Acts 3
7 Peter then took him by the right hand and helped him up.
At once the man’s feet and ankles became strong, 8 and he jumped up and started walking. He went with Peter and John into the temple, walking and jumping and praising God. 9 Everyone saw him walking around and praising God. 10 They knew that he was the beggar who had been lying beside the Beautiful Gate, and they were completely surprised. They could not imagine what had happened to the man.
Richard: We should give others a helping hand up on our journey in life. Lift someone up in words and deeds today.
Psalm 94
Then they say,
“The Lord God of Jacob
doesn’t see or know.”
8 Can’t you fools see?
Won’t you ever learn?
9 God gave us ears and eyes!
Can’t he hear and see?
10 God instructs the nations
and gives knowledge to us all.
Won’t he also correct us?
11 The Lord knows how useless
our plans really are.
12 Our Lord, you bless everyone
that you instruct and teach
by using your Law.
13 You give them rest
from their troubles,
until a pit can be dug
for the wicked.
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958
What kind of people would the people of the heavenly kingdom be? They are the throng who steps forth under the flag of service. For that reason, to save a certain race today, we must distribute everything we own for that race. If that is not enough, we must become the people who know how to give even their lives. These are the very people of the heavenly kingdom. God is in a situation where He has to gather this kind of person and accomplish the ideology of the heavenly kingdom.
Since you have come to know that Jesus wishes to fix the value of true ownership upon this earth, you should think about yourselves. Jesus said, “Do not be anxious, saying, `What shall we eat?’ or `What shall we drink?’ or `What shall we wear?'” (Matthew 6:31) This was the word of warning that seemed contradictory to the people of that age.
Why did Jesus speak such words? The heavenly ideology of ownership remained to be restored even at the cost of not eating, drinking and dressing well for 6,000 years.
If there is a certain race that is starving and miserable, God is in a more miserable situation than that race. If a certain race feels mortified, God is in a situation where He feels more mortified. Continue reading “The Kingdom of Heaven is Not Here Yet”