Only a True Person, the Messiah, can End the Battle between God and Satan

Cheon Seong Gyeong 258 Furthermore, only when we establish True Parents’ Day throughout all of heaven and earth will the sorrow of restoration be completely removed. Even though we have established True Parents’ Day and True Children’s Day, we have not established True Parents’ Day on the levels of an individual, a family, a people, … Continue reading “Only a True Person, the Messiah, can End the Battle between God and Satan”

God Will by All Means Send the Lord

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059 Wherever they visit, members should first go to the holy place, in other words, the holy ground or the church. If they cannot, they should at least set up a condition of having done so. Each of you is an individual; yet you should bear in mind that you are more … Continue reading “God Will by All Means Send the Lord”

Religion Should Find One Person Who can Share True Love with God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 214     If we look at the history of the people of Israel, we see that Jacob could establish the conditions for individual restoration because he was victorious in the individual struggle with Esau. Later on, he could have a family because with God’s help he had prevailed in the family-level struggle … Continue reading “Religion Should Find One Person Who can Share True Love with God”

Without Shaking off Satan’s Love, Life and Blood, Peace on Earth Cannot Come

Cheon Seong Gyeong 137 What is it that God regrets? It is that humanity inherited a false lineage. You inherited false blood. Satan is the origin of this. He always wants to create havoc with all things of creation. You are connected to such a universe, such rights of ownership and such a lineage. The … Continue reading “Without Shaking off Satan’s Love, Life and Blood, Peace on Earth Cannot Come”

Who Are the True Parents?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 298     Now, you should go back to your hometowns and restore your families and relatives. You must hold revivals in your hometown. As you hold revivals, you should also all work on the district level. If you want to be a tribal messiah, you should display my photo. Pictures of me … Continue reading “Who Are the True Parents?”