We Must Successfully Resolve the Question of the Dialectic

Join us for the Urban Life Training Chapter Workshop, online or in-person on July 3rd 2020. Learn materials that teach about the physical, intellectual, emotional and long term benefits of sexual abstinence before marriage. Learn about setting up a Chapter of Urban Life Training to teach this material to middle and high school youth: https://www.urbanlifetraining.org/index.php/109-training/351-urban-life-training-chapter-workshop .

Acts 9

11 The Lord said to him, “Get up and go to the house of Judas on Straight Street. When you get there, you will find a man named Saul from the city of Tarsus. Saul is praying, 12 and he has seen a vision. He saw a man named Ananias coming to him and putting his hands on him, so that he could see again.”

Ezra 8

21 Beside the Ahava River,[i] I[j] asked the people to go without eating[k] and to pray. We humbled ourselves and asked God to bring us and our children safely to Jerusalem with all of our possessions. 22 I was ashamed to ask the king to send soldiers and cavalry to protect us against enemies along the way. After all, we had told the king that our God takes care of everyone who truly worships him, but that he gets very angry and punishes anyone who refuses to obey. 23 So we went without food and asked God himself to protect us, and he answered our prayers.

Richard: Human responsibility is the most important thing. Here, the people of God take responsibility for themselves, centered on God.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 2

Truth and Universal Law


3. Duality Operates by Giving and Receiving

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

When a wife dies, or a husband dies, why does the surviving spouse feel sorrow? When a woman’s husband dies, why does she make a big scene by crying “Wah!” at the top of her lungs? She doesn’t just cry; she completely loses her mind. Why does this happen? She and her husband formed a reciprocal realm and, centering on love, entered into the universe’s realm of eternal principle. But the death of the husband caused that reciprocal realm to break apart, and the wife feels a force pushing against her with such force that it makes her skin turn red. That force makes her feel sorrow and pain…
Unmarried girls will go around playing, and sometimes you see a group of girls hanging on to each other, embracing each other and such. The same is true with boys. Wrestling with each other, rolling around on the ground like calves, they make all sorts of noise in the village. But on the day one of those young men marries and takes a wife, will he want one of his handsome friends to come and stand next to him in front of his wife? Would any man want that? No, he will kick his friend away, saying, “Don’t ever come here again! Get out of here! Now!”
It’s not a bad thing for him to tell his friend to go. He is actually telling him, “You should do as I do, and stand in a position where you can welcome the universal principle.” By kicking his friend away, he guides him to the path to perfection. (218:335, August 22, 1991)

Knowing this is the principle, the theory of evolution cannot be sustained. The supposed evolutionary link from amoebas to monkeys to human beings ignores the fact that each of the countless relationships between male and female had to pass through the gate of love and establish a realm of reciprocity.
Take sparrows, for example. During the winter, they know nothing about having relationships, so they play around and all become their own positives. But in the spring, when they start making nests and forming reciprocal realms, they become absolute. Both the male and the female of an established pair will repel a third sparrow that approaches. If a female approaches them, the male will repel it; if a male approaches, the female will repel it. Why is that? They repel the third sparrow because it threatens to break up their reciprocal realm and is an aggressor on the realm of the law of the universe. (218:338, August 22, 1991)

Hegel and especially Engels, philosophers who came up with the law of the dialectic, saw universal law as decreeing conflict and opposition. Unless we successfully resolve the question of the dialectic within the universe, we cannot find the true formula for the ideal world, nor can we establish peace and harmony with hierarchical order in organizations structured with up and down relationships. We must demonstrate the falsity of such principles as “survival of the fittest,” “the strong eat the weak,” and “power causes progress.” Otherwise, people would think that mistreating others is not a sin. (132:142, May 31, 1984)

Some people say the universe is made of energy. It is true that all beings are formed of energy, but what is needed for that energy to exist?
No being is energy itself. There is always a reciprocal standard or common base. Before we acknowledge energy, we must acknowledge the common base. If we acknowledge the common base, we must acknowledge subject and object partners…
“Relative relationship” does not refer to a thesis-antithesis-synthesis relationship, where a standard called “thesis” and something called “antithesis” oppose each other and become unified as one. Instead, it refers to a relationship where the object partner responds to the subject partner. That is, it means that a subject and object partner respond to each other and engage in action centering on a common purpose. When they engage in perfect give-and-take action and achieve a reciprocal realm, energy comes into being, and only then is the center determined. Even if there is a great deal of action, if the action is going in opposite directions, it will eventually destroy the world. (15:53, February 7, 1965)

Richard: Mistreating others is a sin. Development occurs through having a common purpose, not through conflict and violence.

I Am not Scared of Negative Voices

Defining the Battle:  Sex Wars in Washington DC Part Two:  https://youtu.be/whI1orAj3t0

Cheon Seong Gyeong 432

Section 1. God’s Laws of Love
Centering on the Family
Since the beginning of history, who
has practiced true love focused on par-
ents, true love focused on husband and
wife, and true love focused on brothers
and sisters? True love is absolute. (20-40,
The love of God is expressed as paren-
tal love, conjugal love and children’s love.
These three great loves make it possible
for human beings to exist forever. These
great loves transcend even the loftiest
human view of love. When these loves
are perfected, happiness is perfected.
When they are lacking, misfortune sets
in. This is why people become happy
when these three great loves unite. Is a
motherless person happy? That person’s
misery is equal to the emptiness he or
she feels. Is a fatherless person happy? A
fatherless person envies those who have
a father. Happiness leaves no room for
envy. The same is true for love. If you
envy someone or something, you can-
not say you are happy.
You cannot be happy without a father
and mother. No matter how great a man’s
ideals may be or how much he boasts, he
needs a woman. He needs a wife. When
a husband and wife have lived happily
together and then the husband suddenly
passes away, the wife will shed tears. A
woman cannot live without a man, and a
man cannot live without a woman. (20-38,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1795

Immorality, sexual misconduct and
decadent trends, along with hedonism,
are systematically ruining families. It
has come to the point where some people
of today think that gay people can also
build a different type of family alongside
the traditional family, and that they can
have children through adoption or arti-
ficial insemination. (288-171, 1997.11.27)

Rev Sun Myung Moon Speaks Jan. 8, 1976 Jacob House
To the Mobile Fundraising Team Workshop

From now on anything I do is up. Father is so famous in that way. Many ups compete to follow us. People have to look into our movement and find nothing but good. An example is the Unified Science Conference. They thought about negative articles and declined invitations.  But if they came – many bright minds did, including 30 Nobel laureates – they cannot attack.

Negative power is working so hard it is better to contact people by letter. There will be weak declines but it allows for sorting out the strongest responses. The strongest will be so impressed with clean cut young people and deeply touched. They will then say that they have seen Rev. Moon and his young followers and tell other people they are not qualified to talk and that they should move on over to our side. It is funny and interesting. People fist look with skeptical eyes and find the controversy of negative articles

We will make a duplicate of the movie of the conference and send it out to the nation. Participants will show it to famous scholars and next time more famous people will participate.

Now we are being beaten by writings. There are many negative voices. If it turns and people believe the opposite of the negativity in the articles, however many negative writings appear no one will believe. By that time if we really get people and brainwash them nobody would believe it. Continue reading “I Am not Scared of Negative Voices”

The Importance of the Moment

Ecclesiasticus 40:32 (Catholic Bible)

The life of him that looketh toward another man’ s table is not to be counted a life: for he feedeth his soul with another man’ s meat.

[31] But a man, well instructed and taught, will look to himself. [32] Begging will be sweet in the mouth of the unwise, but in his belly there shall burn a fire.

Luke 20

14“But when the tenants saw him, they talked the matter over. ‘This is the heir,’ they said. ‘Let’s kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.’ 15So they threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

“What then will the owner of the vineyard do to them? 16He will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others.”

When the people heard this, they said, “God forbid!”

17Jesus looked directly at them and asked, “Then what is the meaning of that which is written:

“ ‘The stone the builders rejected

has become the cornerstone’a ?

18Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.” Continue reading “The Importance of the Moment”