distorted world, God does not appear in an attractive manner. God comes in an unattractive way in this distorted world. Only when you can have an open heart even to such an instance and search for the value of the relationship can you make the first step toward the cultivation of the heart.

Then you can discern through your mind whether what you hear, see and feel in your interactions with people are good or evil. When you hear some words, when you come into a relationship, your mind will be drawn to them. If there is some truth, some church and some religion, you will be drawn to them without your conscious awareness. Isn’t this so? The mind follows principles similar to those of the natural world.

Just as the magnetic needle of a compass points north and south, our minds behave similarly. When the plus mind appears, the minus mind will always be drawn to it.

If you have never felt your body being drawn to the religion that you believe in, your faith is not true. If you have never felt your body, mind and heart being drawn into the faith, you cannot claim that you really believe. Such people will one day stop believing in that faith.

What is humanity seeking today? They are searching for an ideology. What explains an ideology? The truth explains it. What is the truth? It is the word. It is the truth in which our minds can be eternally happy, the truth in which our minds can be eternally intoxicated. It will give us something new and fresh even after hearing it hundreds or thousands of times. The greatest truth of all is like rice. No matter how often we eat it, today, tomorrow and for seventy or eighty years, we find it delicious. The same is true for the truth. You should be grateful. Through the words you know that there are two worlds for human beings. Jesus said that people should not live by bread alone but by the words which come from the mouth of God. Our bodies and hearts should be intoxicated in the truth. If you have such a truth, isn’t that all you need?

Therefore, you are not to sit idle at this time. The time has come when directions will reverse. We are to proceed in one direction toward the one subject partner. Because we will find obstacles when we look to the side and take the divergent path, we should cut off from all of them. Everyone considers that heretical.