Fallen People Have Inherited the Blood Lineage of Satan

Happy Declaration Day of God’s Eternal Blessing!
Declared July 1, 1991,heavenly (lunar based) calendar

Today and the next two days we will feature a special reading from the speech given on the Declaration Day of God’s Eternal Blessing in 1991.

The Ceremony Of The Declaration Of God’s Eternal Blessing

I just arrived from Alaska. I am making a special visit because this time has great significance from the point of view of the dispensation.

The Meaning of July 1, 1991

The first day of July this year is not an ordinary first day of July. From the point of view of the history of the dispensation, this is the central year of the three-year course, which itself is a transitional period in history. The flow of history must now change. The democratic world and the communist world have lost their direction completely, and the religious world has also fully lost its direction. All foundations in which men took pride have been destroyed. This had to take place.

When the autumn arrives, the true fruit and false fruit will reveal their true identity. False fruit naturally will enter the fire and burn, and true fruit will be reaped. But from the perspective of the dispensation of restoration or salvation, we are not interested in many fruits. The fruit of realization which religions seek is not many but only one. Although there are many religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism and so forth, the fruit they pursue is one.

Who is the owner of that fruit? It is not some sovereign. It is not some nation. People who rule over nations cannot reap the fruit and the many religious groups cannot each reap this fruit and claim it as their own. The fruit must represent some particular religious group that represents all religious groups, which reaps the matured fruit to be received as the fruit of God.

From this perspective, what would God desire? I will not get involved in a long discussion of the dispensation of salvation being the dispensation of re-creation, but if we were to say that it is the work of re-creation, then the question is why God needs to reap the re-created fruit. Looking at it centering on heaven, it is not because the other fruit is unworthy, but God is seeking the fruit of the heavenly lineage, for the sake of establishing that blood lineage. In order to establish the blood lineage, we must connect to the tradition that can pass through the karma of love centering on God.

The History of the Restoration of the Eldest Son’s Birthright

Fallen people today have inherited the blood lineage of Satan. This is the problem. How difficult is it to restore the people cleanly back to heaven, once they inherited the lineage of Satan? Let me answer this way: heaven’s position is similar to a man who lost his beloved lover, and has to love another woman and, further, to love her son, whom someone else fathered, as his own son. The problem is how God can accept that son as his own direct heir. Frankly, it must be miserable and tormenting. Since this acceptance could not be done at once, God began from the individual position and passed through a course of tribulation involving that degree of love on the family, tribal, societal, national and world levels, persevering and overcoming everything. In this way, He has been waiting until the time He can send the Messiah.

How does the Messiah come? He comes after the purification of the blood lineage. As you know, because Cain and Abel were born based on the unity of Adam and Eve [false parents], in order to cleanse their lineage, Cain and Abel must enter the womb of True Parents and be reborn in the reversed positions of eldest son and second son. Originally, there would not have been such things as eldest-son “type” and second-son “type”. There cannot be eldest son and second son for the sake of distinguishing them [as relatively good and evil]. From the viewpoint of the dispensation of restoration, simply establishing the position of the second son as the elder son is not enough to rectify the lineage. The two must seek and enter the source of life once more. This is what happened through Tamar in the Old Testament era.

When you look superficially at the Bible, it is difficult to accept the story of Esau and Jacob. Their mother deceived her husband Isaac and her eldest son Esau to let her younger son Jacob seize the blessing. This is unacceptable even by the ethical standards of that time. It is wicked. So the question is, why was this content recorded in the Bible as an important event?

It is the same when you look at the life of Mary. A virgin gave birth to a child. What was the situation of heaven which necessitated a virgin bearing a child? Why was it necessary to send the Messiah in that manner? In order to lay that foundation, the connection was made from Esau and Jacob to Tamar, and restoration was to be done centering on the offspring of Hagar and Sarah, and then substantially history was to go forward on the national and world levels centering on Mary.

That tradition must be recognized and inherited, and the proclamation must be made that a new Messiah will appear. Centering on the period of the world level and the national level, the historical national standard is to be set by tying all these events together and proclaiming the truth behind them. Without this proclamation, the historical standard is not set.

What happened to Jesus, who came on that foundation? What would have happened if, when Jesus came, Judaism and the nation of Israel had united as Cain and Abel? How would Jesus have returned? Jesus had to enter in the position of father. In order to do that on this earth, as a resurrected, substantial being, he had to compensate for all the sacrifices made by the second sons for the sake of reclaiming heaven’s birthright given the eldest son.

The Abel view of history is that all must be divided into Cain and Abel and then into Esau and Jacob. Even after all of that, on the national level Jesus must gather all the relationships of Abel, and as the Abel-type resurrected substantial being and as the representative of the nation, he must rectify the birthright of the eldest son on the national level again. Without rectifying it, the birthright on the world level cannot be reclaimed.

What is to be done after restoring the birthright and claiming the birthright of eldest son on the world level? After restoring the birthright of eldest son on the world level, we can establish the right of parents on the world level. Unless the birthright of the eldest son is reclaimed and the course of conflict on the world level is resolved, parents cannot establish the original lineal relationship.

The Path of Restoration Through Indemnity Cannot Be Traveled Halfheartedly

After they come to the earth, the task of parents is to establish the kingdom. The messiah, who represents Heaven, should have come to this earth centered on the nation of Israel and Judaism, and overcome the Roman Empire. It is not to be overcome through conflict. Everything must be invested in order to bring about re-creation. Giving and forgetting, investing and forgetting, and in this way forgetting time and forgetting one’s life and environment in order to invest — this single-mindedness is the way that your love will last in the context of God’s will. If you assert yourself and promote yourself, what you do will not remain during the course of re-creation.

For this reason, God cannot have any regard in His mind for people or nations as He deals with the national and world foundation. He must re-create those who become like the descendants of Adam and Eve who did not fall in the Garden of Eden. He has continued to create Adam and Eve, to invest and forget and then invest and forget again repeatedly during the period of individual, family, and tribal restoration. You must understand that God has had that attitude as the foundation for the restoration of a conditional tribe, a conditional people, a conditional nation and a conditional world.

Even in the period of such conditions, it cannot be carried out at our convenience in a humanistic way according to some seemingly reasonable plan. God has not changed during the period of restoration on the individual level, family level, tribal level, society level, national level and world level. He has maintained the original spirit of love that always invests from the position of emptiness. With regard to the original nature, even with regard to evil or the realm of the devil’s powers, the form of the original love has remained unchanged.

For this reason, even Satan acknowledges before Him, “You are the only owner of the creation.” He must make that acknowledgment. How much is Satan changeable? He changes every moment and in every place, south, north, east and west. He drags the central headquarters to the east, to the west, to the south and to the north. Dragging it everywhere in the environment according to his whims, he brought a lot of confusion in the center. You must understand how miserable this was for Heaven, which had to ignore it and persevere through the course of re-creation centering on the standard of original nature.

Ladies and gentlemen, where can you find an instance in the world when, while having one’s beloved spouse stolen, one takes in the children of the snatched wife or husband and takes care of them as one’s own? Blessed families especially must be clear about this. Everything is not accomplished just because you received the blessing. The blessing is conditional.

In tune with the dawning of this age, the purpose of which is to inherit the realm of God’s heart, we must understand the toils of God, who labored to establish the historical tradition. From this perspective, you must criticize yourselves by the standard of that tradition: “I, so-and-so, have been living centering on myself.” You know this better than anyone else.

For the sake of the dispensation of restoration on the family level, God has forgotten about His position and prestige in order to carry on the battle. To accomplish the completion of restoration, He ignores His own dignity and takes in the children of the enemy and tries to make them His own children. You must understand that the world can never pay back the debt that is owed to God, who did not hate the enemy but continued such actions throughout history. If your facial features are normal and if you love something about your neat appearance, then you especially must understand that you stand on the foundation of the toil and accomplishments of a God who tried to preserve such appearance as much as possible.

The path that you will travel, in the eastern, western, southern or northern directions, is not something that will be welcomed; it will not be as if you are in a free environment. Devils are opposing us in our path from a hundred directions, creating an opposing environment. You must recognize them and overcome them.

What are you trying to bring with you? You can only go with the progressive original heart that God created; you cannot do it by a clever method or strategy. The path of the will cannot be traveled half-heartedly. It is a serious matter of life and death. This person who stands here, who founded the Unification Church, has lived his whole life like that. Such a tradition must be left behind, yet what have the blessed families done? They centered on their own families, for the sake of their own wives and children. What are they doing to educate them so that they can be better than others? When I look at the blessed families who are begging me to select their own children for the public path, I am so disheartened. From the viewpoint of the original tradition of heaven, how can this be tolerated? There are some who fall, and after the fall want to be blessed again. How can there be another blessing? The blessing is like dangling one rope down the cliff. It is you who must climb up. You must understand shame. There will come a time when I must cleanse those who received the blessing.

You must check your transgressions of the Principle by yourself, and repent. You cannot pass over the barrier by yourself. I also cannot freely cross over the barrier by myself. If I bought and blessed a piece of land, I could not sell it until now. Even when I had to, I could not sell it. Everything must be offered to God. You have sold the properties of the church according to your own desires, and so forth, haven’t you?

By concluding the ceremony of July 1, we inaugurate the time in which the True Parents can have complete freedom. Until now, I could not do as I wanted. If I could have done as I wanted, why would I have suffered? Why would I have acted so powerlessly before the world? There is a time for everything. Without fulfilling responsibility in regards to time, one cannot lift up one’s face and act freely.

In order to cross over the pass of indemnity, in order to go to the kingdom of Heaven, you cannot take along the things that you possess. You must pass all things of the world over to that side. You must cross over with new belongings. Satan is following. So, it is my desire to sell all the properties of the Unification Church, and to give them to the nation, to the people of the world, and to even sell all that you own to give it to them. This is how it is with God. You must completely cross over the pass of dispensation.

I have no need of newspapers and corporations. I needed them until now in order to provide protection against the satanic world. What I need now is the appearance of a simple traveler who can walk freely all over the plain of freedom. We must enter the territory of the kingdom of Heaven is this manner. It is a solemn thing. You must understand that the breathtaking moment is coming when we must conclude the life on earth and with a solemn heart seek the homeland.

It has been seven years since I proclaimed that you become tribal messiahs and do home church. I have been teaching you this for seven years. Is there anyone who said that he would do it, who made that determination and cried out for the sake of that action without sleeping at night? If you spent your time meaninglessly, then you must repent. Do you think of the will as some simple matter? I cannot tolerate that.

The Course of Restoration Until the Time of Hometown Providence

You must think about the position from which the original nature of heaven entered this world. Centering on the original nature, before that standard, the realm of Israel on the individual, family, tribal, racial and national level has been established. How anxious must Jacob have been until the moment he won over the archangel at the Ford of Jabbok and received the blessing of Heaven? You cannot imagine how amazing the moment was when the name of Israel was proclaimed on earth.

You are not to defile the name of Israel. Not only the name of Israel, you are not to defile the lineage of Israel. The Israelite people did defile the lineage, and Christianity emerged as a clan centering on Jesus, but debased itself. Christianity, which was centered on Jesus as the king and parent representing Israel, was defiled.

Today, centering on the Christian realm, can we win back the sovereignty which God wants, the sovereignty with which He blessed Israel? Can we reap the fruit which represents the nation? Where can we reap the fruit which represents the nation? How can we do all of these things? It is through the Messiah. We must seek the seed of the one true fruit.

Today, the western civilizations, centering on England, America and France, are Cain. Asia is taking the Abel position, yet whom are Cain and Abel seeking? They are seeking their parents. Heaven chased out Eve with two sons at her bosom. The parents are to be sought out again. Cain and Abel are seeking parents in order to receive the seed of Heaven’s pure lineage. Although Heaven has been bearing with the seed of the enemy until now, all the past must be liquidated. Putting the whole family and nation behind, overcoming the opposition while dodging tribulations and facing death, we must seek the position where we can be embraced by the true husband and receive the seed of the true son. This is the dispensation of restoration. The true seed is none other than True Parents, True Father.

True Father must prevail over the satanic realm. Now, with the name of True Father and True Parents, we can win over persecution on the individual, family, tribal, society, national and world levels. Although the free world and the communist world opposed the Unification Church and Reverend Moon, by educating the Russian leaders in Washington, in the free world, I have secured spiritual victory. Throughout history, they will regret the fact that they persecuted the Reverend Moon, not realizing the dispensational significance. How can they liberate themselves from the burden of having mistreated the most precious guest, one who was unprecedented in history? Based on the directives of one person, using the people and the environment, they did everything they could to block the Unification Church from expanding out to the world. How can they be exonerated from such evil actions?

Now the trends in the western world are changing because of Reverend Moon. The trends created by western society have passed away and the time has come for the trends to flow from Asia. For the proclamation of settlement to be made before Heaven and earth, all the opposition first had to be overcome. Then all the elements necessary for complete restoration had to be indemnified, culminating in a victorious foundation throughout both the democratic and communist worlds, fulfilling the highest standard. By doing so, the settlement of the new age can happen for the first time. To do this, I have prevailed over all persecution, starting from the individual and moving to the family, tribe, race, nation and world. Therefore, centering on the blessed families, I am sending everyone back to their hometowns.

Due to the fall, the world became evil, starting from the family. We must completely restore it. All of the Cain-type people have risked their lives to kill me by creating opposition in the family, tribe, race and world, but I have overcome all obstacles in order to get this evil world under control.

Because I have prevailed, now I can scale the world, and then I can find my country and surmount it, and then find my hometown and finally my whole family. Since that time has come for me, it is the same for everyone. But all of you are not going to my hometown. You were born in different places. How can many of you be born at once in my hometown? Since you cannot claim this, you have to build your foundation, following my example, to settle in your own hometown. That is the preaching of the tribal messiah.

The Reason I Tell You To Do Family Church

Where do you settle? Settling among your brothers in your family is not your stopping place. After you deal with your brothers in your family, you have to find your mother. With ourselves in the position of the resurrected Jesus, we have to put our parents in the position of Adam and Eve on the horizontal level, centering on the realm of liberation. In the position of Jesus on the tribal level, all the things that Father completed in the parental position connect to the horizontal foundation. Through this, the origin of all the hatred in the course of horizontal history, which was started by Satan, will be completely vanquished, because the new horizontal foundation has been completely built up.

Centering on the family, the man is the east and the woman is the west. A line has been drawn between east and west, and there is no way to change this with your own individual power. Where can we restore this? It is not in the nation. It is not in the tribe. It is in the family. Adam and Eve, centering on false love in the family, turned around 180 degrees and created hell. Today, there is no rebirth unless the Unification Church turns families around 180 degrees and they are reborn in the heavenly lineage as a new seed, engrafting into the purified lineage as children sown by parents and as new ancestors. Without that, there is no salvation at all.

Is there salvation in Christianity? There is no salvation of real life, centering on eternal love. Therefore, Father established the way of the hometown providence and proclaimed that everyone should be tribal messiahs in their hometowns.

When did I start teaching this? To do that we have to make a home church which can get the Cain and Abel problem under control. When did I tell you about home church? It was seven years ago. Did you fulfill it or not? Didn’t I tell you that you have to do home church? Did you succeed in what you said you would do? Here I am, standing in front of you, having walked that path. I never tried to retreat from anything in the satanic world. God will take care of it. Follow me and see what happens. If you do not go on that path, God will block the way for your sons and daughters. Because I know that horrible era will come, I have kept on going this way.

Even though I was staying in Korea, when there was news that I was being indicted, I immediately flew back to America. Those who leave the battlefield cannot be brave generals. If you do not become brave generals you cannot be victors, and if you do not become victors, you will not be welcomed by the nation. If you run around acting like hit and run liars, you cannot attain victory. When you accomplish, risking your life centering on a life and death situation, the nation will protect and welcome you and you will earn the right to live.

Can you offer something to God — make a donation to God — and take it back? You cannot do that, even at the cost of your life. No matter how hard your life may be, you must live for the sake of others.

We Have the Unique Capacity to Know God and Love God

Leviticus 14

The Lord told Moses and Aaron to say to the people:

34 After I have given you the land of Canaan as your permanent possession, here is what you must do, if I ever put mildew[g] on the walls of any of your homes. 35 First, you must say to a priest, “I think mildew is on the wall of my house.”

36 The priest will reply, “Empty the house before I inspect it, or else everything in it will be unclean.”

37 If the priest discovers greenish or reddish spots that go deeper than the surface of the walls, 38 he will have the house closed for seven days. 39 Then he will return and check to see if the mildew has spread. 40-41 If so, he will have someone scrape the plaster from the walls, remove the filthy stones, then haul everything off and dump it in an unclean place outside the town. 42 Afterwards the wall must be repaired with new stones and fresh plaster.

43 If the mildew appears a second time, 44 the priest will come and say, “This house is unclean. It’s covered with mildew that can’t be removed.” 45 Then he will have the house torn down and every bit of wood, stone, and plaster hauled off to an unclean place outside the town. 46 Meanwhile, if any of you entered the house while it was closed, you will be unclean until evening. 47 And if you either slept or ate in the house, you must wash your clothes.

Richard: In our lives, we can evaluation what is ‘clean’ and ‘unclean’. We must get rid of that which is ‘unclean’. Our lives and possessions should be kept in good order.

Matthew 1

Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. And this is a list of his ancestors. 2-6a  From Abraham to King David, his ancestors were:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers (Judah’s sons were Perez and Zerah, and their mother was Tamar), Hezron;

Ram, Amminadab, Nahshon, Salmon, Boaz (his mother was Rahab), Obed (his mother was Ruth), Jesse, and King David.

6b-11  From David to the time of the exile in Babylonia, the ancestors of Jesus were:

David, Solomon (his mother had been Uriah’s wife), Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Jehoram;

Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, and Jehoiachin and his brothers.

12-16 From the exile to the birth of Jesus, his ancestors were:

Jehoiachin, Shealtiel, Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Zadok, Achim;

Eliud, Eleazar, Matthan, Jacob, and Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus, who is called the Messiah.

Richard: Lineage is important. The Blessing shifts our lineage from Satan’s side to God’s side.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 4

God’s Creation and Human Creativity

The Lord of Creation

2.Human Beings Are Superior to All Other Creatures

Verily We have honored the children of Adam.
We carry them on the land and the sea, and
have made provision of good things for them,
and have preferred them above many of those
We created with a marked preferment.
Qur’an 17.20

What a piece of work is a man! How noble in
reason! How infinite in faculties! In form and
moving how express and admirable! In action
how like an angel! In apprehension how like a
god! The beauty of the world, the paragon of
William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II. Scene ii

Having created the world and all that lives and
moves therein, He, through the direct operation
of His unconstrained and sovereign Will, chose
to confer upon man the unique distinction and
capacity to know Him and to love Him… Upon
the inmost reality of each and every created
thing He has shed the light of one of His names,
and made it a recipient of the glory of one of His
attributes. Upon the reality of man, however, He
has focused the radiance of all of His names and
attributes, and made it a mirror of His own Self.
Alone of all created things man has been singled
out for so great a favor, so enduring a bounty.
Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah 27
(Baha’i Faith)

Man, as the manifestation of God, is the leader
of all things, and no creature is more honorable
than man. All things upon the earth, following
their own individual names, fashioning their
true way, will know that Thou hast brought
them to sight for man’s sake. All things what-
soever, forgetting not their source, deviating
not from their determined pattern, are made to
work as well as to understand their part; hum-
bling themselves and honoring man, without
anger, without haste, without anxiety, without
grief, neither linked nor parted, they are made
to work out their true personality.
The Ritual Prayer (Perfect Liberty Kyodan)

The human body is a revelation of the goodness
of God and the providence of the body’s Creator.
It is a body obviously meant to minister to a
rational soul, as you can see from the arrange-
ment of the human organs of sense and of man’s
other members. This is obvious, too, in man’s spe-
cific appearance, form, and stature. The bodies
of irrational animals are bent toward the ground,
whereas man was made to walk erect with his
eyes on heaven, as though to remind him to keep
his thoughts on things above.
Saint Augustine, City of God 22.24 (Christianity)

Man was equipped with [three] souls… By virtue
of the animal soul he shares with the animals; his
physical soul links him with the plants; his human
soul is a bond between him and the angels…
The function of the human, rational soul
is the noblest function of all, for it is itself the
noblest of spirits. Its function consists of reflecting
upon things of art and meditating upon the
things of beauty: its gaze being turned towards
the higher world, its loves not this lower abode
and meaner station. Belonging as it does to the
higher side of life and to primal substances, it is
not its business to eat and drink, neither does it
require luxury and coition; rather its function is
to wait for the revelation of truths.
Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Katib al-Najat (Islam)

We did indeed offer the Trust to the heavens and
the earth and the mountains; but they refused to
undertake it, being afraid of it. But man under-
took it; he was indeed unjust and foolish. 11
Qur’an 33.72

Human Beings Have Not Learned God’s Love

Watch or listen to the latest Richard Urban Show:
(Video) All Black Lives Matter: Planned Parenthood’s Black Genocide.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1126

It is important to understand that
for me to set up the law in my time is
the extension and expansion of the law
of the human portion of responsibility.
You must know and follow this accord-
ingly. The rules of the church are all
aspects of our portion of responsibil-
ity. Thus, we must diligently keep the
time for church service. We must arrive
before the service begins, and must ful-
ly concentrate during its course. That is
what I did. In the past, if I was going to
be late for school I would skip a meal and
thus arrive early. That is what I did. I had
to learn to control the use of time. So,
my thinking was quite mathematical.
(133-154, 1984.7.10)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1109

When the perfect love of God is man-
ifested, Satan cannot appear. That is the
fulfillment of the portion of responsi-
bility. While fulfilling their portion of
responsibility, the love of God and Adam
and Eve meet in the realms of both indi-
rect and direct dominion. There the ver-
tical love of God and the horizontal love
of Adam and Eve are connected. (173-286,1988.2.21)

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 4

God’s Creation and Human Creativity

The Lord of Creation

1. Human Beings Are Given Dominion over All Things

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

God, the Creator, created human beings as the lords of all things. (323:165, June 1, 2000)

The ideal world is a world that reflects God and fulfills God’s purpose of creation. Hence, human beings ever seek a harmonious and peaceful life filled with God’s love, and to improve their environ-ment by continually creating new things. Creativity does not mean merely production, but rather all manner of creative actions such as originating new ideas, planning, improving, and producing.
Humans have come to reflect God’s creativity through outstanding scientific progress, but so far have not learned His love. Therefore, this world is still filled with sorrow, pain, and distress. (65:259, November 26, 1972)

Who is enlightened? He can embrace a tree and, marveling at its value, exclaims “Oh, God! I bow before Thy greatness that is disclosed in this tree.”… On seeing nature’s incredible variety, he rec-ognizes the exquisite beauty of God’s variegated love and heart. His heart draws him to be a friend to all beings, and every cell in his body rejoices to be their company. If you attain this state, you represent the entire universe. You are the lord of creation…
St. Francis preached to the animals and birds. This is no idle tale; it is fact. (9:168, May 8, 1960)

All beings desire true love. This is why human beings, as the lords of creation, should embrace and love all creatures, God’s masterpieces, and teach them how to love. All creation is longing to receive and experience God’s love through men and women who have become one with God at the pin-nacle of true love. We should feel ashamed that we have not yet realized this degree of love.
All beings exist at a certain level in mutual attraction. At the same time, all beings want to be absorbed into higher levels of love. Thus, minerals want to be absorbed into plants, plants want to be absorbed into animals, and finally all of creation wants to be absorbed into human beings. Through this process they ultimately reach the position where they can experience the essence of true love, which is the love that is nearest to God – the origin of love. God created everything with an intrinsic nature to provide value to a higher level. For example, eels and worms that fish like to eat also provide ingredients for natural medicines for humans. Creatures on a higher level are meant to consume beings on a lower level. Without this process, the universe could not exist. Darwin’s theory regarding the survival of the fittest needs to be reexamined in the context of this logic of love. Even ants and microorganisms want true love so much that they will die to become part of an entity of greater love. Because of this principle, human beings, created as the highest partners of God’s love, can consume all creatures. We can enjoy everything we desire, on one condition: that we do so with a heart that represents the love of God, the Creator. (March 14, 1999)

God created all things with forms, but God does not have any form… In order to have dominion over all beings—creatures on earth and angels in heaven—God needed a counterpart who could be their master. That is why He created human beings. Adam [and Eve] were to be the center of God’s dominion over both the spirit world and the physical world. This was God’s purpose for creating human beings. As they relate with the substantial personal Being, the perfection of Adam [and Eve] is the perfection of God’s form. Accordingly, God created Adam and Eve in His image, resembling His character and form. Without humans as His form, God could not have dominion over the world of forms. (35:157, October 13, 1970)

Thou hast Made Him Little Less than God

Watch or listen to the latest Richard Urban Show:
(Video) All Black Lives Matter: Planned Parenthood’s Black Genocide.

Galatians 6

6 My friends, you are spiritual. So if someone is trapped in sin, you should gently lead that person back to the right path. But watch out, and don’t be tempted yourself. You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand.

If you think you are better than others, when you really aren’t, you are wrong. Do your own work well, and then you will have something to be proud of. But don’t compare yourself with others. We each must carry our own load.

2 Samuel 9

Mephibosheth knelt down again and said, “Why should you care about me? I’m worth no more than a dead dog.”

David called in Ziba, Saul’s chief servant, and told him, “Since Mephibosheth is Saul’s grandson, I’ve given him back everything that belonged to your master Saul and his family. 10 You and your fifteen sons and twenty servants will work for Mephibosheth. You will farm his land and bring in his crops, so that Saul’s family and servants[b] will have food. But Mephibosheth will always eat with me at my table.”

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 4

God’s Creation and Human Creativity

The Lord of Creation

Although human beings are but a part of the natural worLd,we occupy a unique position as lords of creation. in the bible, adam and eve were granted the blessing of dominion over all things, and the qur’an accords to each human being the status of God’s “vicegerent.” this means also that God created the natural world for our benefit, as nature provides us with everything we need to live and thrive. nevertheless, the blessing of dominion is not divine permission to pollute the earth and create artificial environments at nature’s expense. in the agricultural societies where this mandate was first given, human creativity was seen as essentially in harmony with nature’s ebb and flow. We are truly lords of creation when we practice love for all things and use our creativity to enhance nature’s abundance even as we adapt it to our use.
The basis of humankind’s sovereignty over nature is not a matter of size or strength. on that scale of things we are but infinitesimal specks on a planet that is itself but a speck in the infinite reaches of the universe. rather, it is due to our unique spiritual endowment. humans seek after God; they seek to better themselves and aspire to a better world. this makes us different in kind from animals. in our awareness of and intimacy with the creator of the universe, we humans are potentially more valuable than the entire world of creation.
Do we deserve this honor? as Father Moon teaches, since we receive the creator’s abundant love, we should, in turn, love the creation on God’s behalf. then we become the bridge between God and the natural world. God loves his creatures through us, and through us the entire natural world is perfected

1. Human Beings Are Given Dominion over All Things

I will create a vicegerent on earth.
Qur’an 2.30

And God blessed them, and God said to them,
“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and
subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of
the sea and over the birds of the air and over
every living thing that moves upon the earth.”
Genesis 1.28

Do you not see that God has subjected to your
use all things in the heavens and on earth, and
has made His bounties flow to you in exceeding
measure, both seen and unseen?
Qur’an 31.20

When I look at thy heavens, the work of thy
the moon and the stars which thou hast
What is man that Thou art mindful of him,
and the son of man that thou dost care for
Yet thou hast made him little less than God,
and dost crown him with glory and honor.
Psalm 8.3-5

God is He who created the heavens and the
earth, and sends down rain from the skies, and
with it brings forth fruits to feed you; it is He
who made the ships subject to you, that they
may sail through the sea by His command; and
the rivers He has made subject to you. And He
made subject to you the sun and the moon,
both diligently pursuing their courses; and the
night and the day He has made subject to you.
And He gives you of all that you ask for. But if
you count the favors of God, never will you be
able to number them. Verily, man is given up to
injustice and ingratitude.
Qur’an 14.32-34

Out of the ground the L ord God formed every
beast of the field and every bird of the air, and
brought them to the man to see what he would
call them; and whatever the man called every
living creature, that was its name.
Genesis 2.19

Love Between a Man and a Woman Is the Microcosm of the Solar System

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1112

God loves all people and desires that
the whole universe submit to His love.
In giving human beings authority, He
desires that the entire universe follow
them and bow down before them. With
this great love and highest authority in
mind, God gave human beings their
portion of responsibility. (20-209, 1968.6.9)

Why did God give human beings a
portion of responsibility? As He is omni-
scient and omnipotent, He endowed
humanity with those same qualities of
creativity. Moreover, as He is also the
Subject of eternal and unchanging love,
He could not help but vest in human
beings a portion of responsibility so as
to allow them to rise to a position repre-
senting that Subject of love, God Himself.
This became the prerequisite for God’s
blessings,comparable to a key that can
lead us into the dominion of love over
everything, He had no course other than
to bequeath this key to us. However, we
must understand that problems arose
over the fulfillment of human responsi-
bility and that human beings fell. (20-209,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2179

People of filial piety will think of
their parents first when something good
happens in their lives. In the fallen world
people think of their spouse first when
they see something good. However,
unless you buy something precious for
your parents first, you cannot buy some-
thing for your spouse.

World Scripture and the Teachings of
Sun Myung Moon

Chapter 4

God’s Creation and Human Creativity

Microcosm and Macrocosm

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

A human being is a small universe, the microcosm of the great universe of God’s creation. God, the Source of the great universe, is also the source of our energy. As small individual universes, each of us stands in the presence of the great universe and receives its energy into our heart. Thus, we are connected to a source of unending power, and as its counterpart we are endowed with cosmic value. (121:193, October 27, 1982)

As human beings are a microcosm of the universe, the body represents the earth while the mind and spirit represent heaven. (8:78, November 8, 1959)

Up and down, front and rear, right and left: everything is related to me. Furthermore, these relation-ships are not temporary, but are linked to the entire course of my life. I stem from a line of ancestors stretching back to the beginning of time, and I am linked to descendants a thousand generations into the future. We have to think that we stand on the altar of all these connections. If one day I am shattered into pieces, all those heavenly relationships will also be shattered into pieces. All relationships in the family, the tribe and the world will likewise be shattered. Such is the significance of being a microcosm, representing heaven and earth.9 (8:10-11, October 25, 1959)

Look at our hands. Each finger has three knuckles [symbolizing the three stages of growth]. Each arm has three sections: upper arm, forearm and hand. The whole body is composed of three parts: head, torso and legs. Make a fist like an infant does, with the thumb inside. The thumb symbolizes God, the center of the universe. The four fingers symbolize the four compass directions and four seasons. The twelve knuckles, three on each of the four fingers, symbolize the twelve months.
To strongly make a point, you make a fist and shake it in the air. It is like shaking the whole universe. To strike something with your fist means that you are striking it as a representative of the universe.
From this, we can see that human beings are the counterparts of the Lord who created the universe.
These are just a few of the reasons each human being is a microcosm. Although a human body is very small, it contains everything in the universe. The circulatory system is like the trunk of a tree; the heart is like its root and lungs are like leaves. Our body is indeed a microcosm, representing all things of the universe. (54:96, March 20, 1972)

We are born to resonate with the beat of the universe in all its rotations and revolutions. Ocean waves strike the shore, and my heart beats in time. The wind sighs serenely, and my heart feels serene. A flower releases a pleasing fragrance; it stirs a fragrance in my heart and I feel enraptured. (104:123, April 22, 1979)

You are the planet Earth in miniature, a universe in miniature. Your body is composed of all the Earth’s elements. Who, then, created you? The universe loaned you all the elements that make up your body. The universe gave you birth and made you; hence you should regard the universe as your first parent.

It is amazing! You contain all the elements of the universe. Furthermore, you are mobile, a universe that can move about, whereas the cosmic universe is stationary. Because you move and act, you can govern the universe. (105:106-07, September 30, 1979)

If you could see the entire spirit world, it would look like a gigantic Person. As this huge person unites with God, its Subject Partner, then the spirit world and physical world will intermingle with each other. Then, when God runs, the earth will also run. When God laughs, the earth will also laugh.
Each of us can become a center of the universe. What does this mean? Consider the tiny cells in your finger. Each one of those cells communicates with your entire body. Although your body is huge in comparison to those cells, their functioning is vital for the body; in that sense they are equal to the whole body. Do you understand? I am talking about what it means to the center of the universe. Each of us relates to the universal body as one cell, yet we can be qualified to be its center.
Blood circulates throughout your whole body, from the head down to the soles of your feet. When that blood that went to the feet comes to the head, can the head say, “Don’t come near me”? In the same way, as we circulate through the entire universe, there cannot be any discrimination between black, white and yellow people. The parts of the body are variously colored. Are brown eyes prejudiced against black hair? Do white nails say to yellow skin, “You are of a different kind”?10Just so, if you could go to the spirit world, you would see that all people constitute the body of one Person. Saints and holy men may perform the role of the eyes or the ears, but even though they have important roles, they are still only components of that one macrocosmic Person.
Hell in the spirit world is like an infected wound in the body. Do you think God wants hell to exist for eternity? If you had a wound, what would you do? You would draw out the pus and clean it up. In the same way God wants to clean up and eliminate hell. (91:280, February 27, 1977)

When heaven and earth are in harmony, there is mutual affection among all subject and object part-ners throughout the cosmos. All are linked to the human family, which is the nucleus of cosmos.
Men are larger and stronger, but women have love. The sun is large, but it cannot neglect the earth. There is mutual give and take everywhere, from which arises joy and all the perfections of heaven and earth. Thus we can see the larger significance of love between a man and a woman: it is a microcosm of the solar system and an encapsulation of the animal and plant kingdoms. It is the epitome of the pair system by which all things exist. The animal, plant and mineral kingdoms are all based on the pair system. God set up all male-female pairs to be represented by this one nucleus—human conjugal love. What, then, would happen if this center were in conflict?

You would like to be the center of the cosmos, right? Do animals have this desire? Does the solar system? No; it is evident that humans are the only beings who have this aspiration. (216:157, March 10, 1991)