Restoring the Family Is Salvation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2314

You must endure, sacrifice for and
serve your fiancée even if you do not like
her. “If I hadn’t met her I wouldn’t have
learnt anything. Now I see that I was giv-
en this person so that I could go through
more hardships in order to attain a spirit
of service and sacrifice and thus go to
heaven.” Those who think like this can
become great people and enter heaven.
God wants to have even sinners
become His sons and daughters. Just
because your fiancée might not have
such a pretty face or is Japanese or is a
little short, can you think, “Oh, I don’t
like her”? You men should be convinced
that you would go to the highest place
in heaven if you took the ugliest woman
and sacrificed yourself for and served
her more than anyone else. You should
understand that you would then become
the greatest husband and a saint of a
husband. Unification Church members
should be capable of having that level of
thought. (116-95, 1981.12.20)

Richard:  This is great advice for success in your marriage.  Even if your spouse is not the most beautiful, etc., you will grow as you love her and God will make up for any lacking of your spouse in the fullness of your relationship with Him.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1273

Everyone, you must change com-
pletely after you go through the cere-
mony of converting the lineage. Would
this be possible if True Parents were not
here? Think about the path of hardships
previous generations had to persevere
through ever since the time of the cre-
ation of the world. Having True Parents
here right now is something for which
you should all be truly grateful. It is even
more amazing that you have received the
Blessing from them in person. Through
the Blessing, the tradition of the lineage,
that is, the tradition embedded with true
love, life and lineage can be established.
You must always keep this in mind.
(216-36, 1991.3.3)

Let Us Open Our Eyes Once More and Behold the Sky

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 15, 1959

Matthew 26: 36-46


Father, every time a sad event takes place on the earth, Heaven mourns, our ancestors mourn, all things mourn, and we feel the same sorrow. Father, you have spent 6,000 years in fruitless wandering and struggling, unable to find that for which You were looking or a place to go, wishing all the while for the day of liberation from this sorrow. If You were to appear before us now, we would feel like crying endlessly.

Now we understand everything and have come seeking the original Parents. We wish, from the depth of our beings, for the day to come when we can shed tears of joy, rather than tears of sorrow-when we can cry for heaven and earth with such intensity as to even forget our existence. We wait for the day when we can remove all sorrows and leave only joy behind. Continue reading “Restoring the Family Is Salvation”

How God Has Worked to Save Humankind 2

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2380

Since God is the central being of
heaven and earth, the more you are
dominated by Him, the more you will
want to be dominated by Him for thou-
sands or even tens of thousands of years.
Since the principles of attendance cen-
tering on God work in that way, no one
can be happier than the one who is being
dominated by God. Until now, we have
never even thought about this fact. (77-328,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1502

In the end, seven points, composed
of above, below, left, right, front, rear,
and finally the central point, would be
formed. The significance of fulfilling the
number seven is that the seven points
have become as one in perfected true
love, centering on God, thus achieving
a perfect sphere forming a family that
manifests harmony and peace. (287-21,

This reading was given at the 7/1 and 7/8 Jeol Holy Day Celebrations at the Unification Sanctuary on August 20, 2018.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Feb 10, 1981

This was how Christianity reached the period where it could govern the world centering on the Christian papacy. This was spiritual. Spiritual. They were spiritual adopted sons. They were not substantial adopted sons. Do you understand? The adopted son foundation was this way, and everything else was this way, too. It was also true with Jesus’ fulfillment of the mission of the son. He only fulfilled the mission of the spiritual son. He could not fulfill the mission of a substantial son. He fulfilled the responsibility of a spiritual son. Do you understand? This meant he had no foundation on earth. No adopted son foundation. No servant foundation. Nothing.

When the returning Messiah comes in the last days to build the Christian Kingdom, he must indemnify the realms of the substantial son and substantial adopted son. Without doing this, he cannot recover the substantial adopted son realm and substantial son realm of Jesus’ time. Ultimately, the Kingdom centered on Christianity is being expanded now, but this is a spiritual nation. A spiritual nation.

Christianity has been battling the satanic world for two thousand years. It has been battling Satan since that time. The adopted son realm is different from the son and different from the servant. The adopted son realm substantial adopted son realm and substantial son realm of Jesus’ time. Ultimately, the Kingdom centered on Christianity is being expanded now, but this is a spiritual nation. A spiritual nation. Continue reading “How God Has Worked to Save Humankind 2”

How God has Worked to Save Humankind

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Romans 4

Are these blessings meant for circumcised people or for those who are not circumcised? Well, the Scriptures say that God accepted Abraham because Abraham had faith in him. 10 But when did this happen? Was it before or after Abraham was circumcised? Of course, it was before.

11 Abraham let himself be circumcised to show that he had been accepted because of his faith even before he was circumcised. This makes Abraham the father of all who are acceptable to God because of their faith, even though they are not circumcised. 12 This also makes Abraham the father of everyone who is circumcised and has faith in God, as Abraham did before he was circumcised.

Ecclesiastes 7

A good reputation
    at the time of death
is better than loving care
    at the time of birth.[a]
It’s better to go to a funeral
    than to attend a feast;
funerals remind us
    that we all must die.
Choose sorrow over laughter
because a sad face
    may hide a happy heart.

This reading was given at the 7/1 and 7/8 Jeol Holy Day Celebrations at the Unification Sanctuary on August 20, 2018.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Feb 10, 1981


The title I will speak on today is “History of the Providence of Restoration through Indemnity.” People in general, people in the secular world will not know what this is about.

Today, we refer to God’s providence as the providence of salvation. It is easy to talk about how He conducts His providence of salvation, but until now no one knew this content. Only God knew it.

So why was it that only God knew? When human beings fell, they fell without knowing. They fell without knowledge and in ignorance. For this reason, God has been conducting His spiritual work throughout human history so that human beings could escape from the realm of ignorance. A person who is in ignorance, who is in the environment of ignorance cannot just leave by claiming to know everything. There is the fallen world with problems a person cannot just solve and leave.

Because human beings fell, they live with the results of the fall.

In the providence of salvation, God exists and He conducts His providence to save humanity from the world of ignorance, the world of the fall. And the realm that has fallen into the results that are opposite to the path that God goes, the realm centered on Satan that is opposite to God, always obstructs. So we cannot go this way without resolving all the things that obstruct us. This was where indemnity was absolutely necessary in the course of history. When a person commits a crime and goes to prison, he must pay for his crime or set some other condition to be released. Then he needs to go through a process of defense before this can be officially acknowledged. Only then can he be released. So the term indemnity refers to the absolute need to correct things that have gone wrong in the course of history. Continue reading “How God has Worked to Save Humankind”

You Are Responsible for Thousands

Cheon Seong  Gyeong 1697

The one flaw in all religious scrip-
tures is the fact that they do not explain
the process of the Creation. They do not
talk about the purpose and process of
God’s creation. Much has been written,
based upon all types of logic. Since they
do not deal with the concept of creation,
they do not know the direction and pur-
pose of creation. Hence, everyone in the
world is doing as they please, coming
up with evolutionary theory and other
damaging ideas, and behaving in what-
ever way they like. That being so, we
should clearly understand about the
concept of creation. Next, we need to
inquire why this world became so evil
when the direction and purpose of cre-
ation did not intend this. After discov-
ering that reason, we need to work out,
going back to the very beginning, why
entire nations met with destruction in
the process of history as narrated by
the Holy Scriptures and human histo-
ry. There must be a historical view with
a logical approach that can be justly
approved by everyone from both gen-
eral and practical standpoints. (212-323,

Cheon Seong  Gyeong 1139

Our lineage must be changed. Why?
Since we have inherited the lineage of
Satan, we must rectify it. You must
understand this clearly. (183-308, 1988.11.7)

Rev Sun Myung Moon Speaks Jan. 8, 1976 Jacob House
To the Mobile Fundraising Team Workshop

I have experienced everything in the world. I would be a miner in a mining area. I would become a laborer carrying coal to a ship and so many other things. Do this on purpose. So whoever you meet do things with people. Make friends with all kinds of people – hunters, farmers, fishermen and scholars. You’ll have much to talk about.  Think I am planning to be a great world leader and I am putting myself in a position to do that. I can tell what people have gone through. Foremost doctors diagnose patients of every kind. Experts – go through all in their own field. True? Yes.

When you’re fundraising study a person’s face to know whether that person will buy or not. Your sense can be more keen without even looking.  When you pass a house you can know whether someone will buy. At other places, such as a particular apartment you are hesitant; you know people will not buy.  In the morning set out with the sense that 70 % of the people will buy flowers. Make a statistical study – meet, buy, how many, what type?  In that way raise the percentage of selling 70%, 71%, 72%, or 73% higher. In a few months you’ll be a top seller. Study on it. You cannot be frustrated.  Like a philosopher make rounds of village and grade the percentage of righteous people. Grade a village like that. Your record will have all the statistics about this village’s slums and wealthy areas. Continue reading “You Are Responsible for Thousands”

There is No Salvation Without Jesus

Luke 23

40But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”

42Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.d

43Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Exodus 28

9“Take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel 10in the order of their birth—six names on one stone and the remaining six on the other.11Engrave the names of the sons of Israel on the two stones the way a gem cutter engraves a seal.

Let Us Be a Victor for God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 30, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

The topic of the speech I would like to share with you today is “Let Us Be a Victor for God.” Due to the human fall, God who created Heaven and earth has never experienced joy and glory with the creation during the long history past, through which He has been leading the dispensation of restoration. You must already know this.

In other words, God has never received a day of victory in which He could be happy. The reason does not lie with God, but with humans who were created as the masters of all things. Thus, the day of victory cannot come with the effort of God alone, but it also needs the efforts of humans, besides those of God. Otherwise, God and the creation cannot receive a day of glory with triumph.

Then what is the purpose of God’s creating all things? It is to watch all things singing with God’s love and returning glory to Him, centered on humans who have fulfilled the purpose of goodness. All should rejoice in this. Due to the human fall, God’s purpose of creation was not achieved. To restore human beings, He has been leading a long battle of 6,000 years of history.

God, who has not been able to receive a day of universal victory since the creation, desires to see the day of victory through humans on earth. Thus, unless earthly people do not restore or recover that day, we cannot defeat Satan, who violates humans on earth. Nor can we eliminate the power of Satan, who makes accusations against humans before God in heaven.

Consequently, God does not mind any toil, any sacrifice, or any battles. Until this moment, He has been a shield to restore each of you.

When viewed from this standpoint, we can understand what God’s wish is. God wants to establish each of you as an individual and separate the enemy Satan who caused the human fall from you. Thus, the evil history of Satan will be concluded. We should become people who can fulfill the wish of God, come forth in pride before God and all things, and return the victorious glory to God. Then, finally, the purpose of God’s providence, which He led through His hard work, will be realized. Humans have been trying to witness such a day of victory, but until the present, it has not been fulfilled.

However, God sent a man who could find the day of victory for humans. This was Jesus Christ. He experienced the internal heart of God, who has been leading a dispensation to restore all humankind through a long history. He experienced all the unjust circumstances of humans. Thus, he came as a representative who could bring victory out of the battles with Satan.

Therefore, being faced with Satan, who is blocking the path to attain the will of God’s dispensation and the will that humankind wishes for, you should take over the lifetime undertaking of Jesus Christ, who fought valiantly as the historical man in charge, representing all things with the heart of the Lord of creation. Also, in your own life, unless you practice the life that Jesus wished for, not only the sorrow of Jesus but also that of God and all humankind will be again embedded on the earth. You should understand this.

Then what kind of life course should we take? We should go with the responsibility to inherit the will of Jesus Christ, who came for the fulfillment of God’s will. We should fight to bring about a day in which God and humans can rejoice together. This is more important than anything else.

The life of Jesus was not to live for himself as an individual. It was a life during which, in silence, he took on the responsibility alone for heaven above and earth below, that is, for all the creation. He did this to bring about a day when God’s will would be achieved.

Jesus did not make a distinction between day and night. Also, he did not care about persecution from the visible world. He was a courageous man who fought Satan, who was blocking his path, in an invisible place that people did not recognize or see, carrying responsibility for all of humankind.

Therefore, today all of us should attend Jesus as a vanguard and uphold his will. Thus, wherever he goes, we should go with him. If he fights, we should also fight with him. That is, we should share the same joy and pain and continue to fight to accomplish the will of God in His providence of restoration, which is the wish of all humankind.

Further, Jesus lived for his people and the world, taking responsibility for 4,000 years of history and the many lives in the spirit world. He did not fight for himself alone. It does not necessarily mean that he was fighting only for his people or the world. He fought to fulfill the will of God, with the mission of upholding heavenly principles beyond history and the universe.

Such battles continued throughout his lifetime of thirty years. Even 2,000 years after his death, it is still being continued. You should understand and feel deeply in your bones that although humans can take time to rest, he has been unceasingly fighting along with the Holy Spirit only to fulfill God’s wish and thus find the day of hope for which all humankind wishes.

It was lamentable for Jesus to die on the cross due to the failure of humans when he came to earth to save them. Nonetheless, even after his death, still carrying the sins of humans, he has been walking the course of the cross to Golgotha. We should reflect upon our past, thinking about what kind of life of faith we have had toward Jesus.